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Suggestion pertaining to chickens and multiple AIs

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I find it strange how chickens always no matter how many AIs you add you only get 1 AI worth of chickens so i had a a idea, the more chicken AI you add the more queens but before that you have to fight essentaly another game of chickens at the last AIs level of chicken difficulty where its chicken types left left off so the game doesnt reset while theplayers already havea huge base but the chickens spawning are the ones from the begining of the game. So if you please comment on my idea,
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12 years ago
Okay, hate to be the grammar nazi but it is MUCH easier to read a post that does not look like a 5 line run-on sentence. Just a few periods please.

If you look closely in a game with several chicken AI's present the burrow spawn rate is effectively increased. If you don't believe me try adding about 10 chicken AIs and track the burrow count for a few minutes.

It sounds like you are clamoring for a way to make the chicken game longer with multiple queen waves, right? You could try a custom game with the queentime near max, burrowqueentime at 0, and an elevated techtimemultiplier (don't go too crazy with this one).
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