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Zero-K v1.1.1.2

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Lots of improvements were made over the month. UI optimizations, bugfixes, a few new features. But not all the changes are good, for there's something strange in the neighborhood...

New Halloween Ghost Possession gamemode (beta)

A galaxy is in danger, a new supernatural foe, ghosts possessing robots are stirring up trouble for it's rulers.
In this gamemode, you are required not only to conquer the galaxy, but make sure not to fall to ghost possession and become a sword that kills your own allies!

The rules are simple, damage (lower health to 1/3) or emp (any amount) to unpossess any unit or structure. There are 5 difficulty levels. Just pick up one and play with or against your friends with this supernatural foe that picks neither side!


  • AFK players transfer metal along with units.
  • New set of loading screens.


  • Peashooter benefits from modules.
  • Fixed Bombard Commander build power.


  • Cost 100 -> 120

Sumo - Weapon replaced:
  • Scorpion style weapon.
  • 120 dps each
  • 320 range

  • Damage 178 -> 220
  • Health 550 -> 680

  • Pulse 8% slower

  • Removed stealth

Jumping units retain velocity and trajectory on morph

Merl renamed to Impaler


  • There has been a framework update which should dramatically increase performance. As a side effect some things look a bit different.
  • Fixed a major performance leak.
  • Set target command uses a circle instead of a rectangle by default.
  • Added Newton defense range ring.
  • Added persistent buildspacing widget. Buildspacing is now saved on a per-unit basis.
  • Reverted A and F hotkey swap.


  • SetTarget commands are now lost within 10-15 seconds from mobile units which out of LOS/radar.
  • Fixed tactical AI failing to jink on approach when set to hold position.
  • Fixed Nuke Silo's lack of self-damage.
  • Fixed units getting stuck in factories when queued orders are completed.
  • Fixed some labhax cases.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
warlok approves this update (have to test it though)
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I predict that the Moderator buff will be too big. Sumo was only nerfed against heavies which wasn't needed - its too good of a skirm counter only. Rest seems fine.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
+0 / -0
12 years ago
i am now to be called vlad the impailer!

all enemies will be impaled!
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Performance improvements? Performance improvements! This is most welcoming change. Dunno how sumo will work out.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
The gamemod sounds a bit silly. I think it would be better if you had a more serious explanation for losing control of robots such as a hacker. I wouldn't like zero-k to become too much like TF2.
+0 / -0
Its GHOST(S) !

Galactic Hive Of Sentient T(uring)-machine(S)

+0 / -0
the name was given to charm @[ffc]Killer 's favorite chinese speaking fluffies.

great work bzw. i am mostly in favour for the performance update thing in the framework and its effects on gameplay.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Ghost mode is very lolz, but after a while it gets annoying having to park gnats all over your base.

Makes gunship start mandatory.
+0 / -0
No it doesn't. Getting up some Faradays works wonders, as do venoms or simply keeping the HP of your buildings low (llt is good here!).
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Faradays cost too much for Ghost suppression. A pair or trio of gnats with patrol over your base is more than sufficient. And you can always find a use for gunships if ground AA cover is good.

Ghost also really nerfs shieldballs. Ghost takes over thug -> all your outlaws pulse once -> thug dies.
Worse if it takes over an outlaw. Then your whole shieldball dies.
+0 / -0
the trick is to make 500 fleas and suround them with faraday

ghosts will preferentialy cap fleas>
ghosts can cap significantly less units>
+0 / -0

12 years ago
They will only cap fleas earlier in the game. Later they will only go for higher-cost units.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
These improvements have been very good so far. I'm getting 400 fps on some maps! Good job in increasing performance.
+0 / -0