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must have widgets

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11 years ago
Anyone know any good wigets?
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11 years ago
there is many good widgets missing from zk. Like instead icons when on radar you see ghosted units, spotterrings instead teamplatter, specific thing reclaimer, useful when map is full of tree and metal so you can reclaim metal only also you can reclaim all glaives in your army and more which dont remember right now.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Press F11.
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11 years ago
Factory bar.
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11 years ago
Nuke button! :D
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11 years ago
Semi-related anyone else notice cons getting lost and unable to finsh a command when dynamic avoidance is triggered? Or am I mistaken?
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11 years ago
Semi related, why do my cons keep trying to repair stuff when i order them to do something?
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11 years ago
@MauranKilom: There is an auto-repair/reclaim widget, but IIRC it isn't on by default. That might be what is causing it.
+0 / -0
There is, but why does it hinder me from doing what i want to do? I mean, the unit's not idle, i just ordered it to do something (for the third time), and it keeps turning back to heal that solar!
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I'm not sure. I turned it off in my case, which is a little annoying when I want workers to assist a factory (if I don't have enough metal income for a caretaker) but otherwise I've found it better to keep it off.

A more annoying aspect is trying to queue orders on a unit that is repairing/reclaiming due to widget, since I tend to hold Shift when giving the first order.

Also, in response to OP directly, I like to use XRayShader and Outline to make units more distinguishable from a distance, and Bloom shader (with threshold set to .9 and amplifiers at 0) for extra shininess.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
It is not recommended to use other than default widgets. Many of them can cause unforeseen problems! And that includes even widget included in Zero-K.
Dynamic avoidance causes commands to be lost
Auto reclaim/repair causes cons and comms to wander randomly off instead of doign what you tell them
Outline/xray can crash so badly that you will be unable to even load and turn it off...

Use at your own risk
+0 / -0
Dynamic avoidance causes commands to be lost
Auto reclaim/repair causes cons and comms to wander randomly off instead of doign what you tell them

just edit the widget, so that you can turn the different function on and off for each unit while playing, and you are good to go.
+0 / -0
News ticker - "Enemy aircraft spotted" this way you don't even have to look, if enemy has gunships or airplanes yourself.
Nuke button - Self-explaining.
Advanced player list - Good to know elo of your team mates, so you might want to spawn near newbies @ front (if they even go front) and help them (if you are nice enough).
Toggle LOS - This one I downloaded somewhere from, I prefer to play with "Fog of War" on.
Hmm.. there are 2-3 more widgets I use, but I will have to check in game next time which are they.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Where do I get this "enemy aircraft spotted" widget?
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11 years ago
It's in zk archive, 'news ticker'. Fairly useless imo.

You should try my awesome attrition widget instead!
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I tried "installing" it earlier but put it in wrong folder and have been too lazy to fix. UNTILL NOW! So next game I'll have it.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Why would XRayShader/Outline crash, especially with a modern dedicated GPU (GTX 570)?
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11 years ago
I must warn against News Ticker. It has a tendency to lag your computer if too many messages get piled up (eg. unit lost msg).

It works well in 1v1, but the kind of huge team games we play triggers it too often.
+0 / -0
There is no way to limit notifications only to "enemy aircraft spotted", "excessing metal", "energy stall" and "factory idle"? :D (apart from editing widget)
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11 years ago
Ivica, LOS is default on, use standard ZK minimap..

It shows both LOS and Radar range in one view mode..

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