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My solution to smurfing

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Make ranked room and non ranked room. newbies need to reach a certain level before entering the room. generally speaking 2-5 days of gameplay to reach that level.

Make ranked games have a room limit. spectating is not allowed. The non ranked games have no limit, spec is allowed.

Of course, people can watch a replay of a ranked game.

These days I see more newbies then vets. vets need a better playing felid to play on. in some manner or way you need to force better players to play with better players and new players play with each other. that the standard way most games handle these situations, the fact that zero k doesn't do this, well you can see the effects it has on newbies and experinced players. experinced players get annoyed at newbies and shout at them, newbies ragequit. you need to create a enviorment for long term players and new players.

The reason why experinced doesnt get used much is because it very easy to gain elo from the newbies. that the way i see it. lastly most people are 2 lazy to do something themselves if there is no restriction forcing them to do so. you need some form of matchmaking service.

you wonder why the playerbase won't grow, yet i see newbies daily. if you just look you will see more newbies then vets these days. I think the hard part is keeping those people around unless they truly get addicted to the game.

You need to bring the standard of games up to that such as 1vs1. if you want to play this game on serious level, you either go to 1vs1 or you wait forever for a game of vets. with bringing the level of games up, you create better experinces which increase activity which thus increases population.

Here a print screen of server in prime time on a saturday, as you can see there are much less vets and much more newbies. I have been feeling the effects aswell. the games become lackluster, you want to play with other good player but it doesn't happen so you are forced to wait forever to try and get a game of vets together because of small vet population or you play with the masses which is the new players in the big room, or just go play 1vs1.

If you still not not believe me, then i will say this, we had a much bigger vet population and activity when planetwars was being played on a daily level but planetwars has issues of it own -.-

Lastly by not forcing newbies to play ranked games, you don't effect their score. being a newbie and watching your score drop to a all time low sucks. i know that feeling as a person who rose from the 1200's. I am a pretty persistant guy but others are not. they just give up. by doing this, you create less stress overrall. newbies can play and train and learn without dropping to a low level where they be victimized by others just as they finally got ropes of the game.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
What is your reasoning for disallowing spectating for ranked games? It would be a helpful tool for newbies to learn from the more experienced players. Newbies who have any questions about what a player is doing can ask another spec and get instant feedback. Sure, a player could just watch the replay later and come up with questions, but it would be much more cumbersome. If you're worried about specs leaking information, just disable regular chat, except for admins.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
From the majority of newbies I've seen, disabling spectate until after the game is done (AKA only replays) won't have much effect.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
But why remove it? It is there now, so removal would be more work, thus removal needs to be justified.
+0 / -0
spec-cheating. to have a good enviorment that gives off professionalism. to make it so that the "ranked games" come off well done. it would be a standard thing to expect from ranked games. also anyone can spec non ranked games with vets in it.

Other games no not allow it, so why should zero k allow the possibility of spec cheating in ranked games?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Is spec cheating really that big a problem? This thread (http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/3781) doesn't really seem to think so, although there aren't too many posts in that thread?

Could those ranked games at least have an optional specban? I don't think we should completely throw out the benefit of real-time spectating.

In fact, if you want to make a professional environment, how about add a referee slot?
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Why would you need someone to refeere. I guess it would not hurt to have the option to have no specataors.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Here a print screen of teams room at 6:45am sunday.

+0 / -0
11 years ago
Hola, with out ELO spec cheating is no use, only idiot will still doing it,

Those lvl rooms are good , but i dont like to play with "pro" that only flames and hates, so how about we let

Tier 1 (TEAM: Newbies welcome) < all can join
Tier 2 < lvl 10+
Tier 3 < lvl 20+

+0 / -0

11 years ago
but i dont like to play with "pro" that only flames and hates

You never tried playing without noobs, did you?

Tier 3 < lvl 20+

Opponents say that fragmentation is bad? Obvious answer is more fragmentation!
+0 / -0
Not level, princereaper and Antixus. Elo!
+0 / -0

11 years ago
You act like we aren't aware of this. We've tried almost everything you've proposed.

We have the veteran room. It doesn't get played in. We could change the requirements but like you say, that's not really the issue. We've tried matchmaking services to FORCE people to split by skill. We've tried to implement this a half dozen times. Each time, even when it is wildly successful and increases the number of games being played and the variety, we still get simply too many complaints and people rage against the system.

There was actually a brief time a few nights when the veteran room was filled up, generally when split was mandatory and it split by elo. The veteran room would then survive as the player sizes decreased again, and the newbie room would die out. There were not enough players to maintain the newbie room. New players are simply less inclined to sit around in a room waiting for a game or to seed rooms. Instead they try and join the veteran room over and over again.

So either nobody plays in the veteran room because there are not enough veterans to start a game there (as current), or the veterans sit around in the experienced room and newbies find it impossible to find a game (which makes it impossible for new players to play and kills our playerbase).

Also your pictures and sample sizes are way too small. If you split the rooms you just screenshotted you'd be playing 1v1 anyway.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Experienced room does get used from time to time. I've played plenty of games there?
+0 / -0
I played 2 time with "pro" on experience only, they flame and hate when you do somting that is not in they minds. So i stoped playing with only "pro"
i come here to play for fun. And only for fun is with noobs and vs CAI/chickens.

You all lament about noobs but when in TEAM: Newbies welcome are 13 "pro" they dont switch to anther room they stay like zombis with out brain. (i am tolking about those who rage) they dont like noob but they still sit there :)

- It is posible to add to hosting bot, that when he host move automatic all that are belove lvl 30 ? To TEAM: Newbies welcome ?

- Or another solution add fake ppl to that TEAM room, to be 24/7 at the top all time. like in CS 1.6 you refresh see 10/24 but when you enter ther is 2 players :)

- Last my solution that i see is in TEAM: NW untli there are 6 players, there will be added bots by hosting bot. CAI 5 vs 5 players untli more players arrives.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
they stay like zombis with out brain

i totally agree with that judgement. in fact, i've been mocking the teams room by calling it 'zombie room where zombies play zombiegames' for like eight months at least now.
+0 / -0
No you haven't tried this.

Ranked room with level requirement.
Non ranked room with no level requirement.

You guys need to focus on keeping players. new players are coming all the time. it the vets activity that needs to be focused on and keeping those new players.

Having one room limits one game. it a zombie room. also you need to give benefits to "ranked room" a 1600+ room, elo gain is larger because you playing against harder opponents. lastly planetwars need bonuses for factions with low population. the same thing planetside 2 does. give them a boost in metal/energy production or something.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
there no other benefit from using experinced room aside from long waiting queue to play aganist harder opponents which gives around the same elo from winning and losing. what the point? of using experinced?
+0 / -0
Princereaper has a good point about the lack of incentive to play in the experienced room. However, I'm afraid that altering the elo gain would just screw up the elo system.

Perhaps we could have incentives in the form of some kind of distinction, e.g. for playing a certain number of games in the experienced room. These could come in the form of forum/lobby avatars, and commander accessories, such as Godde's crown as suggested in another thread ( http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/3835 ). Now granted, we would need to create more art and I'm not an artist, so I can't contribute to that.

With regards to avatars, we could take this as an opportunity to fix the avatar system and allow us to change them. We can make it so that, in the beginning, players can only choose certain avatars. Players would be allowed to unlock "higher level" avatars, such as the superunits (Detriment, etc) as a reward for fulfilling certain requirements involving the experienced room. Anyone who already has such avatars would simply have it changed upon the implementation of such a system. Maybe if we somehow happen to get some artists to volunteer, we could get some really cool avatars like Licho.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Maybe decreasing min elo of the experienced room from 1600 to 1500 is enough to increase player numbers there. Just an idea and probably worth a try, since there's nothing to lose. Huh?
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Basically, this thread is a joke.
I don't know if it is because OP didn't explain clearly how this would help to prevent smurfing. And all the discussion about changing requirements for the experienced room completely miss the point: this thread is named "solution to smurfing". More games happening in the experienced room would change nothing to the smurfing problem, this is just another topic.

Maybe you find my similar/older proposal more clear http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/3776.
+0 / -0
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