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Hologram creator

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11 years ago
I suggest add unit that create hologram.
That unit use energy and can create fake unit. Fake unit can't attack, can't be attacked, have no LOS, no collision with other units and can move only near 'Hologram creator'. But it will show on radar and look like normal unit.
It can use for misinformation about you'r defesne, eco or army.
+0 / -0
11 years ago

Area cloaker had that feature long ago, but it was buggy
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11 years ago
At this point dirt-bags do that job just as well anyways.
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Hologram could appear like DDM or an early game Banisher. This would scare the hell out of the enemy! They'll run away and start to porc or something.

I think this has happen before... one might see an unfinished nanoframe and mis-understood it as complete building (especially in icon view).

IMO, a game that has decoy like this is Dark Reign1 if I'm not mistaken.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I think this has happen before... one might see an unfinished nanoframe and mis-understood it as complete building (especially in icon view).

Nanoframes do get ghosted like proper units i think. I saw godde, of all people, mistake a 2% nanorame for a real stinger - only to rush into it and find out there wasn't a stinger at all.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
You can plop down a 10x10 area of nanoframes with Q held down to scare the enemy. Never done it myself, but would probably work ever so often.
+0 / -0
You can plop down a 10x10 area of nanoframes with Q held down to scare the enemy. Never done it myself, but would probably work ever so often.

You can also use that for intercepting shots.

I'm so totally writing a panic-button widget for that. Missile flying into com? CTRL+P ZENITH NANOFRAMES ALL AROUND COM SAVED!

That is, if lobster rebellion fails to drag down the remainder of my time.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Doesn't CTRL work? You know, CTRL walls things in with the building you selected, so in theory if you hold down CTRL Q and click on your comm with a building selected you should be safe.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Radar dot holograms just ended up causing people to fight against the UI. After a few shots or some scouting it is fairly obvious to players which dot are fake but this does not prevent their weapons from wasting shots on them.

Creating fake units with absolutely not effect on enemy units would be quite hard to do and I don't see the payoff.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
>Fake unit can't attack, can't be attacked

You missed something, there, Google.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
> Fake unit can't attack, can't be attacked
They will die after one shoot or don't get any damage.

+0 / -0
11 years ago
This hologram idea might be usable in a different manner, something like the old red alert spy mechanic that allowed the “spy” unit to copy the outside appearance of any infantry unit

If you gave this to builders for example you could make all your builders look like the commander. (making commnaping a lot harder), or build a dante nanoframe an use it to make a horde of fake dantes to troll with, the “holograms” would still take damage as normal and retain native speed and movetipe (although to the enemy it should appear like the unit has the hp of the “real” unit as long as it is alive).

Or imagine if you could camouflage a really strong unit as a weak or non-combat one, of course in this case the camouflage would either need to deactivate as soon as the unit fires or be dependent on another supporting unit (like the eraser, or pylon)

This would allow the use of misdirection tactics and psychological warfare without bugging out long range attacks (since fake units are still destructible and cost resources)

What do you think?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
:P if you wana misdirect enemy make fleas or equivelent...

also changing unit apearance is icky and i dont like it
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It is already possible to misdirect enemy via their radar.

Most times when something moves on radar, you judge its signature based on two things - how high it is, and how fast it moves. (plus how does it handle move).

Flea ordered to move in formation with slow unit -> enemy thinks you have a bunch of assaults moving up on his side :D
+0 / -0
11 years ago
:P its one of the reasons i dont use radars much, i just use statistics and known info to make a guess at what units you have, where you put them, and how youre going to move XD
+0 / -0
11 years ago
DErankChanServ it would only be a matter of time untill someone wrote a widget that compares the unit's move speed to the desired movespeed to see if it is fake or not. So that would not work.

Also I don't see much added value in this. This could all be done with Fleas as Anarchid says but altough possible I have never had a situation where I have done this or have seen any of my alies or enemies do it. It would only be something more to abuse for new players that are trying to look cool. "LOOK AT MY AWESOME STRATEGY I ONLY BUILD DDM'S IN MY BASE AND THEN I ALSO CLONE THEM SO MY ENEMY THINKS I HAVE 50 I AM SO GOING TO WIN THIS GAME WITH MY IMPENETRATABLE FORTRESS". Which also does not add any because they can gain the same false thought of being clever when they are like "LOOK AT MY AWESOME STRATEGY, I ONLY BUILD DDM'S IN MY BASE AND THEN I ALSO CLOAK THEM SO MY ENEMY WILL NEVER FIND ME, I AM SO GOING TO WIN THIS GAME WITH MY IMPENETRATABLE FORTRESS"
+0 / -0
@Pinguinpanic, writing such a widget would probably take more effort than making the fakes slow down to the speed of the original (when possible), or slightly slowing the originals to make them look “fake”

Still... I agree it would not add much value to the game at this point mostly because efficient use of misdirection requires planning and strategical finesse so only a few people would likely use this (properly) now, and most of them are already ” OP”

I was just pointing out alternatives as a tought exercise.

A comm. module to make the comm. “blend in” might be useful tho…

also, i love baseporcers, it`s like thy WANT you to troll them

:P its one of the reasons i dont use radars much, i just use statistics and known info to make a guess at what units you have, where you put them, and how youre going to move XD

sounds like what a sentient AI would do... the robot uprising must be drawing near...
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I think UnbreakableNoob's idea is really cool.

Imagine you can make many clone of your commander, or mimic enemy unit (let them think its theirs! unless they try to select it xD). It would be the most ultimate misdirection/psychological warfare, more powerful than cloak itself.

The only problem is this: there's no way to do this. This mechanic do not exist in Spring!

p/s: there were game that alow this kind of tactic, eg: Homeworld:Cataclysm, DarkReign1 (I only played those). Also in MetalGearSolid I heard you can become a box.
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11 years ago
Nah. This has been tried in like every RTS including starcraft, and it was never a strong mechanic.
+0 / -0
Starcraft also have hologram? I don't remember.
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