I was working on making some single player missions to follow a story line. I downloaded and used this mission editor in .NET which worked fairly well for the basic stuff. However it had some problems with detecting when a unit was with in a boundary, and also more advanced things are harder to do with it.
So I started digging and digging and finally threw together a skeleton for an actual SDD directory that I can build a mission from where it contains the start script and a gadget. I basically got it where I can save unit locations and load this back up to setup the mission. Also, all the other advanced stuff I can do easily.
My question is how can I upload say a single player mission I create? The mission editor automatically handled uploading my mission. I have searched a lot of places and I am having trouble finding out about this. And, yeah I had lots of trouble just finding the information needed to make a skeleton SDD directory for mission creation!