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Call of Duty Black Ops 2 earns 500m$ in 1 day

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11 years ago

This is so mind boggling I cant even understand. Everyone says call of duty is washed out nobody even can tell which version is which from graphics point and still it beats sale records... Where is earth going to!

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meh too much hype over a game that has nothing new to offer...

sheep mentality ftw!!!
+0 / -0
The people that complain are neither a majority nor the ones that bring in 500 millions. You just don't hear opposition from the ones buying it (guess why).
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11 years ago
Remember that most gamers just want to play through the single-player campaign and have a good time. Blops2 gives them that.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Well, marketing is what sales products, not quality. If someone would donate marketing specialist for ZK, im sure taht new people would come and bring money back :)
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11 years ago
The people that complain are neither a majority nor the ones that bring in 500 millions. You just don't hear opposition from the ones buying it (guess why).

:D i know why

game developer: tololololo we just made 500mil from a pile of absolute crap
marketing: gj those sheep wont even know what hit them
publishers: lolololol and i gots all teh moneys
game developer: aaahhh F***
publishers: [waves contract] whining not allowed!

sheep mentality ftw!!!

sheeps can't whine, they can only go baaaa
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11 years ago
"Good" games and "Profitable" games are not mutually inclusive.
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11 years ago
true, but is black ops a good game?

i dont belive from what ive seen that it has improved in any significant way over all previous FPS games
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11 years ago
Why does it have to "improve"? If it provides new content within an existing template that people enjoy and they aren't sick of it yet, why not give them that?

I won't buy it and I don't enjoy realism-themed shooters (I refuse to call them *realistic*) but if other people want to keep buying those, I won't fault them for that.

This is recreation. We play for fun. If somebody finds that a pseudorealistic linear shooter where you play through a story and get a bunch of "DINGs" of RPGish upgrades is a good time, I might not agree with them but I won't tell them that their personal taste is wrong.
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im not critisizing the genere as a whole, but just questioning the point of making 20 games that are basicaly identical (with only slightly differing storylines)

a good FPS game that came out fairly recently is nuclear dawn, the idea behind it was awsome...

anothere example is fallout 3/borderlands (exelent fps/rpg)

but i havent seen any real motion in plain old fps games probably since quake 2(the second fps i ever played (1st one was the original doom)) came out, the only real invention that has been done in a pure fps is the ability to crouch(most games dont even have the option to go prone)...

i just dont see any new material in any these games

but maybe thats just me being cynical from the number of games i have played in my lifetime
+0 / -0
Well, I'd credit Max Payne and Halflife with moving the genre beyond pointy-shooty shallowness, and TF2 for figuring out how make a genuine team FPS work.

Meanwhile, some might argue that RTS hasn't innovated much since TA...
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11 years ago
I did enjoy the alternate timeline where there's the USS Barack Obama, an Enterprise (or futuristic greater) class aircraft carrier, along with a still (presumably) faithful David Petraeus.

Weapon customizations and statistics were of course, woefully nonsensical.
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