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12 years ago
currently the basic radar is the only option in optimal play.
Making the advanced radar causes everyone to hurl abuse at you because it is so useless/overpriced.

Simple suggestion -

1) decrease the range of basic radar somewhat.
2) re-cost/re-balance adv radar to cost around 160m (3x) the amount and decrease its range/increase its HP accordingly.

This creates a real decision for players - cheap radar or quality radar.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Basic will allways be cheaper/more spammable. If they want us to use adv radar, make it a morph and increase its range and lower its cost.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
i like morphing idea.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I would like something like scout tower that gives you lots of view area.It is verry useful something like this.Imagine something like an radar that gives you spot area.
+0 / -0
Basic will allways be cheaper/more spammable. If they want us to use adv radar, make it a morph and increase its range and lower its cost.

Yes, cheaper radar will always be cheaper, congrats. All it takes is the right balance of utility and price for both to be viable, however.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Radar makes the game better. Having an awareness of and ability to interact with enemy forces without removing the need for scouting, spotting, etc really improves the game. This is why radar is so cheap.

Advanced Radar is a luxury though. It offers really penetrating range, reduces wobble and covers a huge area on the front, while being much harder to snipe. Putting it on a good hill also removes most terrain obstacles. It's probably still worth it.

That being said radar is still good for the game and making this thing more prominent will probably not hurt. I'd say 200-300 cost.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I was under the impression that the advanced radar was mostly a sort of upgrade for the rest of the radar network menat to help with sniping things outside of LOS and it`s own radar range was more of a bonus rather than a central feature
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Advanced radar raduces radar wobble.

That is a massive help in certain situations - for example when you try merl spam.
+0 / -0
GBrank[GBC]1v0ry_k1ng By cheaper, I meant that the area it covers for its cost is better then the adv version. Obviously 55 < 500(cost according to wiki).

People are saying it helps with sniping, but is it not much easier/cheaper to get a cloaked unit to gain vision of the target? Or just run by with some raiders and then manually target the area?
+0 / -0
there is no situation where merl spam with mass adv radar is optimal, its a noobtrap unit.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
How about having basic radar overlap very slightly reducing wobble?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
reduce radar wobble is worth the money
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Basic radar gets you LOS >HLT range so it is almost always better to make that right on the very front lines when you need it.
+0 / -0
Even with 1 Adv radar you're unlikely to be able to hit radar dots. Yeah it will increase your hit rate slightly, but if you're firing at radar dots with merl spam, you're doing it wrong. You should be using scouts/spotters. You need about 3-4 adv radars to make aiming at radar dots worthwhile, anything less and it doesn't really matter if you missed by 10 elmos or 5 elmos, you've still missed.

No, the real advantage of the adv radar is it's penetration. It sees deep into enemy lines, and can allow you to easily keep tabs on the movement of things like bombers, artillery, gunships, etc and easily see any new construction.
+0 / -0
I may have gone away from ZK for some time, but I doubt radar mechanics have changed much since then. So...

I feel that the radar wobble and long range radar should be separate functions. If we split it into a Big Radar and targeting facility, ala BA, I would buy Big Radar for 300m in a fair number of cases. Targeting facility might be nice to have, but unless I'm doing heavy artillery work, its less worth the cost.

In any case, right now, I only buy adv. radar for the range. I don't generally want to pay 500m for something like that.

EDIT: longer ranged radar might mean that people might want to use jammers more often. Cloaky con ftw.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Oh, I also think the basic radar needs more HP and a bit more range. The reason it has the range it does is because that's just enough to not see the enemy base from your own base on Darkside. But frankly Zero-K is no longer optimal for such small maps.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I think basic radar range is fine. Being able to do active scouting and skip on some radars should be rewarded imo. The need to scout the edges of your opponents base should stay. (More unit movement is always better)

A map where a basic radar can cover the other side of the map is a pretty bad map. Bigger basic radar range is more bad maps ;-)

Advanced radar seems fine too. 500m for so much information is worth the cost late-game. Of course, it is a noobtrap because it is useless in the early/mid game. But it isn't much different from all the other expensive stuff that's available to all the cons. Makie it only available through morph or with athena maybe?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Adv radar should be able to give you LOS, real LOS over an area within its coverage zone. For instance, a dgun ability that costs some 20 energy/second (to make it cost effective against infiltrators). That would make it REALLY USEFUL for arty spam. To balance it out a bit, while giving LOS it can lose the actual radar capability (you can animate it as focusing the dish in the desired direction). Then the cost can be kept at 500. Moreover, at late game I'd love to have LOS unit available. It also makes it a nice counter vs static porc (you do not need to actually reveal your intention to bomb shit through scouting).

PS: Alternative concept for it may be a "long-range radar" function - as in allow player to focus the radar beam in one given direction (some 10-15 degrees arc) to get 3x more range (would be awesum for berthas, while letting you slide bombers on the side where enemy least expects them)
+0 / -0
12 years ago
there should be bees and butterflies and if they pollinate a radardish it becomes advanced radar, its ecosystem.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Adv radar should be able to...

... be exploitable with widgets to provide perfect full-map recon.
+0 / -0
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