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Suggestion for a Political system for the Liberated Humanity Faction.

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12 years ago
We should be a liberated faction but we are not really. Most of our power is concentrated in the Pirate clan who discusses most decisions for themselves, without much transparency. And even if I am one of them, I am not comfortable with that. Its feels more like we are betraying our own faction principles. Sure we don't have an Emperor or a Dictator, but we aren't really like a democracy or something. So I like to make a suggestion to the developers. Why not let us have some kind of systems in which a minister can poll votes over diplomatic or Industrial decisions, to compensate for the fact that we don't have a dictator. For example the Foreign Secretary designs a Diplomatic proposal to a Faction but before he delivers it he can poll a vote over it if the liberated faction members agree with the design. And some kind of private faction forum thread just like the clan forum thread would be nice too, to discuss and explain some decisions the ministers make.

And yes I know Liberated Humanity is considered some kind of a troll faction, and it isn't quite sure, if we will still exist in the next planet wars sessions, and I can fully understand that the developers aren't really interesting in creating things which in the end won't be used. But a more open political system may attracted some more players to join the Liberated Humanity Faction.
+0 / -0
Yes! Make LH even more of a mess!

Anyway, if you're so much for democracy and transparency, you should just communicate with your people and make informal votes.

Making this work via formal ones though is just inviting disaster. For instance, we have formally electable Duke, so each new noob joining Dynasty nominates himself first thing. Without saying a word in #Dynasty, without talking to anyone; essentially, hiding behind the barrier of anticommunication created by the vote technology.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Here in Empire we have some anonymous douchebag (or possibly evil scheming ex-emperor cough *cough*) who started an impeachment vote on an Emperor who's been in office for all of a day because "He failed us, just look at map and see how weak Empire is in this round." (actual poll caption)

Then of course you have the dumbasses who build random buildings in silly places.

I'm not sure what can be done about PW noobs who apparently press random buttons. Ideas?
+0 / -0
@[GBC]spreng The Chat is useless especially if you want the opinion from people who are in a complete different time zone. OK we can leave a massage there informing them about what we did and what we are going to do. Put they cannot talk back about it if they disagree with us. The typical reaction of those who are not agreeing with us and do not have the option to talk with us will just leave the faction. And this is something we do not want.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I'm not sure what can be done about PW noobs who apparently press random buttons. Ideas?

Abolish the personal quotas, period.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
@KingRaptor We have to talk to them explaining and let them discuss. At the moment I get the feeling that most of them are like this, because they don't have a clue what we are trying to do. For them we just do things and we just use their metal and drop ships for things they maybe personal think we are just wasting them on. And then they get frustrated and go nuts.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Chat is not the only communication channel there is. You can use the clan's secret topic, and possibly troll devs for a faction secret topic, too.

In case of using clans, you suddenly have a federated government where clan leaders get to inform each other of their clan's standing.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
This clearly shows that all kinds of democracy are just foolish utopian illusions.
+0 / -0
@[I]Emperor_Conrad_I , better than running the risk of having a mad and insane Emperor.

@[GBC]spreng We Pirates discusses already most PW related actions in the clan's secret topic or over teamspeak before we actually do them. But this is not enough.
Yes a faction secret topic would be a beginning.
But PW should be some kind of long term motivation for every player to play 0K more often and regularly. So even players who are clueless should have the opportunity to do things, so they can learn. Now the noobs just play a game maybe they are get excited because they get metal for PW, but then they realize that it is only a small amount and when they finally can build something with it, a Industrial Manger have already used it for something else on a complete different planet.
At the moment PW is played by some chosen players, at least the other players have to have the opportunity to express their point of view of thinks.
But maybe I am wrong and they don't even care, but I really hope not.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Of course that is the risk of every authocratic system, but fortunately ratopr isn't (so-called) emperor for few days.
+0 / -0
And @[I]Emperor_Conrad_I why do you think that we even seek a real democracy? We have 10 members in our clan and 5 outer associates in our faction, and in our Faction only round about 20 people votes most of the time. So with a system like this we could still get through every decision we make, by letting them have the illusion that they can decided by their own. But in fact our faction is lead by our Clan Leader DErankMagman THE ONLY AND MIGHTY EMPEROR OF (liberated) HUMANITY! HAIL TO THE PIRATES! HAIL TO MAGMAN!
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Fools and heretics.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Pirate runs LH because they're the only clan in LH playing PlanetWars. None of the others care. Even they are grossly incompetant, waste the factions resources and have not gained a single planet since the initial land rush. The only reason they haven't been wiped out yet is because nobody can be bothered with them since the Cyber/Machines/Dynasty war has been raging since the start of PW.

You have open elections just like every other faction, yet the only faction that has seen political power struggles is ironically Empire, because they had no decent leaders at the start of PW.

LH are actually Libertarian if anything, and a libertarian faction being taken over by a closed band of pirates sounds just about correct to me.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
i can still hear saktoth begging and then threaten us to stop supporting dynasty aganinst machines.

we dont play for planets, we cause chaos!
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I have a suggestion: accept all member of LH in your clan and it's done!

+0 / -1