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Gnat misses against stationary targets

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4 years ago
I know Gnats can be super OP if they always hit things... but against something sat on its arse like a crab surely it ought to have a 100% chance to hit the thing!
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4 years ago
Stationary or not matters nothing here, tbh. It will hit a packed Gauss even less often than a Crab.
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4 years ago
This is more a flavour thing than a game-balance thing, but what if the gnat kept a record of how many shots it's done against the current target position, and the more shots on the same position the lower its target deviation?
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4 years ago
The way the game is designed (or the game engine actually) is that the movement of the target doesn't affect accuracy of the unit other than trying to predict where the unit is moving to. A good example would be sling with 100% accuracy, but really slow bullet.

However, since gnats have instant hit weapon, the only way to make them more unaccurate is to simply make the unaccurate innatively as trying to add some flight tome to the lightning strike would seem silly.

Last time I checked, swarm of gnats stuns crab just fine even if they semi rarely miss such an large target.
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4 years ago
Years ago Gnat was unable to be buffed because it was on the cusp of being an OP rush. Gnats were fairly accurate and a single one had the damage required to stun one non-heavy target indefinitely. If your opponent only has five units that are capable of killing Gnats or building units that can kill Gnats, then a Gnat rush only had to have five surviving Gnats to essentially end the game.

This was solved by giving Gnats a ridiculously high spray angle. Now it takes two Gnats to fairly reliably lock down a tiny unit such as a Glaive or Lotus, and three to keep it disabled almost permanently. Gnat rush is unlikely to end games against anyone who has built anything beyond their first factory because it takes so many Gnats to keep everything stunned.

The spray angle isn't really meant to affect large units, but it has nice side effects. The uptime of a Crab against Gnats is not just depend on whether one Gnat exists, it depends on whether there is one, two, or many Gnats focusing on the Crab.
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