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GoogleFrog has a Patreon

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4 years ago

Since receiving intermittent nudges from a few people, I now have a Patreon page. The primary goal is to gain more time to develop Zero-K, however I don't want support to simply go towards "business as usual". If people support me then I should spent at least some of my extra time on tasks that are important but not necessarily the most exciting. To this end, I have decided to put more of a focus on testing and reviewing contributions from the community. A contributor who receives faster and better feedback is more likely to fall deeper into development, strengthening the project. If you like and can support this goal, or just want to support me doing Zero-K development, then I'd appreciate it.

Here is the page: https://www.patreon.com/googlefrog
+21 / -0

4 years ago

+1 / -0
pay to critisize decisions lol

+0 / -0
4 years ago
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Pay for my OP detri? :P
+1 / -0
4 years ago
Good idea, signed up ;-).
+0 / -0

4 years ago
I worry this might break your motivation, turning it from something you do for interest/fun/to do a good job into something you do for money. :(

*insert vague allusion to half-remembered articles on human motivators here*
+1 / -0
4 years ago
While what dyth68 mentioned is a possible issue, I feel a big demotivator can also be some forum posts (here or on steam) that are full of entitled people knowing better and demanding things or just being aggressive/irrational. My hope is that if GoogleFrog managed to ignore those guys he will be able to manage/mitigate this new possible issue.
+1 / -0
q> something you do for money

per month

NANI ?!?!?!

+0 / -0

4 years ago
I really would have preferred one of those "pay what you want" UIs, but I couldn't find a nice way to get one. I've yet to see if just doing "pay what you want" via a low tier will backfire.
+0 / -0
Hey GoogleFrog I think you are to shy too ask for what you want man, I think everyone should do $5 minimal because when you think about it a typical game cost $50 but here we are playing for free, get what you deserve you been doing this shiz for years man thats not right that you gotta feel bad asking for money, make it mandatory $10 i would buy i mean i dont care really because i spend $10 on pizza and more anyway on Friday night.....

And for those who say they broke, look you got money because i know yall spend McDonalds money on those McNuggets and thats like $5 if you get the value pack
+0 / -0

4 years ago
I think you have a point, not about everyone having to support some minimum amount (there are a lot of different countries and situations) but about being a bit shy. I'll remake the tier at $5 to present that as the default. As far as I'm aware people are still free to go above or below it as much as they want.
+2 / -0
Patreon seems to be trying to hide the ability to make custom pledges (you can still see the button with this link https://www.patreon.com/join/googlefrog) so I added a few identical tiers for people to click on. I got to have some fun with tier naming and numerology. The current supporters ended up tier-less (so I could edit them), but it won't matter so much as I'll send out polls and posts to everyone.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
Lobster level? Haha that's some nice marketing AUrankAdminGoogleFrog!
+4 / -0

4 years ago
Onlyfans when?
+3 / -0

4 years ago
I worry this might break your motivation, turning it from something you do for interest/fun/to do a good job into something you do for money. :(

People differ, but i find myself spending more time on that other hobby i have which actually pays some pocket change, than on the others.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
Zero-K is in the mature stage. Thanks for your contribution over the last 12 years.

I've played like 30~40 1vs1 games against GoogleFrog, sure I lost all, and I am still a below-average player - my fault.

$5 is like 6 potions of beefsteak I just bought, fine, I will support you. Now I have a reason to activate my expired VISA/MasterCard.
+1 / -0

4 years ago
Hey GoogleFrog I think you are to shy too ask for what you want man, I think everyone should do $5 minimal because when you think about it a typical game cost $50 but here we are playing for free, get what you deserve you been doing this shiz for years man thats not right that you gotta feel bad asking for money, make it mandatory $10 i would buy i mean i dont care really because i spend $10 on pizza and more anyway on Friday night.....

If you are paying 50 dollars per game and you aren't buying the rights to the game, you are a sucker.
+0 / -0
"$5 is like 6 potions of beefsteak"

wow, for me this is like 1/2 at max :D
+0 / -0
4 years ago
"potions of beefsteak" ? What kind of RPG is this game?
+0 / -0