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How do you counter duck rushes?

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4 years ago
Hi everyone,

I'm a new player to this awesome game and I find that ducks are quite an annoyance compared to other raiders when we play against computers. They are fast, all terrain, and their missiles are guided and do decent damage with decent range. I was on a hilly/mountain map and even there, out of water, they were so powerful. I ended up producing redback spiders right away to have an early counter.

How do you counter duck rushes by computer? Sometimes even 2 ducks are enough to destroy a Lotus.

More generally, how do you counter Amphbots? I find that they are much more all-terrain than their name may suggest (ie units good at water and flat ground, but not hills).
+6 / -0
4 years ago
Mass raiders can do well against ducks, but since spiders dont have a good raider I would use venoms to stun them into submission. Redbacks work too, but they are costlier and are more susceptible to skirmishers.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
Try Imps + glaives from cloak, roach from shield or limpet + ducks from amph.
+1 / -0
4 years ago
Unless you know EXACTLY how to use imps, dont use them. They absolutely cannot be lumped in with a ball of raiders or they will teamkill all of them. If you really want to use them keep them far away from your units.
+2 / -0
4 years ago
This post has been downvoted below -5 and collapsed, click here to expand
^^another stupid comment from advent ignoramus...

Don't use imp, plain and simple. Don't use any walking bombs, unless you know what you are doing.

Against ducks any riot works just fine. Plop a few lotuses here and there and advance with riots. If big masses of ducks are incoming, maybe get a stardust. Anyways, do ANYTHING except walking bombs.
+4 / -10

4 years ago
A good way to figure out a counter for anything is to use it yourself, let your opponent figure it out.
+7 / -0
4 years ago
Ontheheavens i may get some down votes for explaining but ill upvote you because -4 votes can feel bad.. and i dont want you to feel bad.. because if i go back in time far enough we were both identical.. and if i was to start at your end of the string id have followed it just the way you did all the way to here..

also i agree that stardust is great and imp can be hard for many people to use
+1 / -0
stardust is great

Stardust is great but it can't move.

If you play vs bots i suggest you build aircraft factory and build some phoenix. From spider vs ducks crab can be used as well. If you terraform crab on spire then ducks cant reach it.

but ill upvote you because -4 votes can feel bad.. and i dont want you to feel bad.

Don't worry about him. He have now much time to rest from forum. And btw he wanted get all these negative votes. He even mentioned it within two thread and least.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
i like to care.. its my path.. i understand you must walk a different way.. i shall harbor those who feel afar but lovingly
+0 / -0
4 years ago
I find this question funny because in my experience ducks lose to almost everything cost-for-cost, their only advantage is that they can walk and fire underwater as well as on land.

Just build riots. Any riots should do. Most raiders should trade positively with ducks as well, if you need a speedy counter. Stardust is good for defending a fixed position against large raider balls.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
When im playing against bots, they are mostly using ducks, and its irritating me a lot since they are wining a lot of fights. I have still not found the Right counter excepte the Stinger, strong enought to scare them
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Stinger is not good vs ducks, it does too much overkill damage. Stardust is much more efficient. Especially if you raise it (hold alt and then click on the stardust icon, then use mouse wheel to adjust the height). Ducks will absolutely lose to any riot unit, be it reaver or ogre or ripper or w/e, so build more of those if you're having a duck problem.
+1 / -0
4 years ago
+0 / -0
USrankBakuhatsu Im aware about the Overkill damages about the stinger, its pretty inefective when ducks are separated. But since my most experience is VS Bots, they ahve the habit to group their army, so the stinger is sometimes killing more than 1 unit with a shot. And basicaly, when a duck is hurt by the stinger, the bot Retreat the remaning of the ducks, too scared about the Stinger :d

But i will try terraformed Stardust since it seems cheaper and more effective :D
+0 / -0
ducks are one of the best anti riot raiders.. in saying that they get trashed by riots.. but still.. they can make cost vs riots sometimes by burst fire

they also target air.. however i have never seen them hit air that wasnt right above them idle
the fact they target swifts can even be used against them
+0 / -0

4 years ago
FRrankGlxblt76 did you test out the suggestions and what are results for you?
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Thanks for all your advice. I'll try the suggestions there. I guess that my main problem with these ducks is their ability to hit and run any undefended metal collector. This game requires you to expand rather than be static so at any point of the game you may have undefended metal collectors, and a single duck can make like 10x its values by just destroying them before you can reach with any defending unit.
+0 / -0
That works for players, but against the AI its better to play a little more defensively, as the AI possesses by definition an extreme micro capacity and can attack everywhere at once with small raider groups. The upside is that the AI is poor at reading how combat will go and will often suicide their troops against defenses.

When playing against the AI try building 1-2 llts per mex outside of your base, at least early on. You will attrition the AI a lot by doing that, as its often too dumb to just send their raiders to another mex or concentrate them. Try raiding a lot also, as the AI is bad at defending its own expansion.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Throw some bread on the floor and run like hell :)
+4 / -0