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Ultimatum is an unfun unit

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4 years ago
Ultimatum is way too effective for it's cost, increase reload or cost, makes striders worthless with just 2k metal.
+4 / -2
4 years ago
I don't know if I would call it OP, but its definitely unfun, requires too much micro to use, and too much annoyance to counter.
+3 / -2
4 years ago
Post ain't about OP or not, it's just unfun. 2K metal and suddenly you have to watch out for one, which can delete your stuff, and then some because of it's low cool down. It's a glass cannon, except it's 0 risk and 0 reward 100% unfun for both sides.
+0 / -2

4 years ago
Its very fun unit when you blow up enemy strider or annoying trollcom. It become unfun when your strider or trollcom is blown up by him. I have seen killed two dante and one funnel, three cyclops at once, deleted trollcoms with one shoot. And most problem wasn't ultis but because dat units was stacked together.
Well price is maybe too low but ultimatum still remains strong only against heavy units and by default is glass canon so in most cases it remains wits killed strider in same pit if there is arty, air or fast raiders near. Proper screening is effective againt it but require managmanet resources. :/
Most what i don't like is that ultimatum is so effective vs paladins and detris when they got busy woth thoigs.
Maybe 500 extra metal cost would be enough strong nurf for it. Most unfair ultis is against dante which costing 3,5k metal. But lonje scorpion with 3k cost also can kill dante. Definetly dante need to be placed in IUCN Red List from all other striders.
+5 / -1
4 years ago
Also, 2 fleas make ultimatum more worthless. Those 2 fleas are totally op for the ultimatum in regards to their cost.
+2 / -1
4 years ago
2K metal to take out the majority of the time one other unit if you are lucky(micro manage and he gets aggressive bringing unit forward). There is no metal left behind. I think his cost is exactly where his usefulness is.

I would even argue he is absolutely required to counter other units that get produced. Ex. Funnelweb, Paladin/Detri and/or cyclops. The designers have as of right now done a pretty good job in balancing all the units across the board. This is easily proven in that everyone gets access to every unit(No Factions).

The natural gameplay shows which unit is better if a strategy is meta.

This is always a lowblow in a discussion to turn the attention to something else but i am going to do it.

If we are going to talking about cost effective or how the unit is unfun as the topic has turned into. Let's please talk about iris. OMG Really 0.6K for a unit that cloaks all other units in a HUGE area of effect. It moves super fast and the unit itself is really small. Like wtf. Also when it's cloaking field is within your units. Your units don't even notice. Like don't even give a Predator blur (like from the movie predator).

Then to decloak units you have to be close enough to the unit. What the heck is that? Please add a counter to cloaking. A unit that reveals cloak in some way. I honestly think all planes from the plane factory should have an area of effect that decloaks units. If nothing else then give this ability to the owl.

Yeah Detri and Dante are terrible units. Don't build em.

Love to hear the feedback. Tear up my comments. But be logical about it.

Most importantly keep playing zero-k.

+1 / -0
Cloaking in general is a whole other bag of apples. Although one that intercepts with ultimatum since it is itself a cloaking unit, and its cloaking is a core aspect of what makes it unfun.

I agree that there should be a way to defeat cloak besides bouncing units into the cloak. Having that as the only way to defeat cloak requires too much micro.

At least, in a world where tiny cloaking units exist. If all cloaking units were costly ultimatum-style, the lack of dedicated anti-cloak would be more tolerable.

(I don't have a problem with the concept of a slow cloaked high-end saboteur, but I feel ultimatum is too extreme, too alpha, too all-or-nothing)
+1 / -0
4 years ago
I'm not sure how requiring micro is an argument against units.

Isn't microing units the entire core concept of an RTS game?
+1 / -0
Also, 2 fleas make ultimatum more worthless. Those 2 fleas are totally op for the ultimatum in regards to their cost.

You missed the ulti target prediction update apparently. Ultis can take out lone raiders no problem. Fleas are no exception.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
Nevertheless, once the ultimatum has been uncloaked by those Fleas, it is fairly likely to be killed by whatever else is around without inflicting much more damage.
+2 / -0
4 years ago
I'm not sure how requiring micro is an argument against units.

Isn't microing units the entire core concept of an RTS game?

RTS stands for real time strategy, you can have an RTS with tons of micro or very little. My preference personally lies with the "very little" end of the scale.

I feel Zero-K does a very good job of minimizing micro in most part, but it drops the ball when it comes to counter-cloak strats.
+2 / -0
4 years ago
Zero-K has more micro than almost anything ever though
+0 / -2
4 years ago
I disagree. RTS-wise, it has a lot of QoL features other games lack and the units are relatively simple individually.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Ultimatum is a necessary unit in many cases to counter minotaur spam and cyclops spam, not to mention striders. The key to defeating Ultimatum is advancing a flea screen in front of your heavies. That's why I'm always crying about fleas on the frontline. An uncloaked Ulti is dead meat. Anagram has a point that an Ulti that gets into the right place can do a horrific amount of damage. Personally speaking, an Ulti is probably as bad as cloaked snitch vs shieldballs. It's scary, but a necessary part of the game balance.
+2 / -0
4 years ago
i think they deserve a slower reload, they have faster reload than any artillery or melee unit and they insta wipe
+1 / -0
Ultimatum is not as easily squished as it has credit for in my experience. I think most ultimatums I have seen got away with their shenanigans, even after successfully blowing up something expensive. It might be slow but pursuing a cloaker that insta-gibs you when you get close enough to reveal them is tricky, and knight-tier health isn't that bad. It takes a few dedicated burst-damage units to insta-gib an ultimatum on sight.
+0 / -0
edit: nevermind
+1 / -0
4 years ago
Personally, I'm quite happy with the Ulti. It's one of the few comeback mechanisms in the game. However, my favorite use is to delete factories - especially after somebody scythed mine :).
+0 / -0