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Afk/lag give units, time penalty for comeback?

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4 years ago
Has this evolved to its final stage? Some player goes afk/lags and another("best") player instantly gets his units. If I get units from afk player from the other side of the map, I dont want to keep them, because I cant play worth shit like that. Im supposed to be using my own units at my front, but now I have to stop pushing or whatever and focus on getting the shared units to safety or at least see what the f is going on there, while stopping all the stupid builds that were given to me(sometimes given factories stop building, sometimes not?). And then seeing who is a good player near those given units and base that I can share the base and all to(which I dont think even they want to have sometimes). THEN the afk guy of course comes back, time well wasted. Sometimes not all buildings are given back, so now I have to spend more time sharing factory or whatever back, too.

Ive been the least experienced guy in a lot of fights and I get the shares, its really pissy. I only built my first jugglenaut few days ago, fuck sakes.

Could there be a timer, maybe, if you go afk and come back, you dont get your stuff back for a minute or so? Or you get them back if you ask nicely. In too many recent fights some people went constantly afk and came back, and I got shit from all over the map for a moment, using my income to build their builds, right? Also someone being afk for so long that I start using their factory for units and change my strategy, and, yes, they come back and it messes things up.

One recent game I got some connection issues during game start, had to rejoin few times in the first minutes, then I was called a retard for coming back and getting my units back during(10 minutes or so) the game. I mean getting called that without making a single storage...

Why cant it be optional to receive units, some small "take" button the noobs will not find? Or a take button option for three best players? Not forced for the best.
+7 / -0
4 years ago
As I recall, there was a "take" button back in the good old days. No idea why they removed it tho. More metal for me.

Consider the fact that sometime three or four people are afk at the beginning of the game and they somehow "with magic ofc" place their commander with a ./genrand command. This seems like a smart move in the mind of the casual ZK player nowadays.

Anyhow you get three spread out commanders that you cant give away cause with ≥105% certainly there are only red players left. Let the fun begin!

Yeaaay ZK!

+3 / -0
4 years ago
I partially disagree with you. players should have any penalties if they went AFK for any reasons then came back. for all you know it could be the internet, parents being parents or the toilet. if they are repeat offenders (i.e. afking then coming back far too often for the game's length.) then there should be some punishments... (more on that later)

to avoid the disruption caused by afk, maybe have the afking player's units be controlled by circuit(or whatever the best ai is nowdays). circuit is better than most players who would go afk anyways so you can't really complain.

also can't the game detect the source of afk? i guess a reasonable idea for repeat offenders would be this:
- every time they go afk, a counter goes up. let's call this counter X
- every 20 minutes, X foes down by 1 (to account for stuff like tiolet breaks during a long game)
- going afk while the game is paused does not change the counter
- if they are assumed afk due to lack of ping, the counter does not go up (no pings means either the player lost connection, which isn't something they can reasonable control)
the punishments are meant to be subtle enough that the player will not be able to notice them, but it makes them either likelier to ragequit or make them be less of a detriment to the team
- if X is <= (lower or equal) 3 then no punishments
- if X > 3, every command has a 5(X - 3) percent chance of not registering (server-side so widget can't circumvent that) the odds of no register is capped at 40%
- if X > 7, 10(X - 7) percent of their income is shared the same way as excess, capped at 50%
- If X > 10, 10(X - 10) percent of units build during their AFK session will be kept in circuit's control, capping at 50%
- If X > 20, a !kick vote is started every time they go AFK(exculding ping afk) if they are kicked it will say "you are kicked for repeated afk"
+0 / -0

4 years ago
The AFK sharing is a bit annoying. It is meant as a fallback for when something disrupts a player's connection. The existence of the system doesn't mean you can just get up and take a break whenever you want.

Perhaps we could track how often it happens and warn people who do it a lot.
+3 / -0
4 years ago
I sometimes afk for a minute for number 2 because every game ends and restarts again immediately and theres no break and if I spec I have to wait 40+ minutes for the next game in clusterlob team games. I wish I could give command to ai saying "I am brb in 1 minute" rather than random "I might not come back so do something with my units even tho actually I will come back in just a sec!"

I think if you leave a build queue and are not in the middle of microing it should be ok to afk for a minute or two and not face penalties... yes excessive/repeat offenders need a warning but we have other means to do that.

BTW if you afk even for a brief moment you immediately lose all your metal and e already, repeat queues get disabled for some reason and have to figure out what happened to your stuff. To me at least that's already penalising enough to discourage me from afking.

And occasional afk is way less impactful to game than all the trolling, building 20 storages etc
+1 / -0
4 years ago
Needing to go away while playing is ok. Luckily I have a wife to often take care of real life problems while Im doing something more important. But repeatedly going afk is not fine. Recently one guy went afk many many times during a battle, for random lengths of time, tens of seconds to a minute-ish at a time that is, so I didnt really know what to do with his stuff. Ignoring would have been bad, what if he didnt come back? Units woulda been standing around. Taking time to do something with his stuff was waste of time really, because he did come back.

So. Repeating afking is the worst. Then the short afkings. Im really starting to like having an option to have three top players choose who clicks the take button. Ah, dreaming. And also, getting units from resign should be more obvious, because its permanent, and to that you really should react asap.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
I agree we should bring back the take button.

I also find it annoying repeat afk in the same game, and afker units going back and forth from my control. Sometimes I wish I could just keep them ;) maybe need a give button too and option not to press it ;)
+1 / -0
one word: resign!
As a form of protest I suggest to instantly queue self-d for every afkshit you just received to the time you banned or this made optional!
it's boom time!
+2 / -0
4 years ago
I just reclaim their factories immediately to be annoying and fund my projects.

definitely should bring back /take
+3 / -0
4 years ago
what if when you are given the units of a repeat offender you are also given a "reclaim" button that reclaims all their stuff instantly, if they sudden income will make you excess the storages are spawned for free.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
hmm maybeyou can take a fast con, like a crane and reclaim all their con/facs a little bit, turning them into nanoframes that can't build

so when they come back then will be left with a butt load of nanoframes and no cons to finish them and no way to get any con (other than people donating)
+1 / -0
4 years ago
I just reclaim their factories immediately to be annoying and fund my projects.

that is also my standard policy if they were doing useless stuff and aren't a trustworthy player
+1 / -0
I just reclaim their factories immediately to be annoying and fund my projects.

As a moderator I take a dim view of actions performed with the express purpose of annoying one's own teammates. This is not to say that every instance of reclaiming an afk player's stuff is unacceptable, but if you are doing it with the express purpose of being a dick to your teammates you can expect to be modactioned for it eventually.

In other words, taking "revenge" on your teammates for going afk by reclaiming their factory or what have you is not really much more justified than taking "revenge" against a teamkiller by teamkilling them back - and I assure you the latter is modactionable.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
its not revenge, its that i dont need the 7 facs Nooby McNoobface built, on the other hand i need the metal, and all of his 7 idle tremors can go on fight command to the front instead of sitting in base (this is actual from a game i played yesterday)
+2 / -0

4 years ago
I've mentioned it before and others have mentioned it here, but I think that at the player facing end, having circuit take over when someone goes afk is the least intrusive option. Given that it's my understanding we already have at least one person regularly playing with AI doing most of the work and they just intervene manually when they feel the need, much of the groundwork seems like it might have been done already.
+0 / -0
I've mentioned it before and others have mentioned it here, but I think that at the player facing end, having circuit take over when someone goes afk is the least intrusive option.

This also makes going afk the strongest strategy for weaker players. Which sounds like a dreadful state of affairs.

its not revenge, its that i dont need the 7 facs Nooby McNoobface built

Reclaiming a bunch of redundant factories is a very different thing to immediately reclaiming enough of someone's stuff that they don't get to play the game if they come back, and having that as your explicit intent. I reclaimed an afk teammate's redundant backline Thresher the other day. Like I said:

This is not to say that every instance of reclaiming an afk player's stuff is unacceptable

A reasonable question to ask yourself is "if I was playing with only this person's units and buildings, would I think it was reasonable to reclaim this?". If the answer to that question is "no" you are probably being a dick if you reclaim it shortly after taking over their units. Don't be a dick.
+0 / -0
Thing is person didn't ask for some random afker's shit but it nonetheless was given to him against his will.
This shit is super annoying in cluster games, would be cool if everyone just started instantly self destructing this afk crap maybe then devs would go ahead and implement an opt-in "I'm willing to get this guy's afk stuff".
+1 / -0
would be cool if everyone just started instantly self destructing this afk crap

Fair warning: doing this this will result in your ban a lot quicker than it will result in an application of developer mana.
+0 / -0
Fair warning: doing this this will result in your ban a lot quicker than it results in an application of developer hours.

Good thing I plucked my elons into oblivion and someone else now has to bear this afk bullshit :D
Also If enough would follow u'd have to implement long desired opt-in rather than banning half of zk player base :D
+1 / -0
4 years ago
It is meant as a fallback for when something disrupts a player's connection.

Does the game know if the AFK is due to connection or just person not moving mouse?

If yes, would it be a good idea to consider going AFK multiple times per game even without connection problems something against the CodeOfConduct (and change the CodeOfConduct if not clearly enough specified)? (once/twice might be ok, but indeed I have seen people doing it "continuously")

Note: people could "simulate" going AFK by disabling network, but then they get automatically "punished" as they can't play immediately while the game catches-up.
+0 / -0
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