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Koda 2.0 Get It Here

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Hey guys so we all know tanks have been lacking lately so I decided to rework the Kodachi into a flamethrower tank raider instead of an alpha strike unit.

Place the following text into TWEAK UNITS in order to have the changes activate


Let me know your thoughts

Notable changes:

break time changed to 0.10
range 245
health 650
flame does 4 damage a hit and can burn for 250ms
Metal cost 180
Regeneration reduced to +5
+4 / -0
correct me if im wrong but current kodachi is stronger then this new one because it could hit mex and keep moving it is therefore one of the strongest raiders in game

my main issue with this is that units are loosing variations that made them more unique with the changes
+0 / -0

4 years ago
Pyro on the wheel - replace jumpsuit with auto-heal module.
+0 / -0
Kodachi feels too costly for what it does, and its a terrible team player with all the ally/self damage it does.

But its an interesting unit. I think the problem is more on the tank factory than in the kodachi. Tank factory feels like it needs at least one more light unit. With the kodachi being so gimmicky, its cheapest reliable fighting unit costs almost 300 metal, which is a huge disadvantage in the early game.
+1 / -0

4 years ago
This version of kodachi can fight other raiders decently while still maintaining a raiding presence. The flamethrower is usable in mixed armies unlike a normal kodachi. THis version of kodachi works very well with blitz due to stun/burn
+1 / -0

4 years ago
Tank is in a very sad state atm, but Kodachis are not the problem. They're by far the strongest eco raiders and with micro can pwn every raider except microd scorcher+dart combos (and even then a few microd Kodachis will win) in the early game.
Late game they're fantastic and cheap riots to add to your Minotaur ball to defend it from enemy raiders (which would otherwise be a big weakness).

Tanks problems are the Rover matchup specifically and the complete lack of a skirmisher (meaning things like moderators counter most of the fac). Also, the fact that Blitz is a generalist that synergizes with nothing is a big of a problem.
+0 / -0
I brought some delicious apple samogon from rossiya, so here's a thought that it brought to my mind:

Replace Blitz boring ball-synergetic raider with skirmisher tesla tank:

- Weapon thinks it's a ballistic cannon with some nasty flight time - think Rogue or at least Hermit.

- When firing (at a place the target will be, because it thinks it's a cannon, so it leads!) - it doesn't actually fire, but starts making noises and crackling with electricity.

- After a delay that is equal to the would-be flight time of the ballistic projectile, the weapon discharges an arced lightning along the path that the ballistic projectile would take.

- Being a thunder skirm makes it naturally antiheavy. This in turn makes it interesting in a tank mirror, which so far is "lol i can more minotaur and cyclops"
+3 / -0

4 years ago
I think a more combat oriented raider would help tank more against skirms then giving tank a more skirmy unit. kodas atm suck vs many units since they cant unleash full dmg. Test out the new koda first and see if its usable

I was considering changing blitz but pple so sensitive on it. Also this koda synergizes with blitz
+0 / -0
4 years ago
I feel blitz being a generalist is currently a strength, rather than a weakness, simply because nothing else in the fac is a generalist.

I'd rather turn the ogre into a skirmisher. It literally just needs more range and then less damage/aoe/reload speed. Currently it feels like a dead weight unit if your enemy isn't in the mood for throwing huge raider swarms at you. Blitzes handle any other raider situation better, and kodachis are an alternative for massive amounts of AoE to the face if you need it.
+1 / -0
4 years ago
EErankAdminAnarchid Get into range, start charging a shot, run away from range and shoot from what appears to be an insane range? This can be widgetised to all hell, making it an arty skirmisher that'll shit on any attempts of radar dots trying to launch a ground assault...
+0 / -0

4 years ago
ogre getting more range would be bad as it would shut down rovers then which is probably not what people want
+0 / -0
4 years ago
It would make it easier for rovers to zerg rush tanks though, which is the rover specialty. They already lose the range war anyways.
+0 / -0
Get into range, start charging a shot, run away from range and shoot from what appears to be an insane range? This can be widgetised to all hell, making it an arty skirmisher that'll shit on any attempts of radar dots trying to launch a ground assault...

Oh, so then what prevents you from widgetising the hell of currently existing ballistic units? They also can move to increase the distance to their target while their projectile is already in flight, after all.

+0 / -0

4 years ago
USrankUltraGodzilla : Mind fixing Cyclops? I still haven't found a situation where I want one rather than Minotaurs (or a Strider hub followed by ulti/funnel/scorp/other goodness or even a switch to another fac for e.g. Grizzly, Raven...)...
Minotaurs are more survivable thanks to their higher speed (when retreat % is properly set for that stage in the game), are more hp and dps efficient and can actually chase things down...
For the very few things Cyclops actually does better (like fending off Dantes) I am better off fac switching for something else for.
+0 / -0
Oh, so then what prevents you from widgetising the hell of currently existing ballistic units? They also can move to increase the distance to their target while their projectile is already in flight, after all.

Dodging something like a max range Rogue shot is easy because it's slow and you can see it. Your unit would essentially have invisible projectiles.
+0 / -0
Dodging something like a max range Rogue shot is easy because it's slow and you can see it. Your unit would essentially have invisible projectiles.

It's still slow, but i guess it's indeed essentially invisible.

But you can also just move unpredictably - this is what Attack Move does for you, it doesn't read projectile positions at all, it just moves in zigzag.

Microing against it as a human, you just slightly change your movement vector when it begins charging. You possibly don't even have to see it do that, either, assuming the charge process produces a sound that you can hear through the fog of war.

If you are really afraid of it somehow being hilariously OP still - which i seriously doubt is possible just with the physics - you could always add some way to telegraph the impact point directly.

Mind fixing Cyclops

Just unrevert it. Tweakmode can't change particles that well anyway, and it definitely can't do sounds.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
If it's ff'd on ground rather than shot on a unit, it's a gamble to dodge if you can't see the impact point. On the other hand, if you can see the impact point it's quite a juggle between waytooeasytododge and "why not simply go with a projectile" from a gameplay perspective.

What about stacking EMP and/or disarm damage? Take a long shot, charge towards the target and take another shot with a lot shorter charge-up time. Obviously this is doable right now as well, but not with a single EMP/disarm unit that could possibly stack two shots worth of debuffs near instantly. Seems like something that has a noticeable effect on early game.

On the other side of the coin you get slow/disarm/emp directly affecting the unit's projectile speed. You could avoid this by making the charge-up unaffected by debuffs, but then there's issues with canceling the charging attack. If audio cue, can canceling/attacking be widgetised so that the sound is permanent? If canceling is not possible, is an impact indicator too big of a detriment for something that should counter assault/riot? Maybe go around that by not having an indicator but increasing aoe instead, which would of course lead to even bigger effects on early game...



I mean, at the end of the game this is your (plural) game, not mine, so you can do whatever you want. The concept you presented so far though, I don't agree with. It seems like a "concept of cool shit" with little to no practicalities thought through.

Not that my opinion matters. herpaderp
+0 / -0
4 years ago
If we were to implement mister "I think I have a cannon but its actually a lighting gun", there are tons of ways to make it not bullshit without the need for complicated "can you guess where it will fire?" shenanigans.

For example, the flight time to the max range could be short, something like 1-2 seconds. Even a small delay is enough to make you miss anything moving fast, and a small delay like that wouldn't let you snipe people from a mile away.

Or it could be forced to stop while charging. Wouldn't be the first skirmisher that stops to fire, and if it retains the blitz' current speed, it would still run laps around most things. "Stops to fire" is also a nice weakness for an anti-heavy unit.

My brainstorming aside, I still think current blitz is too essential for the current tank fac. Everything else shots too slow or too suicidal.
+0 / -0
For cyclops I suppose changing its cannon to also deal AOE slow damage similar to a slow bomb would suffice and leaving its current damage alone would work. Perhaps attaching it to a D-button for the slowbomb instead if people are against having it work every cannon shot

This might help make it more useful vs groups of units providing more utility
+0 / -0

4 years ago
On a kodachi note what do people think about adding the shotgun weapon to it?
+0 / -0
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