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I never EVER seen FriePluk yellow star as now.

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I never EVER seen FriePluk yellow star as now.

katastrophe fried too, What happened on rating system?
+2 / -0

5 years ago
nah, my whr is still the old one, seems only the colour is bugged...
+0 / -0

5 years ago
I'm -412% blue
+4 / -0
firepluck got allot of his rating from rushing krows 100% of games pre-nerf

all jokes aside he actually quite good player but just seems bored of normal play strategies
+1 / -0
5 years ago

FriePluk yellow star as now

total lobster!
+1 / -0
5 years ago
i'm -33 whoa :O
+0 / -0
5 years ago
so what firepluk is suspected of pluk activity he should be mad as red -_-.
+0 / -0

Somehow firepluks uncertainty is so high it gives him a rank that cannot be earned or lost.
+4 / -0

5 years ago
CHrankAdminDeinFreund rewote how ranks are displayed again and is doing some live testing. There didn't seem to be any consideration for rank stability so, for example, people would retain any work they put in to reaching a rank.
+0 / -0
let's face it I didn't earn purple, it just fell upon me some day.

Jonah 4:10

The Lord said, "You have had pity on the plant for which you have not labored, nor made it grow, which came up in a night and perished in a night."

My WHR is the plant. Deinfreund is the Rank God. All hail CHrankAdminDeinFreund, Bestower of Colors and WHR. Pray to Him so that He will make me purple(In his image!)!
+3 / -0
5 years ago
only god can do that not dienfruen -_- he is mortal he get disease, hits by a car, or finds a wife and he ends like any mortal ;D. praise the real god. shame on ya dienfruend -_- for taking the place of god.
+0 / -1
hey who fried me so hard until I swapped over to soviet russia?
+11 / -0
5 years ago

would you like some crazy ketchup on your god fries? no.. ok here have a whole bottle..

some people say god has no false form.. that nothing could fall short of god.. that god is potential itself.. some people always be talking as if they know anything about god though.. so yeah we all mortals who allay speculation..

but if i had to bet on anything it would be this: void does exist ~ and in its true form ~ does not exist ~

within the absence of its form lies are broken and undone

in this place of 'no nothing' a singularity of potential for all possible potentuals exists ~ not infinite but as vast as you dare................ and oddly can even contain itself (not a copy)

could a soul ever understand words like lieless timeless changeless..
in a universe where even god is fated to forget nothing unreal exists and can ever be threatened

i believe my understanding of the term 'everything' is lieless 'in of itself', never it contradicts or compares or touches at all and is forever 'done'

im crazy because i ignore i imagined it ~ i like pretending the universe makes sense too

maybe im a little bit like you moleculeman88? because i speculate on gods and what they might be..

only my head is so full of desperation and pride,, ever attempting to find or be an answer.. i can never know truth i have no authority over the light.. everything is beyond my command even if i see my will done it escapes me

but i can at-least know how to counter krow rush and thats why i play zero-k
+1 / -0

5 years ago
I want to be red as well!!!!!!!!
Where does the money go?
+0 / -0
let's face it I didn't earn purple, it just fell upon me some day.

Next day:

+3 / -0
preach some more. I go the road of DErankChesti and DErankkatastrophe as I dont believe in DeinGodFriend
+3 / -0
I dont know how the evaluation system works. But I hope it takes into account the huge number of games RUrankFirepluk has played. The more you play the more there is a chance of losing. I think he's the player who has the most hours played in zero k.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
something like this is happening to zero-k

nice song
+0 / -0