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Vote system exploitation

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5 years ago
Currently, anyone that starts a vote can instantly end it with !endvote command. This gives the vote caller the possibility to effectively hijack the voting system in perpetuity, unless someone gets lucky with their timing.

To reproduce: Call any vote you want. If the vote looks like it is not going in your favor, call !endvote and immediately call another vote of your choosing. Since only you know when you're going to call !endvote, you have a timing advantage, allowing you to do this as long as you want.

I've seen this abused repeatedly by a few people in team games lobby, effectively forcing their preferred choices upon the rest of the server. A solution would be to disable !endvote or adding a delay for people calling votes, so they can only call a vote some time after the last.
+8 / -0
I didn't even read what you typed but I agree with the title.
Map voting system needs to be changed.

We need to remove the automated map switch provided by the system that and replace it with the automated map switch made by the votes from players who type !map XYZ.

In other words, if one player will place a vote !map titan duel...that map will show.
If another player will place another !map icy run, the pool of maps to vote is increased to two.
If another player will place a !map vote again that map will be added to the map change and voting area.
We also need to establish a maximum of 5 map options from "!map" command by players. A single vote for one player will also be required else they will just spam 5 map choices they want and nobody will get the chance to show their desired map.

With this style, people can decide what maps to play and also will be more democratic instead of random map switch that the new system has. It's too abusive not being able to vote for the map people want and not having sufficient time to do !map before the automatic map change pool appears.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
I didn't even read what ROrankForever wrote, but I think it is off topic.

unknownrankTinySpider some sort of non-host vote rate limit for people who !endvote sounds like a decent solution. For now you can report people as holding up the hosting system is just abuse.
+9 / -1
5 years ago
but absolutely vote system is a desease driving new players away!
+2 / -0
You misunderstood me AUrankAdminGoogleFrog, I already knew the problem and the issues he was going to discuss because they are related to what I said.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
It's not as related as you make it to be though.

Voting on map is only one type of vote. There are others. Any vote related to map or not could be highjacked by casting a vote, ending it on purpose and starting it immediately again.

You're suggesting to revamp the way hosting cycles through map pool (which it does by auto suggesting 4 choices). Changing how the hosting map cycle occurs does not fix abuse of votes on other topics or at other times.
+2 / -0