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Newbie, not welcome. Troller, not welcome. Play be good man otherwise kick kick kick.

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5 years ago
Newbie, not welcome. Troller, not welcome. Play be good man otherwise kick kick kick.
+0 / -0
anir is on fire
+0 / -0
5 years ago
but the room for sure was passworded right?
cuz i recieved warnings and stuff once i kicked ppl from private not passworded room.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
OK so, the thing is i passworded it after the first game had started, but it seems the room needs to switch password when there is no game going on.

Therefor i kicked you from a room with no password. Sry for that.

The goal of that room was to have small team games with good coordination between players and i saw/expected none of that from both of you, thats why i kicked you.
+1 / -0
he didnt even play, and i was supporting air, kept marking enemy swarms and thunderbirded them, when u then ran away from thunderbirded enemies..
you lost the game before as well (Mod edit: keep it clean kthx)
Also there were more ppl u just roundhouse kicked without warning or any notice iirc
looks like rage
+0 / -1
Wait a secend, as i sad, i thought i had closed the room.

So i can kick who i want from there. (I know it wasnt closed sry for that as i previously sad.)

And we were all together on mumble, except for a few people. And those got kicked more or less. Because lack of cooperation.

Ps. I know that my performance on that day wasn't the best. But that was never the point ;)
+0 / -0
5 years ago
I think he is refering to the hostile attitude that can be seen in teams all welcome rooms, as well as in other games, towards nebs, trolls, lobs ...etc

tbh i do recognize this as an issue, even starting some kick votes myself when i am unable to take responsability for my own negative emotions (which i then project on the low levels, or trolls resulting in blame train)

!votekick is easy , pacifying ur anger is difficult
+1 / -0

Wait a secend, as i sad, i thought i had closed the room.

didnt know this, also it was called "private room"


So i can kick who i want from there.

sure kick whoever you want, its just causing anger as you see.
guess you could have explained him. totally not understandable to him at that point if he got kicked for lols or with another reason. his way playing being discussed somewhere else enough.


...those got kicked more or less. Because lack of cooperation.
Ps. I know that my performance on that day wasn't the best. But that was never the point ;)

indeed, it never was. that was an explanation how i tried to coorporate with you (what indeed didnt seem to work too well).
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Trolls are literally in a teams-game to make the expierience worse for all players involved. I see no reason not to kick them.
+2 / -0

5 years ago
snoke : I wasn't aware we had anyone trying "to make the expierience worse for all players involved".
+1 / -0
5 years ago
Trolls are literally in a teams-game to make the expierience worse for all players involved. I see no reason not to kick them.

Then, You were involve Trolley problem on there.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
kelaze your chat-behaviour alone is kickworthy in my opinion. you have expressed your complete ignorance
towards your team "stop telling me what to do" and a lack of self-reflection on top. You are an uncooperative
You are one of those ppl that walk into a room with 30 others and totaly expects the 30 to completely adapt
to YOUR wishes. Hilarious.
+2 / -0
5 years ago
So personally, I see no problem in his style of play.

If what he does is not conducive to his team, it will lose and he will be punished with ELO and taken into account in the next calculation of the algorithm.

In addition, far too quickly a hunt is initiated against people who play "against the usual style of play".
+3 / -0
wasting other people's time with playing deliberately to his team's disadvantage is not what i want to be any players gaming experience.

what i witnessed from HKrankkelaze is storageforrest(8+) on the frontline, rushing 3+ djinns (while making no other units) through striderhub=>athena while team was loosing on all fronts ...
+1 / -0
5 years ago
wasting other people's time with playing deliberately to his team's disadvantage is not what i want to be any players gaming experience.

Yes, of course you are right.

This discussion we had schonmal a few years ago with Firepluk here in the forum, I mean to remember.

The question is rather, where does the freedom of the individual begin and where does it stop?

Who wants, can and should judge how to play and which tactic leads to victory?

Who wants to regulate this?

I would be careful with premature condemnations.

I myself had only yesterday experienced in this (http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/763050) game, as the user TLama wanted to kick me from the server, because I have built a determind.

He probably did not like my playstyle, but in the end we won.

The discussion is probably more general, as I wrote above.

Who wants to judge what is "trolling" and where it starts and where it ends?

I remembered Firepluk's Theard mentioned that they had come to the consensus that ALL is welcome in ALL Welcome.

And if one thinks he just has to morph newton ramps or commander or something like that, that's the way it is.

+4 / -0
5 years ago
luminous comment, shine on these ignorant xenophobes
+0 / -0
In the end, the moderators judge what is and is not acceptable in terms of "deliberately playing to the team's disadvantage". It is not something we particularly want to do, but in order to make the Zero-K community an enjoyable place to be it is sometimes necessary.

Our tolerance for experimentation is large - otherwise competent players do all sorts of dumb gamelosing stuff without getting banned (often). It is not infinite.

Our tolerance for players deliberately sabotaging their team because they're mad at the newbies/other ragers for playing badly in the previous game is not as large. It is definitely not infinite.
+5 / -0
what you glorify as "personal freedom" is straight out tyranny. You don´t exist in a vacuum. Ignoring the wishes and needs of the majority to satisfy your own needs and wishes is what is generally described with the word "selfish".
And yes, people have the personal freedom to be selfish. But: do you like to interact with people that ignore AND sabotage you at the same time?
PS: ofc if team is okay with trolling/whatever then be it like that. It´s a game after all. People are here to have fun. But that is still true for ALL players here.
+2 / -0

5 years ago
As long as HKrankkelaze plays consistently badly it shouldn't be too big a deal. His ELO is already very low, so the system expects him to contribute minimally, if at all.

Occasionally playing very poorly is much more a problem if you're the highest ranking player on the team. A 1000 ELO player playing at 500 won't affect the outcome much. A 2300 ELO player playing at 1500 could easily cost his team the game.
+2 / -0