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New super weapons.

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a new super weapon idea, make a gravity big gun like bertha doesn't shoot rounds and make it point and wave from the sky hits the ground and lifts all units on the map. or better yet give a radius so it can lift units for a moment like 30 secs and hits them hard on the floor.

another superweapon is to make super weapon depending on maps yes. make for example a super weapon that picks up all rocks like zenith and throws them at the player from above, another super weapon is at sea that throws tidal waves at players. it can be a medium super weapon of all the elements. make medium size super weapons not like zenith oh yeah thinking about it give zenith the ablility to also hit player with a big asteroid. yes big asteroid the size of a detriment. medium super weapons can be half the price of zenith. beside the tidal wave or tsunami, the a mini zenith that can use gravity like the newton picks rocks all around and besides as metal to feed the player it can give a headache to your enemy the shock and destruction destroy more then the metal u send it. consider that.

another weapon now is weapon that can teleport your enemy where u want them to be. yes same price as disco rave but u can charge it and in your radar map select all units. imagine u make a hole and use this weapon to teleport your enemy and units there all stuck and cramped and u have your defenses thier already firing on them. the weapon can charge take 3 mins u can teleport an enemy detriment even with this weapon that can teleport it can be used against nukes u just make the weapon lock on nuke and u point the nuke back at your enemy base. use against a disco rave all shot send to u redirect back at them. the machine can lock on big objects only sending likhos or send a cloak party to kill it could it be defeated. or make recharge last longer like 8 mins to be fair to your opponent. also make this teleport weapon able to to defend against zenith attack. it should be called mirror teleporter or MIRAGE

thier weapon i know i should draw this on gimp but rather explain and later give the pics. any how a new weapon is also to use at sea maps, terrain maps or volcanic maps , yes that it can be a tornado weapon. we got water, we got fire from silo missile a medium or high end weapon not like tsunami weapon is tornado weapon make new design structure for the weapon like a cylinder machine same size like the zenith and sends in a tornado, simple one tornado can destroy bases and scatter units in other places and kill tanks and jacks and all that. imagine sending a tornado and decimate your opponents base. a basic weapon your decision if it becomes medium or high end. you could even give it an extra quirk give a fire tornado and kills everyone on the battle field.

another weapon is to make weapon at sea where it channels water into a pump and thru a gun like structure like a cerebrus firs water very concentrated shots of h2o and hitting bears and detriment big bad units away from your base or sea location. could be a medium size super weapon. making drawings later. oh yeah so now talking about it we need to make weapons based on maps. yup think of space map and sea maps and other maps as well.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
Lets steal red alert superweapons
+1 / -0
5 years ago
wesley u devil u :3 no no on they don't have this and don't have the touch zero-k can give it ;D

and beside what i said which was hilarious a new weapon a super emp weapon yes. but can only be shot by nuke base beside the ability to shoot nukes make missile and like a nuke an emp missile will hit and make the whole enemy base dead. no shields are up no turrents works thier is no recharge or returning to normal. totally neutralize only berthas work.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
but where is your drawings
+0 / -0
give me a moment pls god help us!! its hard to draw and i wrote this down or later i'm gonna forget all of this. i will make drawings give me one day doing other things in the real world.
+1 / -0

5 years ago
I want upgraded zenith - i can order it manually pick up my own units and then drop them like meteors on enemy. It could be so cool with roaches.
+1 / -0

5 years ago
Another one i want is - UberStorage. It should look attractive so all new players will build it but in reality all resources is going not building it but going to highest level player in team.
+6 / -0
5 years ago

Another one i want is - UberStorage. It should look attractive so all new players will build it but in reality all resources is going not building it but going to highest level player in team.

+0 / -0

5 years ago
I want super newton: 3000 range attractive ray.

Or control tower like the on in RA2/../ massive range domi could be headache to all
+0 / -0
that's why it will be expensive the newton super weapon cost the same of zenith and ends a porc game. it could be cut down to make it more balance gameplay like medium size weapon like silo missile where the newton has medium range and can only lift 10 or 20 units.
+0 / -0
that is interesting concept uberstorage where all metal and energy give like 50% boost to player with more mexes and storages and energy. keeps the player striving for zenith and high end units. gives me another name in mind becuase uber is so use now. liek more like zero-k storage or lobstorage or lobsterking storage and a badge can be given to player.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Another one i want is - UberStorage. It should look attractive so all new players will build it but in reality all resources is going not building it but going to highest level player in team.

I'd see it as conversion to boost of 3/4 worth metal to highest level player - 1/4 to second highest level player, better to be boost - to be something more useful than metal hmm.
+1 / -0
true something beside metal or player is giving an extra commander bot, more workers or perhaps it is better than to give the best player the metal rather to give it to lowest player or noobs so it can cheer them up make them think they won the battle and let them take credit makes them stay and helps rookies want to play more.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
Senaven's Uberstorage is pure genius. The storage should have like little blinking lights on it and unfold playing a circus tune. OMG nubs would build it first up even before fac :D
+1 / -0
5 years ago
needs some technical drawings @MXrankmoleculeman88
+0 / -0
aeons ago, i propose tidal superweapon OR tidal change as a map feature, but it was condemed as too hard for pathing...
+0 / -0
5 years ago
i'm working on it pls. i have 2 drawings already for gravity gun and the teleporter machine very cool. unique but i'm still thru the 503 forbbiden things and get to imgur. going to pastebaord again. i have a lot of things doing.
+0 / -0
Gonna have to steal this thread for a moment, but let me propose to you the newest endgame unit. I think you'll really like it. I call it the Omega Storage

The 4 glowing stuff on top are the coolant vents to cool the superhot modified singularity reactor core used to pack over 100k energy and metal storage into only 25m^3 of space, shared across all team members. like the singularity reactor, you need to consider its massive blast radius; on the other hand, teamkillers will think twice if it takes out THEIR base as well. There's another, small drawback: the Omega Storage requires 10 metal per second to operate lest you lose your storage advantage. Don't worry though- this small metal fee is shared among all team members, to relieve the stress and burden placed on late game eco players.

As I said, this is pretty much end game eco. As such it's pretty expensive- 25k metal and energy seems reasonable. A small price to pay for no storage concerns, especially for those more ecologically minded players who recognise the importance of unwasted metal.
+6 / -0
5 years ago
hmmm your storage is like the iphon and irack

u need more inventive becuase it looks normal need more "je ne se qua" it's good but u need better u need lobster love ;D we shoudl called it lobster storage or losbter pot and all noobs would want it gives them 45% of more metal. and in teams gives them power ;D i say yes to your idea prestarttab but more lobster theme in my humbel opinion.

+1 / -0
5 years ago
lets see if it works

here is one drawing.

+3 / -0
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