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Mace Monospam is still op

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Mace Monospam still broken, how is monospam of any unit so viable that it makes the rest of the factory nearly useless. The HP nerf wasn't enough
+1 / -0
5 years ago
The other units in hover factory are not very good.
+1 / -0

5 years ago
The idea of hp nerf was to bring it below 2 Scalpel shots, but fell short of it, not changing the Mace/Scalpel relationship at all.

Other hover units are quite good, but they all lose to Mace. Mace monospam is largely a Hover mirror thing; most other factories have counters.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
3 maces can kill a bomber without taking damage. Ultragodzilla was having major problems against mace as shields. Give suggestions plox, I guess the only thing that he didn't try was monospam rouge, but who ever monospams rouge for results?
+0 / -0

5 years ago
im not saying facs don't have counters, im saying that since mace is the ebst unit that it is the only thing being built at all in this matchup other then daggers at start and the rare hold fire halberd
+0 / -0
5 years ago
i always imagined mace do damage to themselves.. because of the intense weapon.

the longer its in combat the more health is lost.. ie a strong riot but cant sustain a fight so people use it but not always
+0 / -0
5 years ago
Scalpel is just bad. It loses hard vs Recluse.
+1 / -0

5 years ago
even if scalpel I s buffed then it will just mean mace and scalpel mono spam since mace is so good atm
+1 / -0
Scalpel is just bad. It loses hard vs Recluse.

Also "just bad" by this criterion: Ronin, Rogue, Moderator, Buoy, Dominatrix.

However, none of these lose to Mace, maybe except Ronin.

even if scalpel I s buffed then it will just mean mace and scalpel

Just Scalpel, really. It has happened before. Mace is kind if a skirm riot and Scalpel is kind of a riot skirm, so they are interchangeable in many situations, very much like Brawler and Black Dawn used to be.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Scalpel sits on a knife edge of OP or useless because it can be generalist and has good synergies with larger numbers of itself. It's almost like generalists that deathball are not a good thing.
+2 / -0
5 years ago
The only thing I see in the replay wrong with Mace here is that UltraGodzilla kept throwing away shieldbots at Steel_blue and didn't have enough scouts to see a maceball coming his way, which as shieldbot he has the great counter of a Tick mine.
+0 / -0
All mace monospam in start game not worked, felons cooking mores Mace and u reclaim 3.5k its mace metals.
So in start battles your push was stop to thunderbird. In end game u monospam raven not work, USrankSteel_Blue rushed 6k equal maces, u not rushed shiels group. Well, if u make 6k equal group shields, its group cooking all maces, but thunderbird win it
We played with u, and my mace in last game was so bad, i do feel how i no have dmg vs shields
+2 / -0

5 years ago
It is wired how the hit and run Scalpel is slower than Mace by 3 elmo/s when it is supposed to be a counter.
+1 / -0

5 years ago
I am well aware that a shield ball can deal with mace at equal value. However that still does not change the fact that the mace is overtuned to the point that it is the only real viable unit coming from the hover factory due to how effective it is.

I personally suggest possibly nerfing the range a tad bit more for the mace and possible buffing scalpel damage to 650
+1 / -0
5 years ago
If any nerf is needed just nerf it's turning rate and acceleration, nothing more.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
Scalpel is just bad. It loses hard vs Rogue.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Scalpel is just bad. It loses hard vs Scalpel.
+2 / -0
Scalpel is just bad. It loses hard vs Rogue.

Also "just bad" by this criterion: Ronin, Moderator, Buoy, Dominatrix.

However, none of these lose to Mace, maybe except Ronin.

+1 / -0
5 years ago
+0 / -0