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New Players; Public Relations

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12 years ago
So... normally Im not the type to lose my temper at a new player. I'm rather forgiving in most respects. Today, however, that was not the case. In a game with 7AI players, one chicken, and 8 Human players my 26 wolverines were lagging the game so bad that others couldn't play. In the middle of a push into enemy territory one of my "allies" D-guned my wolverines, because I refused to stop them from firing. I like to reserve the right to troll newbie players who don't fucking listen to reason and go off half cocked. I honestly don't see why we should 'be nice' to players who have no real value in our community, because they refuse to listen and do stupid shit.

(My connection was green and I was using 57 percent of my processor, if you are wondering. My 'ally' was dropping connection every few minutes and maxed out their processor.)
+0 / -0
It depends on your attitude.

Very few players do not listen to advice/alerts coming from allies. Often, when people like neon and fireman complain that newbies don't listen, its because they are not talking to them in the right way.

From the perspective of a new player, you won't be listening to someone who just goes "idiot" and "stupid allies" all day instead of telling you what you did wrong. And even doing that once will lose you enough that they won't listen to you later when you do give advice.

If you demonstrate you have the patience to listen and you know their limits, I find people are very willing to listen. No point asking a new player to do uber-micro like kiting rapiers with avengers or stealth missions; other traps include the bombs and often the entire plane factory.

Give them clear and simple advice. (that's enough nanos, don't build a pylon/anni, get glaives and 1 zeus, retreat from this area, attack with me)
Know that the game is a new thing and threats are everywhere, they will be inherently cautious or overly reckless, often both at the same time.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
+1 jseah. I see so many experienced players spend a major part of the game raging at newb allies and then whining afterwards about how "stupid fucking noobs" never listen. It's really just a simple matter of giving advice rather then insulting.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Wow, this must be the first time I see drama about an AI game on the forum.

As I understand it you refused to listen to an ally. Why do you complain about them not listening? I am confused.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Indeed Skasi. Commanded is the one here not listening to allies and take account of their request.
Because 26 wolverines DO lag the game. they spit out countless mines which take lot of processor power. You have a better computer and even if you were not lagging, your allies did cause of YOUR wolverines. You were the cuase of their lag.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
offtopic but necessary:

why do mines lag that much? is it an engine thing? because mines themself dont seem to be a very complex grapical object...

this is a performance issue which should be solved. simplify this object more if necessary...
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I still don't get why we have an artillery piece that fires mines that fire homing missiles... I mean, I kinda see that the missiles are there to increase the mine's threat range without letting it do a number on every unit in what would otherwise be an impressive blast radius, but surely there's a better way?
+0 / -0
I think it adds to the game that you can use fast units to simply dodge claw's projectiles. This way mine fields are more efficient against bigger units, which I think are usually too resistant to mine fields. Besides, it's kind of a more accurate aoe weapon like this. (deal damage on an area, instead of the silly damage units in an area concept that every ***** ****** game uses)

Mines lagging is new to me (no animations, no pathfinding, etc). But maybe there's been REALLY much of them, that could cause problems with cloaking effects. No idea, just randomly blah blahing.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I've never experienced mines lagging. If you have a game with 7 CAI's (Is that right?) one chicken and 8 humans then IT WILL LAG. It will DESTROY lower level PC's. 26 wolverines shouldn't do a thing...
+0 / -0

12 years ago
My experience is whole different. wolverines do take much processing power. I have seen several times. if the mines are gone or the wolverines stop firing, it gets better. Of course you need other processor intensive gameoptions like cai,chicken to really experience lag, but 26 wolverines do enhance the lag greatly.
+0 / -0
Hrrm that's strange. I wouldn't expect the unit spam to cause lag, they don't path so they're going to cause much less lag than chickens. There is nothing graphically complex about them or anything complicated in their weapon or script. Perhaps it's the way the unit-on-hit spawner works... or maybe it's just rapidly creating/destroying large numbers of units.
+0 / -0
1 wolverine can keep 13 mines alive simultaneously. Mine lifetime is about 60 seconds. Reload time 5 seconds.
26*13=338 potential mines alive simultaneously for 26 wolverines.
Mines take damage as other mines hits the ground near them. They regenerate thier health after some time. They crater the ground.
The impact of having 50 wolverines and 500 mines doesn't seem that large on my laptop unless I have alot of mines to render simultaneously(propably because my laptop lacks dedicated graphic card). If the units are just icons its fine.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Well there is a VERY BIG difference between a dedicated card and a onboard one. I know from experience xd
+0 / -0

12 years ago
To clearify, I did explain to them that the lag was NOT ONLY because of my Wolverines. I've experianced lag due to mines before, but not because of only 26 wolverines. In context it was bullshit to point the finger at my wolverines and blow them up (which ended up loosing the game).

I'd like to add that you shouldn't be so eager to point at the person giving the advice as the reason for misconduct. Most people who care enough to give advice, care enough to be kind about giving that advice. I'm not saintly, but I don't flame.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
When I was newb I didn’t realizes anyone was talking to me because I was focused on the game, try using labels that got my attention. Anyway why wolvs? They are hardly worth the metal.

But I to cant stop myself from rageing at a noob, in game is to compeditive to be calm.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
wolverines are the best counter to stuff like snipers, crawling bombs and more of that shit. They can be really usefull if used properly.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Yah sure Rick, but this is about a chicken game.
+0 / -0