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Zero-K v1.0.5.9

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12 years ago
The Balance Corps are out in force tonight, administering beatings left and right. Several bugfixes and interface improvements have also been spotted making their way into the city.


  • Metal/energy reserve must now be enabled in options (Settings/Interface/Resource Bars. Metal and energy reserve can be set independently of each other with right-click.
  • Bots get their own name in tooltip and awards screen rather than that of owning player.
  • Clippy Comments: Rank limit defaults to off
  • Mex circles are drawn at sea level rather than sea floor

== Balance==

  • Speed 2.1 -> 2.2
  • Range 440 -> 450

Tremor. The DPS buff in v1.0.4.17 was written as 23% but was accidentally 66%. The buff since before v1.0.4.17 is now 12.5% more DPS with 50% more projectiles.
  • Range 1400 -> 1300
  • Damage 200 -> 135

  • Range 1400 -> 1500 (back to pre-nerf that was ages ago)

  • Speed 1.5 -> 1.4
  • HP 1250 -> 1200
  • 25% larger hit volume and model

Amphibious units heal when underwater (because salt water is good for metal). This is to make them better underwater while no better on land.
  • Clam 20 hp/s
  • Duck 10 hp/s
  • Archer 20 hp/s
  • Buoy 25 hp/s
  • Scallop 25 hp/s
  • Grizzly 40 hp/s
  • Angler 20 hp/s
  • Djinn 30 hp/s

  • Auto heals 10 hp/s after 5s of taking no damage (same as Glaive)

  • 2x deploy and undeploy time

  • Weapon velocity 1000 -> 850
  • Projectile looks pointier.

  • Shield radius 100 -> 120
  • Requires 0.3 seconds to charge up before firing
  • Shield regen rate 20 -> 18
  • Range 440 -> 430

  • Shield regen rate 18 -> 16

  • Shield regen rate 10 -> 9

  • Decloak distance 150 -> 160
  • Jump speed 6 -> 5.2
  • Jump height 200 -> 120
  • HP 320 -> 250

  • HP 120 -> 175
  • Range 240 -> 260

  • Sight distance 506 -> 520. Otherwise units with 450 range can sometimes shoot LLT without LLT being able to see it.

  • Cost 1250 -> 1200

  • Both guns can now shoot in all directions.


  • Fixed clearing of bomber airpad reservations
  • Unit should no longer be able to hide in shipyard's hitsphere
  • Fixed some script error messages
  • Playerlist no longer cuts off at bottom in FFA


  • Commander Cluster Bomb and Scorpion's multi-stunner will ignore features in their path
+0 / -0

not the skuttle! not the jumpheight! what shall i do if its the last unit on trololo and lava rises and another jumpi unit at same level of enemy just jumps higher...

anyway good work! dunno what to think about amphibs regen yet.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
That's a clever way to buff amphs only at sea/coasts. Interesting to see how it'll work out.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
so amph get more hp underwater or.. ?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
They autorepair underwater.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Typhoons are no longer micro-nightmares? Yaaaaaay!

Also, amphib UW regen is nifty.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Do amphs regen hp while floating? Why are hp regeneration speeds so random? Remember they are currently hidden from the user.

Skuttle's jump height decrease is much too extreme, but that's obvious anyway.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Agree with Skasi. I would make regen some function of the units health, i.e. 2% per second.
+0 / -0
Why the hell was skuttle nerfed? Nobody ever complains about it.

Please revert the skuttle changes.
+0 / -0
Why the hell was skuttle nerfed? Nobody ever complains about it.

I think what's more important than "complains" are actual balance. I've yet to see any human being prove its OPnes.

Licho relies too much on Modstats when it comes to balance. Modstats say Sniper and Skuttle are slightly too powerful, but that's just because it doesn't take the high steady energy cost and the insane micro requirement compared to other units into account.

You need to rush/build more heavies now, everyone!!!!
+0 / -0
(quote)Skasi: "You need to rush/build more heavies now, everyone!!!! "
the joy!!! its sad to see a 5v5 where there are less that 10 large units on the field :)
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Skuttle was buffed not nerfed.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Buffed into uselessness. How am I to skuttle Rapier swarms now? Or Krow? What about BD? (I've yet to try that last one! Now it will never happen! RAGE)
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I didnt set the arc height i just wanted it to decloak sooner. Its frustring your stuff explodes for no reason. In april skuttle made 3x its cost, in may 2x its cost.

ITs very good.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Balance must be subservient to fun. Having your best stuff spontaneously combust with the source of the explosion completely unseen? That ain't fun. That's the kind of thing that maeks people ragequit ZK forever.
+0 / -0

12 years ago






http://zero-k.info/unitstats?id=armmerl (didnt need buff imo)

+0 / -0
Nope Pxtl. That's the stuff that makes supposed-to-be support units support units instead of one-man-armies. If devs would add other special things instead of "hp & heaviness" to expensive units, then I wouldn't mind the Skuttle nerf (it wouldn't need as many anti heavies as it does right now).

Licho, I checked stats before my last post, I know stuffs. There are four reasons for why Skuttle made more cost:
* The engine change that makes units grouphug while moving (and even when not)
(This is actually the main reason I don't like the Skuttle nerf. I am pretty sure pathing will change again and units will no longer die to aoe weapons en mass. At least I hope so..)
* The insane Sumo and Tremor buffs (players build more Sumos/Tremors -> players build more Skuttles that make cost)
* Bouys (even more so due to engine change)
* Shieldballs (even more so due to engine change)

Snipers counter Tremors, Sumos, Bouys and Shieldballs, so they were a tiny bit better too.

Don't believe me? Check dates. Check date of when Bouy was added, of when Tremor was buffed and of when Skuttle got more powerful. You can even check Sumo buff date vs time when Rocko became useless.

edit: Oooh as for Merl: I always said it doesn't need a buff. I think it's very good when there are some units that have less % of metal spent on Modstats. Makes them and ZK more interesting.
+0 / -0
Skasi - I totally agree that too many heavy units are missing a defined weakness. The Grizzly is a good model here since it's an assault/skirm and has a nice vulnerability to any mass of smaller units, especially raiders. The Goli and Sumo fail because as assault/riot units, they need to be vulnerable to skirmishers and they're *not*. It's particularly bad since most skirmishers are pretty light and meant to be used in very large numbers, making them risky to use because occaisionally you're going to slip-up and get rioted.

With that kind of change we wouldn't need the skuttle.
+0 / -0
"Goli and Sumo fail because as assault/riot units, they need to be vulnerable to skirmishers and they're *not*" -Pxtl yeah i was wondering how to counter without just throwing metal at them.

"Snipers counter Tremors, Sumos, Bouys and Shieldballs" -Skasi
how many snipers are you using to counter a sumo?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
>you're going to slip-up and get rioted.

Yah, nothing like getting enough Rockos/Rogues together to counter an assault, just in time to be napalmed to oblivion.
+0 / -0
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