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12 years ago
Do we have a formal stance on smurfing?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Don't do it!
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Nope but it should be a bad thing.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Actually there could be many reason for smurfing. Like forgot password, like I dont want old nick, elo and so on... why not

In quake3 I had like 50 nicks, actually nobody played with their real nicks, only in tournaments, you could distinguish player by his playstyle, I guess people like being anonymous.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
>Like forgot password

Not talking about this. I'm talking about very specific cases of people jumping between usernames to purposely smurf.

>Like I dont want old nick
I've changed my name many times under the same account, as have you. (wolas, [NoClan]wolas, [pikts]wolas, trololas. pikts_wolas)

It's entirely possible to play unranked games.

Try again?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I think people should stop crying about smurfs and play the game, i don't know anyone here, you're just a name, i don't care what your name is.

Anti-smurf mentalities are born of fear of failure. It's a bitch when no one wants to play you purely because of your rank, i've played games where i can't get a game for hours because people are scared to play me, so i have no choice but to make a new account to get a game.

This is a really shit situation to be in.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
It's entirely possible to play unranked games though. I don't have a problem with people playing unranked games as a smurf. I do have a problem with it messing up the Elo system that is currently working very well.

+0 / -0
12 years ago
Do you really think people gain an advantage because they don't know how good someone is?

If you made elo invisible to the players and people were betting on who was going to win, would you bet on the high elo because the low elo players didn't know that the opposition were better than them?

No, you would bet on the high elo players because they are better.

I don't see how knowing or not knowing how good the opposition is affects the outcome of a game.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
>I don't see how knowing or not knowing how good the opposition is affects the outcome of a game.

I didn't say that, either.

Your 1v1 Elo is the same as team Elo. Team Elo is used to balance team games. If everyone's Elo is wrong because of smurfing, games cannot be balanced correctly. That is why smurfing 1v1 has an effect on EVERYONE, not just a person 1v1 smurfing.

Example: You are an equal Elo. player to me. You smurf vs me. Your low Elo (1250 for beginners) vs my Elo (currently about 1900). I lose to you 2 and win 2 games. I think with current system I'd lose about 45 Elo per loss, and gain about 1 per win. So suddenly, my Elo is 1800 instead of 1900, which will change the balance of every team game I play from now on. Now suddenly, everyone is affected because I'm technically smurfing since my skill level is much higher than my Elo.
+0 / -0
Uh, duh, the computer knows what your elo is and balances you accordingly, that is the whole point.

And for 1v1, if you start a new account, you're screwing up your opponents elo whether they win or lose.

A part of the XP system is to make accounts valuable, like a lot of free to play games (LoL), so that players will be more tied into one account.

You don't have any smurfs listed, Pantifax, so who are your smurfs?

It aint the end of the world, but most people who smurf regularly do it because they are trolls who ruin their own reputation.
+0 / -0
>Like I dont want old nick
I've changed my name many times under the same account, as have you. (wolas, [NoClan]wolas, [pikts]wolas, trololas. pikts_wolas)

It wasnt changed account it was simple renames, as you see you can still track these down very easy, so no good for anonymity at all.

Now you mentioned those smurfs I probably should create some more accounts too.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Btw, I have a 2nd account called Jseah2. Is there anyway to link this and that account? (share xp, elo, unlocks)

I created that account because the server occasionally hiccups and refuses to let me log in. Never played any games on it, but I use it to post about the problem in a thread.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I don't really care about elo and neither should you, it's a nice number but, people win and loose in teams games and often has nothing to do with how good they are.

ELO is only worth anything if everyone plays everyone under the same conditions, ya know, like a league. Otherwise, it's just a case of random player x made bad choice and caused you to loose, random player x made good choice and caused you to win.

Saktoth, for your information i have never needed or wanted another account, fortunately, there are too few players for people to be afraid to play against people over a certain ELO and i am not in that high elo bracket anyway. If you will notice i was complaining about other games where i HAD to create another account to actually play the game. This would be an indication that i do not want to create another account.

The XP system disadvantages smurfers because they loose access to useful stuff.

The elo system disadvantages you if you have high elo in team games because your team mates will have a low elo, so winning games disadvantages you so there is no point in smurfing to gain an advantage by having better team mates because if you win games you'll be disadvantaged... It's a pointless circle that self rights itself?

I think people have better things to worry about that smurfs, i'd rather spend more time playing than having the time between games held up by people bitching about suspected smurfs.

Also i would rather people attack my arguments not try to discredit me as a person, that would be nice.
+0 / -0
Elo is pretty accurate. Yes Godde is really that good. But it takes half a dozen games to approximate your elo correctly. Ideally, long term we'll have enough players that as your elo goes up your allies get BETTER- but people are very stubborn about just playing larger and larger team games, instead of several, smaller, elo-split rooms.

Anyway, the official stance on smurfing is 'Don't do it'. We won't punish smurfs unless they're ban dodging, but it ruins the whole system if people are smurfing all the type.
+0 / -0
godde makes me mad now, on a 1v1 he keept puting fleas on my mees because shotgun comms cant hit them.

here is an approximation of me rageing

anyway smurfers are jokers.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Well you can take solace in the fact that he only got 0.2 Elo from the win.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I'm sure what partly brought this up is the apparent sock puppetry on some parts of the forum recently. (http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/73625)

Needless to say if someone makes a smurf account just to agree with their own posts on a different account, their credibility will drop like a rock.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I agree with Lukywaldo7.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
That quick wit could only be Antelope. :D
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I agree with luckywaldo7.
+0 / -0
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