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TTS: disable by default

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7 years ago
I'm sick of this shit enabled by default
Are you?
+16 / -3
7 years ago
I do slightly worry about new players who have to put up with this. Disabling it is one of the first things I'd do for myself if settings got reset.
+1 / -0
Alternative: make installer ASK about this before installation
like, "are you blind? if so we will make stupid robot read all text for you"
+4 / -0
7 years ago
Wait a second, I did a fresh install a few months back and I never had TTS enabled (I actually didn't used to mind it).

So is my install mildly borked and TTS not disabled by default already?
+0 / -0

7 years ago
TTS is not disable by default, though I want it off as well
+0 / -0

7 years ago
It was inactive for a while because Chobby did not support it. Nobody seems to have missed it.
+6 / -2
Am I yhe only one who doesnt mind it? At least when i hear my nick i know its sth i should read, not some irrelevant baww.

+1 / -0
7 years ago
TTS is what exactly?

Text To Speech?

Well, since I play 0 volume I have no idea.
+1 / -0
I think there are pretty good reasons why no other strategy game has a feature like this.

It's intrusive, the voice isn't nice to listen to, many of the things converted to speech are useless wastes of attention like "lol", "lobster", etc., and it seems like it would be fairly easy to abuse. (Possibly there are some checks built in for abuse cases; I've never had it on for long enough to find out.)
+0 / -0
fairly easy to abuse

I Invited my whole team to my squad.
I invited them again
And again.
R.I.P sanity
+0 / -5

7 years ago
I think it's interesting that people in here "don't mind it" instead of actively liking it.

Here's a contrarian case for TTS: people are drawn to strange and novel things. When you get into what's ostensibly yet-another-TA-like-but-this-time-it's-better-we-promise and you hear Microsoft Sam reading every line of the chat, you maybe don't think it looks very polished or useful, but you sure as hell remember it.

Maybe you're trying ZK out in a private room with your buddies, you start spamming weird characters and toilet humor, you have a good time. Maybe you get into a "lobster pot" wtfing at why this weird community is so fascinated with seafood and the TTS really adds to the bizarrity of the situation.

The Moonbase Alpha video has 5 million views. I've never played the game but if you tell me the name I'll go "oh, that TTS game? looked kinda fun." Add a loudspeaker icon that shows over the com of the player who's "speaking" in TTS and what you have is a fairly high-quality Youtube Poop generator. Make a video of a game on trololo with shots of coms saying long tirades about lobsters, post on /r/gaming and you'll get a decent amount of exposure, fingers crossed.
+6 / -0

7 years ago
Here's a contrarian case for TTS: people are drawn to strange and novel things. When you get into what's ostensibly yet-another-TA-like-but-this-time-it's-better-we-promise and you hear Microsoft Sam reading every line of the chat, you maybe don't think it looks very polished or useful, but you sure as hell remember it.

I don't know that "any publicity is good publicity" applies in this instance.
+0 / -0

7 years ago
100% disable by default! The game should ship with settings defaulted only to what we want an able-bodied noob to experience.

+5 / -0

7 years ago
I don't know what would convince CZrankAdminLicho to disable TTS. I decided that it's not my hill to die on as it doesn't hurt new players too much.
+4 / -0
It seems CZrankAdminLicho wants to put interests of 5% minority above others
I wish all those future steam nubs lots of fun in the quest 'how to disable this god damn TTS'

+0 / -0
The solution is obvious - put a clear disable/enable button on the menu-bar volume controls (forget volume, it's unimportant).
This way no one dies on no hill.
The default is slightly less important.
Everyone happy.
+1 / -0

7 years ago
The thing used by a 5% of user base(let's make a poll) does not deserve to have a button :|
+0 / -0

7 years ago
The thing used by a 5% of user base(let's make a poll) does not deserve to have a button :|

In a perfect world - you're right.
In our situation it's just a solution everyone can live with.
+0 / -0

7 years ago
A more visible toggle barely changes anything. Defaults are the important thing.
+3 / -0

7 years ago
RUrankAdminikinz brings up a new and very interesting perspective on this, and makes me less inclined to dismiss the idea of TTS and other "weird" features
+0 / -0
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