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elo should be really hidden

12 posts, 614 views
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thanks DEVs for hidden elo

karma should be hidden too.

*crying, yes it is personal!*
+3 / -1
7 years ago
Why? We can tell who's Knorke and who isn't?
+0 / -0
7 years ago
Neither should be hidden. Karma should be removed. The only thing it's good for is finding the most funny posts.
+1 / -0

7 years ago
The only thing it's good for is finding the most funny posts.

+1 / -2
Hey I'm not saying that's not valuable. DeinFreund's (or was it someone else?) list of top posts has some really good content. Perhaps this benefit could still be kept by hiding karma numbers and only displaying an icon or adding a post to some sort of hall-of-fame after a certain threshold was reached.
+1 / -0

7 years ago
I actually laughed out loud seeing this thread title. How many iterations of this topic will ZK see in its lifetime?
+0 / -0
7 years ago
Hidden Elo is a pain, it impacts my ability to evaluate a proper starting position placement as well as an evaluation on what players are capable of. This is important in (large) team games. Luckily the community is small and I roughly know everyone's abilities.
+7 / -0
7 years ago
101% agree to [I]burp post.
+0 / -0

7 years ago
DErankXivender it does not matter. They know better.

in the meantime the number of games played by "devs" in larger teamgames has not changed since elochange. Strange.
+0 / -0

7 years ago
Hidden Elo is a pain

then zk is moving in the right direction,
after all it's PAIN oriented develobment
so if u suffer they are doing all'right :D
+1 / -0
7 years ago
Just leave us knorke
+0 / -0