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Windows 10 users' problems

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8 years ago
The recent update has made ZK unplayable for me at least. I'm using Windows 10 and I get access violation errors in all .exe files (zero-k, chobby, spring). I have already granted full access rights to all files, running in compatibility modes and as admin but nothing seems to help.

Am I really the only one with these problems or is this why there seem to be so little new players around?

AUrankAdminGoogleFrog did some troubleshooting with me using chat about different spring engine versions, but the same errors occur again and now I can't get in lobby chat anymore due to lobby programs also having access errors as mentioned above.

Please help. This is a big deal.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
I have Windows 10 and the lobby program seems to work correctly for me, so the problem is a bit more complicated than that.
+2 / -0
It sounds like something has messed up the permissions of your folder. I don't think permissions on windows make enough sense for it to work. Have you tried installing a chobby to a fresh folder? Does running 103.0.1-529-gb68830c directly now fail? Does launching ZKL fail too? It has nothing to do with spring.exe so that is interesting.
+2 / -0
8 years ago
Try delete and reinstall, if you have altered the files in anyway it will revert back to original. I run a Lenovo Yoga win10, but Chubby will redownload all the maps again
+2 / -0

8 years ago
You should be able to copy your existing map files to a new install without problems, I would expect.
+1 / -0
8 years ago

For me, the lobby crashes at regular intervals. Also use Windows 10.
Do you or anyone else have similar problems?
+1 / -0
I suspect anti virus for access problem have you tried disabling them for 10 mins?

I am using win 10 and having no problem
+4 / -0
It was very painful but they continued eating a cactus with tears running down their cheeks...
+1 / -2
8 years ago
Thank you all for your suggestions. I have solved the problem now, the culprit seemed to be a bit of everything. I hope this could help anyone else having problems using Win10 with ZK.

The most perplexing thing was that even after file access rights had been righted I kept having unexplained access denials, without anything indicating that it was actually the anti-virus software (Avast) blocking access. After some experimentation I found out that Spring's v.529 has been reported as safe but later versions were not, thereby misdirecting troubleshooting efforts into the different engine versions. I have actually disabled file reputation services, but it was merrily enabled in some update without questioning the user. The error indications that came only from the operating system also meant that I misdirected my efforts towards Win10 even after file access issues had been corrected.

Some distilled wisdom in no particular order:

1) Run ZK as admin or with an admin user account
2) Check anti-virus software's settings very thoroughly especially if updating from Win7
3) Check ZK's folder permissions to have full access to files in the account you run ZK with

Very special thanks to the community and especially the very patient AUrankAdminGoogleFrog , sorry to bother you so much with engine versions as the main fault unlikely laid there.
+4 / -0
... engine versions as the main fault unlikely laid there
I would like to have this framed :D
+1 / -0

8 years ago
Avast block every new version of Zero-k both Chobby and engine files.

I try my best to upload Spring and chobby executable to Avast but it usually take 1 days to clear.

only workaround is to pause Avast.
+1 / -0

8 years ago
Another option is to realize that with a larger community, a problem that only affect a few will affect many (reality principle). Requesting that white-listing of executable should be made part of the release process would be smart... because hindering an old-timer with resilience forged by years of ZK play may not translate well to new players and could be a major turn-off for them (and bad publicity too, if they choose to talk in a non-asylum controlled environment).

I don't think permissions on windows make enough sense for it to work.

Is that a comment on windows permissions or on the way ZK-dev-team set permissions on windows installs? :)
I've read many "it's windows' fault" claims in here (before being debunked) to have an idea, but I'm not sure and don't want to be rude...
+2 / -0
so what I am reading is that you are volunteering to upload spring and zero-k executable to major anti-virus site before stable deployment? Wow BRrank[V]sheep that's very kind of you, I didn't think you had it in you. Thank you very much.

I mean anti-virus will block ANY RARE FILE so the only official workaround is to submit it to anti-virus site to get them to examine it. [I remember the time when my Avast block League of Legend, good time].

I have never got problem with Win 10 and permission with Zero-k so I will not comment on it.
+1 / -1

8 years ago
Sorry, I was ambiguous. With
It sounds like something has messed up the permissions of your folder. I don't think permissions on windows make enough sense for it to work.
I meant that the windows permission system is so messed up that supposedly granting full access permissions to a folder does not actually grant full access permissions. Programs seem to be able to silently change permissions in a hidden way. Hence, 'it', setting your permissions, is not necessarily enough to fix a permissions problem.
+0 / -0
Windows 10 has protection built in. Using AV on windows 10 is utterly useless.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
related or not, if i hold shift on the game start countdown 3..2..1...crash access violation. If i dont hold shift, works fine.

+3 / -0
So what I am reading is that you are volunteering to upload spring and zero-k executable to major anti-virus site before stable deployment? Wow [V]sheep that's very kind of you, I didn't think you had it in you. Thank you very much.

That would be an alternative fact... or alternative reading skills.
It would be really silly not to automate that step... and even more to count on random people to do it manually.

That's what build/release scripts are for...
+1 / -0