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Slowing time time?

5 posts, 535 views
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8 years ago
I'm just learning zero-k, made it through the first few single player missions.

I wish at times I could slow down time a bit. Is there any way to do that for single player missions?
+2 / -0
By default that would be the +/- keys on your keyboard.

Alternatively you can enter all chat with Ctrl+Enter and type either

Or just pause the game with the pause key or /pause
+1 / -0

8 years ago
Maybe you can play some games against the USrankbluetrainbandit he's also from the US and looking for someone to rob.
+1 / -0
8 years ago
After some training it will seems less fast though. Life lesson: the faster you get yourself, the slower other people and things will seem. :)
+2 / -0