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Using Panthers as assaults

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7 years ago
Are these little raider tanks also able to be an assault by themselves? They have the HP and firepower, though I would like a 1 second reload reduction, to destroy weak porc defending mex/units and can beat a Warrior if the ratio Panther:Warrior is 2:1.

In early game, they stomp and effectively spit onto mex defenses, but what about mid when everyone has got the riots and proper porc?
So, anyone know if they can be assaults?
(I express hope they can)
+1 / -0

7 years ago
You've answered your own question, they're heavy raiders that can deal with lone riots and kill lightly defended mexes. Their strength lies in their speed, once you come into late game and the enemy has fortified his positions, you should be using them like raiders and rely on reapers for breaching porc.

They also rape ravagers.
+2 / -0

Can it actually kill the "tanks"?

On a sidenote, how do I use tremor
+0 / -0
On a sidenote, how do I use tremor

Step 1: Press A or F
Step 2: Click on or near clusters enemy units and buildings, preferably when none of your units are nearby

A better question is when to use Tremor. The simplest answer is "never". The more complicated answer is "when you want to wear down large numbers of shields or potentially against a cloaked army". edit: it is also good at dealing with terraform.

In theory Tremor has considerably more DPS/cost than Pillager, Catapult, Impaler or Penetrator (it's a little better than Hammer as well) but against anything smaller than multiple area shields most of its DPS is wasted in missed shots. It's also slower than the other vehicle artillery units and less manoeuvrable than the bots.

As for Panther, they could potentially be mediocre assault units if they didn't stun each other on death. Happily Tank factory already has two very good assault units so you don't need to compromise on quality.
+7 / -0

7 years ago

Wall it in with terraform and use it to suppress the enemy. Works only against shields and non-tanky units. It won't harm your reapers so you can push in while the enemy is suppressed.

You can also use it to flatten cratered terrain and kill defender forests. It is a very specialized support unit which means you won't need it in 99% of games. Pillager/Cata is better when you just want to kill enemies at a distance.
+1 / -0

7 years ago
Panther is costly and fragile investment who require much micro and need be used careful. 300 metal worth unit isn't cheap. Also low emp dmg and emp dmg on explosion is big con for newest panther, so you cant use it like assaults in mass attack. Time ago they was stronger and better.
Tremor is one of most useless and annoying unit in game. It have three main functions - shields depleting because its large range and dps (also can be used to deplete moving area shield ball), it can be used vs dense cluster of buildings but best use of tremor in my practice is just flood open space to ensure that no cloaked unit pass unseen. New pillagers vs porc and moving shield balls do better job.
+1 / -0

7 years ago
Using tremor as ground flatter is have seen in only one game where pluk played vs 3 enemy in icy run and flattered mid hill. And he didn't do it on purpose btw so was bit surprised when his golly come up on that flattened hill. :D
+1 / -0
Use Panthers as Reaper support instead of Banishers. Banishers are good but they die instantly when you face anything.
Also after Reapers breacehd the enemy defences you can just keep moving with Reapers a'la blitzkrieg, and use Panters to finish the remaining mexes/structures in the area and then catch up with Reapers thanks to their speed.
+1 / -0
So, Panthers can be an assault, just not as good, while Tremor is more or less a specialist and is useless in most cases...

So, Pillager=Better unit killer
Trmor=Shield deplete?
+0 / -0
in normal games there arent enough shields to make it worthwhile, catapult is better to break through shield spam unless you just want to drain them.

only situation i can think of where tremor is substantially better than most alternatives is when you want to create a no-go area for cloakers (firewalkers can do it too tho).

panthers are not really useful as assaults, they die too quickly for hit-and-running (which reapers are great for) and dont deal enough damage to make kamikaze runs worthwile either (which ravagers are good at)
+1 / -0

7 years ago
Tremor is useless in any competitive sense. Its still awaiting a cost reduction and/or a lot of love. Make 1 catapult instead of 2 Tremor.
+1 / -0

7 years ago
Considering that a single Tremor has about 100 more DPS than a single Catapult, I'm not sure that's entirely true.

Tremor is more specialised, but at the tasks it is good at it is considerably more efficient than Catapult.
+0 / -0

7 years ago
> Considering that a single Tremor has about 100 more DPS than a single Catapult, I'm not sure that's entirely true.

The catapult has the advantage of massive massive alpha damage and a tighter spread/larger AoE that actually make it better at punching on shieldballs, plus greatly superior mobility. I can't think of a situation where I would rather have even 3 tremor than 1 cata.
+0 / -0
7 years ago
Should get more ACC/AOE
+0 / -0

7 years ago
The catapult has the advantage of massive massive alpha damage and a tighter spread/larger AoE that actually make it better at punching on shieldballs, plus greatly superior mobility. I can't think of a situation where I would rather have even 3 tremor than 1 cata.

Yes, I'm aware of what the advantages of Catapult are, and I do make Catapult more often than I make Tremor. However, for the purposes which Tremor is useful for (already listed in this thread at length) it is considerably more cost-efficient than Catapult.
+1 / -0

7 years ago
There is no correct statement in this thread that suggests tremor is better for anything at all, except terraforming, for which it is very expensive. It's strength is strictly hypothetical, based on a high but not very high sustained DPS. Goggle fog recently agreed on this forum that the unit was too heavy and not useful.
+2 / -0
Tremor is quite useful in larger games/maps during stalemate between two sides. A few of them spread across whole front simply create a GTFO zone, disabling any attempt to remex/repair defences.
Supported by other arty, or heavy stuff like Dante or Reapers, which can take some amount of friendly beating, it can be agame winner.
+0 / -0
There is no correct statement in this thread that suggests tremor is better for anything at all, except terraforming

Your opinion is duly noted, GBrank[GBC]1v0ry_k1ng

Tremor could probably be buffed but that doesn't mean it has zero usecases as it is now.
+2 / -0

7 years ago
There are rare situations where tremor is useful. On small maps it can be devastating, and in situations where enemy base clusters are tightly packed and highly porced, and possibly as a drain vs area shields. Catapults are still better in most situations though, and additionally function as long-range antiheavies which tremor absolutely is not. I think if tremor were better against light units it would have more of a competitive niche, but unless/until it gets some sort of aoe buff it's rarely worth building at all.

Panthers can and do function as mini-assaults, but their usage is still more of a heavy raider. Their speed and maneuverability and stun makes them deadly vs lots of things that deter other raiders which is what makes them strong, but if what you need is an assault then you should be building reapers. In the early to mid game panthers are cheaper and spammable which can make them a more favorable choice than reapers, but if the map is porced up you should be looking elsewhere.
+3 / -0
7 years ago
To make tremor fun to use it could get DRP-like gun ^^
+0 / -0
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