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By Goolash, Antero

Victoria Crater on Mars. Only bots can climb up and down from the crater, take it into consideration... Original Goolash, revised by Antero
Size: 12 x 12


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12 years ago
Ok here's my take on Victoria Crater. Has working metal spots now, also all of the ramps are really passable by bots, which wasn't the case in the old version.

I made the metalmap corner vs corner, this seems a lot more interesting than the old east vs west, in which games were often over really fast since the flanks were so precarious. Also added a couple of extra ramps to southwest.

I didn't end up adding visible metal textures, the metalmap is quite straightforward so there's not an immense need, and I wanted to keep the map's texture original.

I replaced the older version with this in official maps. Let's see how it plays out.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
This will totally change how the map is played, since the shortest rush distance is diagonal, the battle will take place mostly in the crater. That isn't bad, but it aint the same map. It also appears to have way more metal?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Yes, it's not the same map. Imo Victoria Crater always was too much about the sides and too little about the crater, so this version fixes it. If the nostalgy factor in the old layout is too great or stuff, feel free to roll back to the older one.

Let's compare metal amounts:

Old version:

40 * 1,8 spot = 72
~18 * 0,87 mex at mid = 15,66
Total 87,66

New: 57 * 1,5 spot = 85,5 total

So it's pretty much the same.
+0 / -0
If I could, I would delete that previous post. Oh, and I'm very new, so I just won't have a great review.

And I don't mean sprang's post.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I prefer the layout of the previous one. Just make the mex spots smaller and break up the middle into many spots.
+0 / -0
Yeah, me too actually. Importantly though, this version has consistent ramps (all are bot passable and none are veh passable). My plan is to remake this with the old metal layout and new ramps.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
You can just write a config. Although then the metalmap isn't quite as visible.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
The game used to be a 3-way push, much like an inverse folsom dam. You'd have roaming in the mid and a tight 1v1 compush game on top and bottom. Now, because the push distance on the sides is so much longer, it's a bit of a mad dash to secure the corners, which are way more open and impossible to defend.

On the positive, losing the sides is not an immediate death sentence (the way losing the mid on Folsom is) in this version.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I uploaded a version with the old-style metalmap (and a built-in metalconfig for ZK) and fixed slopes here http://springfiles.com/spring/spring-maps/victoria-crater-v2

But for some reason, I can't get it to work with springie, even if it works locally and in springlobby.
+0 / -0
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