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Planet Wars

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Will Planet Wars ever be continued? I want to take over the galaxy for DOOP Rising
+1 / -2
The last round of PW was the best implementation I ever saw, so obviously PW had to be discontinued. It was the only solution. Just imagine people having fun. We can't allow that.
+8 / -0
8 years ago
it seemed like a lot of stakes if I make a mistake,but now that I think of it I should have played it was a fun concept.
with the usual opaqueness, "it's too difficult to fix".
obviously,for timezones and such we'd need a lot more players.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
The last round of PW was the best implementation I ever saw,
Didnt last round end in something like 3 days or so?
+0 / -0
Could be. A PW galaxy map screenshot suggests it lasted 130 rounds and ended on the third day. I think there was some cheese involved in the meta-game with both sides' starting planets having been very close together, or factions rushing at each other. I don't remember this exactly.

What I do remember is that I felt like the metagame didn't really get in the way. Furthermore, the infrastructure was designed around getting games to start, generating activity and iirc even made you motivate faction members to join in on attacks/defenses. It probably also had the potential to get people to recruit more players to their faction - this includes newbies and players from different time zones. Battles being limited to 1v1 - 4v4 (or 3v3?) was also quite nice.

I suppose the 2-faction-limit and the limited time each faction had to sign up for an attack/defense were important for this. While this could occasionally create unfair situations (ingame, but also metagame wise), that didn't matter (at least for me) because players were always encouraged to give their best, if just to destroy the enemy CC before a loss or to delay the inevitable and "trap" enemy players in a battle so they couldn't join the next attack (especially when the enemy team has higher elo than mine).

+1 / -0
8 years ago
Rising basically rushed the motherplanet and obliterated all sort of infrastructure. Basically GBC and DOOP did everything.
All hail Spider Messiah our glorious leader.
+1 / -0

8 years ago
It was very short because between the PW's there was this beta testing phase called the "Galaxy Compressor Incident" in which Dynasty mastered the use of coordinated warp blitzkrieg.

Then Rising then implemented that know-how by rushing warp core fabricators, and blitzing Hegemony economy worlds, sacking all infrastructure in a time-honored Dynasty style and using it to make more fabricators and then chasing down the remnants of the enemy from inside out.

Warp cores got nerfed after this.
+0 / -0
Oh by the way, just to clarify: What I care about in PW is not winning PW itself[?], nor metagame balance[?], faction politics[?] or any of that crap. As such, when I say "best implementation I ever saw" that does not address these topics. If I wanted these things I'd play a completely different game than ZK's PW.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
The last PW was by far the best one because it was actually matchmaking.
  • 1 click to get into a game - check
  • game size is known and constant - check (bonus for being 2v2 which is perfection)
  • no long complacency delay through tons of !votes - check
+6 / -0
The last PW was by far the best one because it was actually matchmaking.

I realize I didn't play any PW, but I want to upvote this statement so many times. I mean, no one who is devving this needs convincing, since matchmaking is on the way; but from a community-convincing standpoint, the quoted statement pretty much says it all.
+0 / -0