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ZK needs a power supplier between solar and Fus

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My proposed E gen:
Cost: 200-400
E gen: 10
Health: 400-800
Small OD radius

The reason why I say that there should be another power gen is because the gap in price and e production between the solar and the fusion is huge (70 cost to 1000 cost, and 2 e to 35 e) thus making it hard to get a decent amount of e during the mid-early game.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
There is. It's called "get to high ground and spam wind-gens" or "find a geovent".
+0 / -0
12 years ago
But both of those may not work well depending on the map. I think that there needs to be a way that doesn't need map based stats.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I actually really like fields of solars and windgens, aesthetically. They give the right 'feel' to a base and help make it sprawl and take over the landscape.

I'm actually a bit sad that we don't see solar walls or huge wind farms like we used to, but I suppose there is just less demand for e under 1-1-1 and overdrive.

Either way this is totally unnecessary. What matters is not the expense of the structure, but its cost efficiency. 1k of solars gets you 28.5 e, which is very decent for the HP, but 1k of windgens on min elevation (0-2.5) will get you 35.7e on average. This is worse for overdrive than fusion (varying rates) but if you can get your min wind up to even 1.0 (easy), you have 50e per 1000m- Superfusion is 56 per 1000m. If you can get your wind to 2.0-2.5 (very high hills) you can get 64.3, which is the best thing this side of supergeos (Which is only 66.666e per 1000). And if you could max out your wind, for 2.5-2.5? Then you get 71.4e per 1k, the best in the game bar none.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Every kind of E structure would be boring. They all need some sort of advantage and downside. Solars take a lot of room with poor efficiency, winds are variable and weak, fusions are nice and dense but are a single point of failure.

A mid cost energy structure would probably do many things reasonably well which would not be interesting.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Completely unneeded. In fact, I think you could argue that fusions aren't really needed.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Solar farms are a pain to construct and entire wind farms die to 3 glaives, and both take up massive amounts of space.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Click drag for solar farm. As for weakness and space those are downsides.

You may as well argue that it is inconvenient that every unit has a counter. It would be much simpler if you could build one thing that is fairly good against everything.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
i agree to the nuerous "its ok as it is" posts above.

do not change anything.
+0 / -0
I just got an idea:
Make an energy producing unit that is MOBILE!

Such a unit would be very useful at:
-overdriving mexes at dangerous area
-quickly providing E for heavy defenses if want to push with offensive porc

Lets say it would only connect to grid if stationary, or even only give E when stationary.
It would have to less efficient than solars for balance purposes. The OD radius could be a little bigger than radius of solar. The cost would be around 400.
Will have quite weak HP. Average speed - so it can outrun slow attackers but never raiders.

Preferably it would some sort of bot - to reach mexes on hills. It would be the best if it was shieldbot or amphbot since these factories are most dependend on E - for shield recharge and for ressurecting respectively. It could be made buildable in stationary form by any constructor too - like shields and cloakers are.

So what do you think?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
like XTA's mobile fusion?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Haven't played XTA for ages, so don't even remember.
But as I said the unit will have to be stay stationary to give E.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
What Zag wants sounds EXACTLY like Geo. It's between Solargens and Fusions. Oi and please don't add even more E producers.. there's already so freaking many. In fact, scrap one of them, adjust all others a tiny bit to fill the gap. The fact that not all buildings are viable on any single map is a big feature, imo.

Oh and increase Singularity's and Fusion's footprint. Bigger footprints are a super cool way to show newbies "Look, this thing is big!" and might make their prices more visible. (same applies to all other (semi-)expensive buildings, but off topic..)
+0 / -0

12 years ago
You don't have to stop at buildings for deceptively-small units (jump-bots anyone?)... but factories will always throw off sizing because factories are incredibly cheap for their size, by necessity.

But yeah, there's about a million resizings you could do in ZK to make the unit value more visible at a glance.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Rafal: While I like the idea of having an energy generating unit to power up stationary defenses, I feel like having a unit that soley produces energy would feel a bit surpluss, especially since we also have pylons to fill roughly the same gap. Idealy the unit would fill another gap as well, though I don't know exactly which one.
+0 / -0
Make pylon deploy into mobile?

Skasi: yes, geo is a fine inbetween, but it has limited builds and fixed locations. Adjusting the cost and e produced from fusions down would be a better solution than adding a new power gen. Maybe swapping fusion stats with geo would work, making the geo more expensive and powerful than the fusion.

On the thought of geos, what is with the "moho" (or is it "mojo"?) geo upgrade? To the best of my knowledge this feature appears nowhere else in the game.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Moho refers to the Mohorovičić discontinuity, the area below the earth's crust.

Anyhow, the Mohogeo thing is an artifact carried over from the time when there were 4 different geovent buildings (standard, safe, armed, moho)... the morph was added because reclaiming/replacing them was tedious and morph was being added to *everything*... eventually the other vent buildings were removed because they were just kinda weird and ineffective in their roles, and morph's place in the game was reduced to a sensible minimum. In general, things morph when they're something you have in fixed numbers and can't simply build easily. Comms (you get one) mohos (can only build at a geovent) and experienced units (they have to earn their bars).

Anyhow, the moho is better power-for-cost than fusion, that's why it's at a fixed location. The mohogeo is similar, but bigger so the vent remains strategically important in the late-game where a single geo isn't a big deal. This gameplay feature is an old TA tradition and I find it works fine.

ZK is about large numbers. The way you fill the gap between solars/winds and fusions is with lots of solars/winds.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
How about a building that does not generate power by itself, but instead boost output of nearby powersources?
So you have a dozen solar, plop the PowerBooster (tm) next to them and their output doubles.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Double the singularity? Don't mind if I do.

That sounds kind of weird.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I love big wind farms. Solar walls are cool too.

However a mobile power unit sounds cool to me. Or perhaps fusions could morph to a crawling / rolling fusion? That would be cool. But would that work for overloading? Are the energy grids static or can they be moved / updated without much performance issues?
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