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Different Types of AI

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So I finally won my first battle versus CalAI and it took just under 2 hours on that IsisDelta_v02 so I finally think I'm up to PvP online. Is CalAI the hardest to beat? It was aggressive but not very adaptive to changing battle situations nor was it good defensively. What are the differences in the differing AI selections? Which one is most challenging?

Also, for a robot, the commander unit gives some pretty insubordinate lip during the game. I've had to give him numerous stern warnings to shut up and follow orders and it seems he grudgingly obeys while still muttering under his breath.


"This isn't a tower defence game".

"Hey bitch you mind shuttin' the fuck up while I win this battle? Thanks."

So first my units won't shoot their own when I ask them to and now they're giving me lip? I don't find nanny features appealing, makes me wonder just who's in command here. Is there a way to shut him up or do I have to give him 200 lashes and put him in stocks after the battle?
+4 / -0

9 years ago
So I finally won my first battle versus CalAI and it took just under 2 hours on that IsisDelta_v02 so I finally think I'm up to PvP online.

I would suggest changing the parameters and playing CAI a little more before engaging PVP - PVP is much less forgiving.

First I would suggest playing on small but open (non-chokepoint) maps, to better simulate the conditions you'll meet in MP.

For example -

Into Battle v3
Red Comet

Secondly, I would suggest focusing on improving the time and technique used to beat the AI. It is very possible to beat the AI within 5 minutes on just about any map by playing aggressively. A good challenge to set yourself is to beat the AI without using turrets or air units. Once you are reliably doing that you are definitely ready for MP!
+5 / -0
I completely agree that Clippy needs to either be removed from the game or undergo massive changes in text to make it sound less like an asshole that tries to tell you exactly how to play (because it definitely cannot into strategy) and more like a friendly, but reserved advisor that only points out game mechanics.

Currently it's probably the most awful widget in existence. Maybe @KingRaptor wants to look into that. You can disable it manually (but carefully so you don't accidentally change any other settings):

Ingame press F10, click on Search, type "clippy", press Enter and then left click on Toggle Clippy Comments.
+2 / -0

9 years ago
Clippy is a useful idea, it just needs some parameters.

Disable if player elo = higher than 1400

Give general advise only eg. Needmore E/Need more M/You are excessing build more stuff.
+0 / -0
Oooh THAT'S the clippy option...I saw the widget get loaded and thought "clippy"? That stupid paperclip from MS Word?!?

Got it...

Anyways thanks to RUrankFirepluk, AUrankAdminGoogleFrog, PHrankSomeone64, and USrankkaen for kicking my ass to the moon today - I learned some things and learned about the many more things I need to learn about. AI was NOTHING compared to the beatings I received in 1on1. Still awesome fun tho!
+2 / -0
If you want to get into watching the Zero K e-sports scene:

+0 / -0
9 years ago
should disable with level not elo. low elo veterans shouldnt be pestered by clippy.
+0 / -0
Clippy should at least sound less sarcastic/smartass in the next stable.

And it was disabled. I've also read about plans on making it a bit more cautious/restrained, but that's not in yet.
+1 / -0