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Funnelweb OP?

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Late game battles seem to be dominated by linked Funnelweb balls supported by Catapults, to the point where it can become two teams of Funnelweb/Catapults fighting it out and small units get chewed up instantly by the drones. It feels very hard to counter with anything that's not more Funnelwebs.

Anyone else feel like there are just too many Funnelwebs in the late game, and that Funnelweb needs a damage nerf?
+1 / -2

9 years ago
funnel is alright at sensible density, don't play clusterfucks
+6 / -1

9 years ago
To me the frustrating part is how you can have its shield down and drones dead and it's on the run... And then you send out the counterattack, but because of rough terrain your counterattack is slow (not ravagers) and you miss the window to exploit its weakness. Late game so many of the things you send to chase it are slow and it engages from such safety that it's hard to kill.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
For me Funnel is not really OP in its own sense. I think it is fairly balanced and has it own counters (even if it stacks like mad). The problem that I have with it is that it is just a lazy-man unit + its not very fun to use. "Oh wow I guess this thing will be spawning more drones that I cant control..."
While when using every other strider the player has to devote some attention in controlling them. Particularly when using super cool dguns (besides Banthas' dgun which is just lame).
+1 / -0
9 years ago
Wot. Bantha dgun is really cool.
+0 / -0
Funnels have low impact when you initially make them. You can negate their entire strider with like 600 metal in razors. Once they hit critical mass, they can then gun through the razors much more easily (thought still not for cost).

Compare to Dante which comes out and cleaves through non-striders like butter, for 1000 metal less. So you've got to use that extra time your opponent has gifted to you to make the right answers before he hits the critical mass. Tac nuke and silencer are fan favourites for breaking the entire ball. Ultimatum, scorpion,mass gnats, or cloaked Dante will pick off widows to further delay their critical mass.

I think it's better to compare widow to the more expensive striders, since they're largely negatable until you've got 13500 metal or so sunk into them, except they're able to contribute to your defense while they stack up.

Edit: I guess they're pretty much exactly like a higher weight wolverine in this respect.
+4 / -0
9 years ago
What makes funnels super annoying is their tendency to take 0 attrition in battles if outmatched. You lose your drone swarn, and so what? It comes back in 10 seconds. Some times the funnel does not even lose HP, merely shields which spring right back.

They require commitment to get rid of, otherwise you are just feeding metal. Committing is hard, because it requires the player to have knowledge of the strength of their force relative to that of their enemies. In other situations this isnt as bad, as in say a 5 scorchers vs 3 ravagers. You can dive in, kill a ravager and see that it isnt working out too great, and pull out. You still did something, although you did not accomplish your goal as much as you would have preferred to. With funnels its all or nothing, your hypothetical scorcher units of choice are dead or mostly dead with little to nothing accomplished. There is little feedback to react to like in the hypothetical ravager/scorcher situation.

I have seen players accurately gauge their strength and dispatch small funnel balls with ravagers and scorchers(the actual units are irrelevant) - but this is difficult. Knowing when and how to take winning engagements(and deciding if it is a winning engagement) is one something that separates lower elo players from higher elo players.
+3 / -0

9 years ago
Very agree. Some units requires a lot more game knowledge to deal with than others, and widows are probably the worst offender.
+1 / -0
9 years ago
I'm probably seeing the uncommon things,but often I'll see them get built, they walk out,and then their drones get slaughtered and either it runs away and repeats the cycle or things get under the sheild/weaken the sheild and ultimately lead to it's demise.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
the problem is that it produces powerful units for free - this can even mean losing map control/eco death but continuing to fight and cause attrition where you possess 2+ Funnyweb.
+1 / -0
Learn to make at least 3 razor kiss per funnelweb and it won't be Op. Since you want to counter it with normal units( that dont have aa) of course it's op. Don't try to blame a unit since you can't beat a funnelweb with simple tactics.

I once made 3 razor kisses and 3 lotuses and funnelweb was getting killed by the lotuses. It's simple, the enemy was not microwing the funnelweb and was near the lotues.

So it's not op, you just need a cluster of constructors to make defences fast in the side where they attack. Remember funnelweb moves slow so building things fast won't be hard.

Also try use Emp missile from the missile silo lab. They are strong against them. Nukes do the same job even better.

There is another tactic where you make funnelwebs completly usless even in 100 numbers. But i won't tell that because admin community will buff them and I won't have the chance to fully exploit this thing/bug/feature :D.

Regarding what USrankFealthas wrote i am sure that 20 ravagers( almost same cost as funnyweb) easily beats a funnyweb, drones included. It's the problem of enemy team that deals with funnywebs. They had to do something wrong since they lost so much in the point they can't counter a funnyweb.
+2 / -0
Yeah that's not the norm. They are all-terrain, meaning opponents are often limited in what can even move to underneath their shield. They also have large hitpoints (not for cost), meaning killing them can't really 'just happen'. You have to catch it very out of position to cause real casualties, and anything less is the widow beating you. Bad players might send widows out on their own where they can be hit, but a very easy application for widow is parking on a cliff outside range of turrets or units, and just taking the small attrition advantage while you wait for your next funnel.

I think the discussion is warranted. No need to shout him down. Dealing with funnels takes more experience than most people have.

AA alone doesn't actually kill the funnel -> one funnel can kill infinite aa without taking any damage. Dealing with them is more complex than simple unit counters and your tone does not reflect this.

If you make 900 in razors the funnel can go round. If you then make more razors at every point the funnel could possibly go you are spending a lot of money to hold something back temporarily. You then need to doubledown on those razors in order to maintain their viability or the second widow will compound the power of the first and break through. Pure widow escalation beats pure AA escalation.

So the solution requires the coordination of more than one unit, which is a rare quality and far more difficult to deal with than 'make unit X'.
+1 / -0
9 years ago
AUrankSnuggleBass i never had problems dealing with funnyweb... Watch my ffa games and see how easily you counter them. Even from distance (1 annihilator, 2 razors and a shield+3 caretakers). even 5 funnywebs are usless when they attack, drones instantly die to aa and the rest dies to annihilator.If enemy makes critical mass of funnywebs it's your problem you let him do that, and not a funnyweb (op) problem.

1 Bertha counters a funnyweb easily with constant shots draining shields, and even from distance. Catapults are extremly strong against them from what i saw because they move slow. Bantha tear the shields easily and with a few aa support they can easily kill them with same cost.

So what seems to be the problem ? Funnyweb already got nerfed, the gause gun they had was strong i admit. But now ?
+2 / -0

9 years ago
I'm not arguing that they're OP. I don't really have issues with them either unless I've already lost the game for other reasons.

What I'm saying is that the OP was a question, to which you responded by telling OP not to jump to conclusions (with an obligatory downvote). In your post was a bunch of solid advice and examples, which was what the OP warranted. The addition of your dismissal of the very question was not warranted, as well as being rude.

I'm a little confused as to why you justified the question with an insightful response while also telling him the question was unjustified.

Do I get bonus points for using acronym 'OP' to mean three different things?
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Funnyweb high elo 3v3 -

+1 / -0
funnyweb has terrible scaling. a single funnel is not a big threat and can be taken out by many regular ground units. once you hit 2,3 there are so many drones that they chew through approaching units faster than they can approach.

drones are essentially a riot weapon with artillery range. there are no units that can survive being attacked by a drone cluster from 4+ funnels, so the only options are those that can reliably stay out of range, which arent many.

to shut down the drones entirely, you need more aa as one would normally build to counter air units, and this costs a lot of metal - and eventually even the aa will succumb to the drones.

imo just a bad unit overall. very weak when first built, unstoppable when you invest about a dets' worth. would be much better if drones would cost metal as was proposed, and it had a real weapon to make a single funnel useful. with drones draining metal there would be a real tradeoff to the immense power of drone spam.

watch the replay that GBrank[GBC]1v0ry_k1ng linked, its a good example of whats wrong with it. look at how many razors we made in southwest corner only to counter drones and they still grinded through them. only way to get rid off the funnels eventually was to make silo and emp them, because nothing else works.

funnel is alright at sensible density

not really, because at normal density you make like 1, and then it sucks.
+2 / -0

9 years ago
^ agree with the shortcomings described

Drones are super generalist and an infinite resource. I don't think the unit is overpowered is most circumstances, but I dislike how it works. I'd like it to be just as powerful, but less frustrating to face/ no skill to use.
+0 / -0
Drones seems to be a problem, can do something nice for the gunship factory as main units( like glaves are in cloacky boots) in the built menu.

Regarding the op-nes of the funnyweb drones. If you manange to make 4 funnywebs those are almost a detriment. Most of the problems start from 3 and more funnywebs so you can have at least a bantha worth of metal in that game to counter them.
Making drones cost metal to built will be kind of unfair.That means reef will need to drain metal to for the drone making. Same for goes for protector. If we introduce more realistic feature we must introduce them for all units in order to balance them all at the same %.

Just try and make a felon+ fusion +outlaw and some aspis as same as funnyweb cost and you will notice that it beats funnyweb spam easily. Here is another counter.
+1 / -0
Another ridiculous funnywub game: http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/352243
+0 / -0
Funnelwebs seem to be one of those things that scale up and slog up the game, like shieldballs and wolverines ... combined into one unholy thing!

They aren't OP and they are sometimes pretty easy to kill but they are slow, they kill slow, and they die slow. And they slow enemies with disruptor drones. They rarely take damage themselves, staying "outside combat" and letting drones do piecemeal attrition (again, like Wolverines). All of this leads to a porcy semi-static gameplay which i dislike.

I think it's too late to change their role as a drone unit however, and having an interesting drone unit is a challenge. So here are some ideas.

Drones could be more nuanced and actively controlled for fun to be allowed. Some sort of a drone-affecting dgun (send drones on an extra-range sortie?), or a way to configure their loadout could then make them a bit more interesting.

Drones or their dgun (say, same "long range sortie" option) could cost energy and even metal to produce or fire.

Maybe, drones could be bombers rather than gunships, e.g, they would have to reload after doing a run.

Most of the problems start from 3 and more funnywebs so you can have at least a bantha worth of metal in that game to counter them

The problem here is that 3 funnelwebs will kill a Bantha unless it's supported by a pretty large amount of AA. And 5 funnelwebs, which is same cost level as Det, will gladly kill a Det.
+0 / -0
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