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01/2012 Feedback

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12 years ago
I know you guys love receiving bossy ill-informed feedback from your players, so let me contribute my current thoughts:

* Mace shoots down fighters (avengers) very effectively, and can ruin other air too. This is surely bad!

* Spiders & Walkers would strongly benefit from having their mobile AA unit scaled down in cost and power so it is more flexible and possible to build in smaller denominations.

* The Commander Rocket Launcher & Gauss Rifle are pants

* The Panther feels very under-powered.

* The Halberd sometimes fails to fire when at pointblank range from target, maybe a script issue.

* The Hover scout sucks

* The Scalpel is hard to use

* The annihilator seems too cheap at 1500m, even with it's energy requirements (2,300 DPS at high range...)

* The scuttle decloaking range and blast radius is hard to predict

* Light Vehicle lack of AA is problematic.

* The Razor-kiss seems much too durable for its cost and is usually the last thing in a base to be destroyed (sometimes ignored entirely because it takes so long to destroy when closed).

* team games on small maps are often decided by penetrator rushes - Giving the penetrator an e-cost to fire might alleviate that.

* lots of noobs make athena then fail terribly. Might be a good idea to increase the EXP cost of unlocking the Athena

* Spider needs an aggressive unit bigger than flea :p

peace out, lover de ZK
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Agreed on the Athena point. Right now it's lvl 5 - making it lvl 8 sounds about right. Athena takes real skill to not get it killed.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
it is so hard to use properly and so good when done well...
lvl 10, the highest unlock (?) it should be (if you want locks anyway)

+0 / -0
12 years ago
Lolz, every single point could be from Ion. Stop eeet, seriously.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I like the spider lab as is - the power of an all-terrain raider would be nightmarish, so I'm happy with their instagibby paper fleas.

The mace is, in general, OP. It's time to give up and reclassify the thing as a skirmisher and balance it as such.

Between the Mace and the Penetrator (and the fact that the Con is basically a hovering Masion) I'm thinking the only reason everybody doesn't start Hovers is their terrible raider/scout unit.

Gauss rifle weapons are, in general, weak. They've got several values that make them impossible to balance properly:
- They can hit multiple targets by passing through.
- They do more damage to larger (by hitbox) targets.
- They penetrate shields
- They get rangeboost from high altitude (this seems extremely finicky in my experienc).

So it's no wonder that the only gauss weapon that performs reasonably is the turret. Assault forces tend to be shielded or include dense packs or large hitboxes.

Weapon E-costs have been deprecated for non-stockpile weaponry. I think it game out of a failed attempt to have an energy-storageless economy, but either way it does simplify the game a bit.

The AA/non-AA break is problematic in general. ZK tried to move away from the BA/Uberhack superhard-distinction between AA and non-AA units, but it has kind of failed in this vein. Dedicated AA units make multifunction units look pathetic and hard-counter entire labs.

And yes, the Kiss, while not terribly effective at gunning down large swarms of enemy air, is fantastic at simply surviving and soaking up damage.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
* The precision bombers can shoot down other planes - they are very effective against strafing brawlers and blackdawns.. that probably shouldn't be the case.

@skasi, boil your head bro.. if I need someone to limpdick in my threads I'll advertise :)
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Keep anihilator as it is its finally getting used. That was the reason for the buff in the first place. Also anihilator DOES NOT DO 2300 dps dumbass....Where did you get that from....Its way way lower.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
whoops, when I wrote 2300 I meant 500
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I would really like unploppable Athena.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
  • Mace shoots down fighters (avengers) very effectively, and can ruin other air too. This is surely bad!

- yeah

  • Spiders & Walkers would strongly benefit from having their mobile AA unit scaled down in cost and power so it is more flexible and possible to build in smaller denominations.

- yes

  • The Commander Rocket Launcher & Gauss Rifle are pants

  • The Panther feels very under-powered.

- compared to kodachi yes

  • The Halberd sometimes fails to fire when at pointblank range from target, maybe a script issue.

  • The Hover scout sucks

- not sure

  • The Scalpel is hard to use

- needs agility and less saktoth-type-movement

  • The annihilator seems too cheap at 1500m, even with it's energy requirements (2,300 DPS at high range...)

- imo its ok .. but its too cheap compared to behe - behe could be cheaper

  • The scuttle decloaking range and blast radius is hard to predict

  • Light Vehicle lack of AA is problematic.

- leveler and slasher are good enough imo

  • The Razor-kiss seems much too durable for its cost and is usually the last thing in a base to be destroyed (sometimes ignored entirely because it takes so long to destroy when closed).

  • team games on small maps are often decided by penetrator rushes - Giving the penetrator an e-cost to fire might alleviate that.

- we dont have e-costs plan is to remove e storage completely when possible

  • lots of noobs make athena then fail terribly. Might be a good idea to increase the EXP cost of unlocking the Athena

  • Spider needs an aggressive unit bigger than flea :p

- nah they are already too good for all terrain
+0 / -0
12 years ago
* Spiders & Walkers would strongly benefit from having their mobile AA unit scaled down in cost and power so it is more flexible and possible to build in smaller denominations.

That would make mobile AA even worse.
We need some strong AA units - we could give some factories 2 AA units - semi-AA and real AA.

Semi-AA is something like mace, felon, slasher, zeus, ...
And add >750 metal AA units somewhere.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
experimental aa!! I mean we dont have anything that comes close to that.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Screamer is quite close to a superweapon.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
but it isnt mobile :)
+0 / -0

12 years ago
* The Panther feels very under-powered.

- compared to kodachi yes


actually, just in general. @350 metal, it is very hard to think of situations where in which it is superior to 5 glaives. Like other EMP units, it gets much more effective when used in large groups, and its fast.. but a large group of panthers is very expensive and still weak in a straight fight. LOW dps, poor accuracy makes it a crappy raider.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
for example:
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Does that even take repair into account?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
It should do? Its just a measure of total dam dealt vs the cost/hp of the target right? In situations where panthers are saved by repair, the battles that follow would produce stats more in favor of the panther (more of them firing?)

..but since repair would then be working in favor of the panther in all the above examples (as a fast, relatively high HP unit), it just makes it's stats even more condemning.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I would buff the HP by 15% and maybe the accuracy.

Keep the costs or it will be useless against pyros with it's low range.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
(pyros are the one unit the panther is really effective against)
+0 / -0
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