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NeonStorm's thread - post spam posts here pls

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12 years ago
If you want to say something to me please stop spaming other posts with Off Topic.

That only kills these threads.
We should get user threads too :)
+0 / -0

12 years ago
The human brain has a surface area of up to 2000 cm^2. If the word 'hate' was inscribed on every nanoangstrom^2 of those thousands of square centimeters it would not equal one billionth of the hate I feel this micro-instant for you. Hate. Hate.
+0 / -0
12 years ago

Don't complain about my own long posts :P
If you really want to do it, make a ladder about the Posts/Letters factor of each person first.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Oh - I forgot about line breaks :P

And double posts count as one ^_^
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Please stop posting those huge posts about balance or game ideas with lots of text and obscure equations..

It wont happend and you make devs skip your posts instantly.

Do so, don't want to spend extra time coding forum ban.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
In my opinion the neonstorm is op. The reason for this is that he distracts players from the game for up to 30 minutes maybe even more. This is most likely caused by the so called walls of texts he produces at a staggering rate. Players try to read it but are unable to understand what he says. After 30 mins most ppl gave up trying to understand his post and come back ingame only to find they are losing the battle

To show you how op it really is i will now perform some insane maths:
Player 1 has 500 fleas each doing 40 dps this means 20k dps in total
500*40 = 20000

There is 3600/2

1800 seconds in 30 mins. Thus the neonstorm will nerf that player damage by 1800*20

36000000 dmg or 36000 in k's.

I believe 1 nuke does 15k dmg so thats the equivalent of 36000/15

2400 nukes. Each nuke costs 10k metal so thats 2400*10000

24 million metal wasted. Meaning in the time that the player read the neonstorm post he can build 1000 detriments. Which in turn do like 1 million dps.

No other unit has such cost efficiency. Considering you are only limited by time and not my metal its cost efficiency is infinite. This should give a clear picture of exactly how ridiculously op the neonstorm is.

+0 / -0

12 years ago
rick wins thread
+0 / -0
12 years ago
If something is OP, anything else is UP.
If too many things are UP, there have to be a couter to that OP-thing.
That counter is called "Ascended".

Ascended upload their mind into a super computer and get transformed into 1 million equations.
Each one's dps is dependend on the factor individualNumberOfEquations/1millionEquations.
The damage taken is the number of attackers * dps.

Fleas are OP. Troll-posts have low dps but are spamable -> they are OP

How can I be OP, if there is an other thing that is OP and counters me all the time?
+0 / -0
12 years ago

It would be very sufficient to limit the letters and line breaks both for a preview-part.

If you really need more than this preview-part, there can be a button to collapse/display the rest of the post.
If someone double-posts, they should be merged into one.

It would also be nice to have a function to comment the post, not the thread ( >blockquote>YYY said: "blablabla" to XXX's post >/blockquote> ).

But free time is drained by requested answers :P
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I am going to be judiciously deleting any of your posts which go on too long, stray off topic, or spam a thread. Sorry Neon but everyone is complaining about it and I've asked you nicely to tone it down.
+0 / -0
12 years ago

An edit option would make it easier. Many times I make long posts I'm doing it with an Android-Smartphone and forget to stop.
When I am on my PC I want to edit them, but surprise - there is no edit button.

If I have the time and motivation for it I will make an mobile device CSS-layout for Zero-k.info/Forum.

Besides that - even I want to delete on of my Posts in "Shieldbots UP?".

A visible sumary and cites+details which are collapsed by default could improve our forum a lot.
This functions would be mostly unique to our forum, but worth the effort.

JavaScript could dynamically load the details and save many bytes/pageload.
We allready have this function for our tooltips.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I don't think any deleting needs to occur. If they're too long just don't read them.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Other people may not be used to Neon, or take some time to, and in many threads people (including myself, trying to be fair to neon) waste lots of time just telling him his ideas are bad, while reasonable suggestions get swamped.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
My response to most of Neon's threads:

+0 / -0
12 years ago
Did i still win this thread?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
USrankAntelope - you should edit your post and add epilepsie warnings.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I'm going to make my own mod to experimentate with gunships, shields and what comes into my mind.

As my first beta is finnished I will invite you - and especially the devs - to see how it is played.

* I hope I can make some things smoother, easier to balance, more unique and open new strategies.
* I would like to give players more control over the unit behaviour - especially shields.

* Players should be able to decide that a sniper shots through the shield to hit a razzor, but not through the second shield to hit your other stuff etc.
* Players should be able to manually take control where the shield charge flows. but in an intuitive system,

* Gravity units should adjust their strenght to compensate (at least most of) the map gravity.
* Some AOE gravity units should even work equally on each unit - don't push light units harder than heavy ones.
* Gravity clouds could protect your base from raiders, but beware of the running energy costs and overdrive loss.
* Gravity clouds could be used to Transport a bulk of your units or let it rain raiders and puppies in front of enemy arty.
* * Surfboat successfully steals even moving units just now - the code can be used.
* A new gadget to calculate opposing forces is needed.
* Keep the current impulse implementation if possible.

* Gunships should be affected by gravity weapons - I hope to finally replace them by self-elevating land units.
* * They should fly at a higher altitude if you disable the weapons to bypass land forces (not dedicated AA).

* Air units should be a lot more fragile and fly at higher altitudes to bypass riot units and Felon/Moderator, AA a lot weaker and able to attack land forces with very low dps if they would be idle otherwise.
* * To compensate, air units should get some armor while landed (explain with closed engines, etc. but this will need modell improvements to be visible)

Pene Anni

First, I will give Penetrator and Anni 20 150 damage shots instead of a beam.
It will behave mostly like a beam and slash multiple glaives or fleas if it's 20 AOE is sufficient.
The main reason is it's OPness against the shield bot factory - how it works:


The Elevator is a modified Newton which shots missles into the sky and let them rain on enemies.
This projectiles releases anti-gravity to elevate units.

I am using AOE, but small units are affected to hard while strong units aren't.
Finally it should hit large units muliple times - like gauß, and use AOE which is released above the target.

edgeEffectiveness and damageFalloff could work - I keep experimenting.
But today a StarburstLauncher stopped firing after 100 shots without reason.


* I really dislike that Thugs only spend about 1/4 and slowly up to 1/3 of their shield charge to Felon.
* To balance this, I will make Felon cheaper, less powerfull alone, Thugs shield larger that it don't relay so hard on Aspis and some other changes.

* Other changes might come from my ideas here:
* http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/1578
+0 / -0
12 years ago
First beta forked from Zero-K, available here:
( You have to merge the zip file into a copy of the original Zero-K )

Air units have less health, but AA weapons also do less damage ( about 20-30% ).
* Prefers Slasher, Defender
* Flak is now a short ranged devasting weapon ( 1000->600range, 250->400dps ).

Air is faster and flies at a higher altitude.
* Blackdawn, Banshee and <100 metal gunships are unaffected from the altitude changes
* Banshees can not longer target most other Gunships due to too low altitude ( I will fix it )

Weapon changes.
* Avenger's laser is 2 times as strong, but it don't have a missle.
* Vamp got 2 Avenger missles instead of lasers.
* Vindicator has 2/3 damage with guided missles, but no lasers ( cloned and nerfed AA gunship weapon )
* Krow got gnat-drones, a weak lightening special-gun, a 4k +50/s shield but only 8k HP and a nicer weapon look.

Shield linking now depends on density.
* density

radius^2 *0.0001 ( messure unit

1 / (100*100) / PI )
* I want to find the collision checks too and make them depend on density.

Any other changes are beta changes and only to test the balance for the next release.
This was the work of two days :)
+0 / -0
12 years ago
hmm do anybody really even read this??+
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I read the last one, it could even fit on a whole screen.

I don't really know what to say though. The changes seem a bit extreme or in the wrong direction.
+0 / -0
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