I very much dislike Isis Delta because no factory works on this map well and it basically have 2 chokepoints that one has to hold.
I dislike Gayser Plains because of how one is basically forced into taking rocket com or you just lose. Also the map is hideous and asymmetrical (metal balance wise as well as terrain wise).
I dislike most water maps, that is: Flooded Valley, Coastal, Tangled Isthmus Revised, Rapids, Sapphire Shores and especially Indonesia beacause it is such awful map, broken on so many levels). Inculta Wet and Cull are somewhat okaish though but still it is a case of water play being not fun in my opinion.
All of these maps gave me some awful game experience in ZK. Most of them also do not add any gameplay value into the game besides perhaps Gayser Plains which I can understand that this map is apealing to some players.
[Fx]Drone you say that you nobody can be bothered with super large maps yet in this other thread you said that your favorites are one of the biggest maps in 1v1 pool :P