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Behemoth and Big Bertha

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9 years ago
Behemoth requires 50 energy via a grid connection to fire.

Big Bertha does not require any energy or grid connection.

Why not give both the requirement of grid and energy?
+1 / -0

9 years ago
I imagine the reason it's never occured to anyone is that due to the comparatively short range of Behemoth part of its cost is keeping its energy supply safe.

Bertha is generally built near, if not in, one's own base so the task of protecting its energy supply would not be nearly as important.

I don't see any particular reason why Bertha should not have this but nor any particularly good reason to add it, either.
+2 / -0
Consistancy. All "large" turrets have it, don't see why the Bertha/ Starlight/Disco/Meteor should be exceptions.

+1 / -0
9 years ago
Big Bertha also cant hit anything reliabilty unless it is a size of reef.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Behe is akin to ani.

BB is akin to disco rave party.

One controls a small area -> is a defensive structure (though can be used to cut a slice out of opponent's porc).

The other is a game ending weapon that puts the onus on the opposing team to attack or lose.

While there are certainly similarities, I don't feel like it's inconsistent. Game ending weapons consistently don't require grid because if you can afford them then connecting them to grid is such an insignificant deal. Anything that's meant to be used semi-defensively has energy requirement to stop them being put too far forward too easily.
+1 / -0

9 years ago
BB and goli have same sound.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
i propose removal of the grid cost from behemoth for a short time to see how players react.
+1 / -0
There's no especially good reason why Bertha shouldn't have energy requirements, but there is a good reason why Behemoth should. To wit:
Anything that's meant to be used semi-defensively has energy requirement to stop them being put too far forward too easily.

Behemoth might still not get built because it's kinda bad except in some niche cases. That wouldn't make this a good idea. This is less a "buff" and more a "this unit is either non-viable or imbalanced now", neither of which is a desirable end goal.
+0 / -0
Being able to power down superweapons with a grid blackout sounds interesting somewhat.

But here's the real question: do you want Silencer and Missile Silo to require grid, too?
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Yea and maybe need grid for all defense structures.
Bertha is long range inaccurate and 2x more cost then behemot. If grid will be removed then it will be used more often and we know that all likes porc. You can place behememot everywere. And if superweapons need grid then also silos need too.
+1 / -0

9 years ago
If all the super weapons required energy grid connection then it should be made so that they can't be placed unless inside a sufficiently powerful grid, that would be similar to the unlock system in that it prevents noobs from trying to build super weapons before they even have any eco.

This requirement makes more sense in the first place tbh because it's not obvious at all when you first build bohemoth or ddm etc that they require a grid of energy to power them. It's a bit of a noob trap.
+12 / -0
9 years ago
I prefer starting the construction of heavy defenses and then making the necessary power grid as the heavy defense structure finishes so I don't like that idea. But you are right that it is a noobtrap.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Just showing a blinking "Insufficient power at this location" warning when placing a DDM without power should be enough.
+7 / -0

9 years ago
Question also applies to Screamer.
+2 / -0

9 years ago
Grid power restriction also gets messy when you've got fluctuations in power from wind, and solars getting hit. I think the 'insufficient power' display would be good, also perhaps adding an indicator of how much more e you need on the grid to power it? Off the bat you've got a commander giving you 6 'fake' energy towards this purpose, and it gets more complicated if people have any energy whatsoever not connected to grid (assuming you're using your energy total as an indicator). Not that it's hard math, but it's additional unnecessary math.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
need a way of showing how much e is in a grid area - maybe a number above the mouse when you hold shift & mouse over grid area?
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Mouse-over on grid nodes already does that, though admittedly it's a bit less visible than it should.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Mouse-over on grid nodes already does that

also on enemy pylon, which is hillarious!
+2 / -0

9 years ago
Feel free to fix that.
+0 / -0