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pluk clan hostile and toxic

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9 years ago
So I had to report firepluk and svatopluk tonight. I didnt really want to but they were so insulting to me as a new player, calling me nab nub etc and trying to get me kicked out of the game that I felt for the benefit of all new players and the game in general that I had to report them.

I included chat logs that showed that I was trying to reason with them and that I was just trying to learn the game but I was met with nothing but hatred and hostility.

This is a shame because I have really enjoyed playing,but surely this kind of thing is going to frighten a lot of new players away.

Sorry Firepluk and Svatopluk, but I did try to talk with you before posing this ad reporting you, but all I got from you was " gtfo nab".
+0 / -0

9 years ago
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gtfo nab
+2 / -12
No GBrank[Fx]Drone, first you need to rename to Dronepluk.

DKrankhodgepodge just a heads up, make sure the replay you hopefully linked in the report wasn't broken. Lately game replays occasionally fail to save properly.
+4 / -0
9 years ago
thanks drone I just reported you as well. what on earth is wrong with you people? you need some psychotheraptic help or something?
+0 / -0

9 years ago
good point skasi

+1 / -0
9 years ago
what good reputation is that?
+6 / -0
9 years ago
I have read the forums about you Drone and all I see is threads about your juvenile behaviour, and supposed reformation.

I think that perhaps a leopard does not change its spots. That perhaps you are as disruptive now as you ever were.

+0 / -0
9 years ago
Don't u have such problems?
+1 / -0
9 years ago
Ah *graps popcorn* this might be worth to follow.
+2 / -0

9 years ago
all I see is threads about your juvenile behaviour

lol I must have missed those, pls link, sounds like a good read
+1 / -0
9 years ago
use the search function, you know they are there and you know about your history! :)
+0 / -0
Firepluk and Drone are repeat offenders. We usually ban them for a while and they'll come back again or try to smurf in the meanwhile. Drone do contribute to the game sometimes. He have even hosted tournaments. Firepluk is funny at times in his own ways, doing all those crazy rushes and resigning as soon as they fail like a clown.

Drone, I don't get your response in this thread. My guess is that you are just trying to make a joke or being offensive because you are bored and trying to start some drama.
People knowing Drone and Firepluk usually just let what they do slip through because they just behave like they always do and we don't take them too seriously.
However this is just boring noobbashing without any novelty, Drone. It's just as boring as telling girls to "Make me a sandwich" just when you learn that they are a girl gamer.
People are just likely to go "Oh, here is another shit community".
What you do is just boring stereotypical noobbashing that has potential to keep the community from growing. I, myself is split on banning people like Drone and Firepluk permanently. They do funny stuff every once in while and make some contributions at times and are still somehow despite all their complaints and whining some of the most frequent players of the game. But they sure have deserved their previous bans.
+14 / -0
9 years ago
Those kind of people are supposed to be banished to low priority queue. But that kinda implies having a queue in first place.

+2 / -0

9 years ago
GBrank[Fx]Drone you definitely deserve a punishment for giving new players this impression of our community especially when he voices his concerns about that particular issue.

I agree with SErank[Er0]Godde that your behavior is, for some reason, strictly provocative. Why do you need to do that? Does it give you fulfilment to act as brusque as you can and tell anybody who is offended that they shouldn't be because this is the internet?

DKrankhodgepodge, I can't speak for the community (and I won't apologize for what some of the people do/did), but I personally think this is one of the most civilized places in the net that I've encountered and I enjoy the (mostly) reasonable forum discussions a lot, even though I've basically stopped playing. There's a lot of intelligent people here so there can be quite interesting topics, but sometimes you just have the candidates you met (who think their veteran status allows them to act any way they want) that tend to invest their spare time in trolling the forum with pointless/offensive discussions. It's usually quite hilarious (unless you are involved).
+1 / -0
I don't even understand what Podge is complaining about, I spec one game where he is saying Firepluk is ruining game by building too many solars, then he quits lobby saying "I dont need this shit" lol, what shit is that? How can someone make a big drama alone then ragequit because of it. Maybe my behavior is "provocative" but who can resist when faced with such drama queens.

Sure, new players are a good thing but someone who take things so seriously probably won't last in any online game, ZK is probably one of the more mild games because of nazi mods worst insult you see is "nub" lol.
+3 / -0
who can resist when faced with such drama queens.

Maybe close to all players here except the ones called out in this thread?

You still haven't seemed to realize that you are the oddball here, drone. Without you (and some others), this would be quite a civilized community, unlike "other online game[s]".

Seriously, stop acting like you are to decide how the tone of this community should be. It doesn't even matter if people would last long in any other online game because of the community, it would totally suffice if they lasted here. But you're doing the best you can to prevent that. Quit it (take that as literal as you want).
+3 / -0
9 years ago
because of nazi mods worst insult you see is "nub"

Then the mod policies are working.
+8 / -0
Kill ban them all and let god sort them out
+1 / -0

9 years ago
I know that in some other games you get temporarily globally muted if you are ignored and/or reported by many people.
The cool thing about is, it scales well with any playerbase and doesn't require moderator action.
+1 / -0
9 years ago
I don't think it makes any sense to talk to drone or fireboy, we should talk to their parents instead. These boys are obviously still looking to find their own identity and stuff. We should support them.
+1 / -0
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