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I asked for help

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10 years ago
so I kinda like this game but am not very good. I would like to get better, so I just played a game where I went to the top of a hill as amphbians but I got attked by all sides. I asked for help but got this response
[18:55] Normthegorm what should i have done?
[18:55] * KaktuS Map download progress: 72%, eta: 0:37
[18:55] TLama not fail :D
[18:55] Firepluk !start
[18:55] * KaktuS Map download progress: 86%, eta: 0:17
[18:55] Svatopluk resigned sooner
[18:55] Firepluk dat lobster
[18:55] Svatopluk resign OP
[18:55] naroonha_iv !start
[18:55] * KaktuS Map download progress: 93%, eta: 0:08
[18:56] Normthegorm seriously though
[18:56] Svatopluk u could have also scuttled yourself

Is this normal? or are some people more new helpful to new players?
+5 / -0

10 years ago
Certain people are quite hostile towards newbies, on the other hand there are few, who will support you and give advises.

If you would like to avoid being bashed, you might want to craft your skill in duel mode.
+4 / -0
Unfortunately, you encountered some of the most unfriendly players in the community. Please, don't take this to be representative of the community at large.

As RUrankivand mentioned, the big teams room can be very hostile towards newbies. You can gain a solid understanding of the basics by playing against CAI, or practicing in the 1v1 room.

In general, the community is very willing to help new players improve, as can be seen in this thread.

It can also be helpful to watch commentated replays, or FPVODs (shameless plug)
+1 / -0
RUrankFirepluk is a well known troll and all-around difficult person to play with. There is a bit of an inside joke ("resign OP") there in that RUrankFirepluk tends to go for broke and then resign if their all-in fails, which has won tournament games, but mostly they're just a jerk.

I don't know CZrankTLama at all, nor SKrankSvatopluk that well [color=grey](casted one game, I know they were the first *pluk, and for some reason a bunch of people randomly followed)[/color], but overall big team games are at best like stereotypical frathouses.

So, as USrankkaen said, learn the basics against CAI, and come to the 1v1 room. Everyone in the 1v1 room is nice (which constantly pleasantly surprises yet baffles me).
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Thanks for your advice, I feel reassured that I just encountered some bad apples. Klon has since been very helpful and I hope I have learned from him, but there is a lot to take on board!
See you in game
+0 / -0
10 years ago
The small teams and 1v1 guys are a lot friendlier than you'll find in the average 10v10. With the size of the current player base it's pretty hard to find a large team game where this doesn't happen.
+0 / -0
I feel obligated to refer you to this brilliant caricature. (A bit of trivia: that post is the second most upvoted post on the forums right after a thug model by CaptainBenz).
+1 / -0
I concur with all that has been said. As a new player myself, I am familiar with facing the steep learning curve. There are players out there who are unfriendly towards new players, but there are also players who will invest significant energy into helping out new players. Some of the very experienced players have spare 'attention capacity', if you will, and such payers can take a leadership role in team games in respect of those players less skilled. The balancing system in the game helps with this, since teams with a certain number have at least a few experienced players on both sides who can help less experienced players. I can vouch for Svatopluk who I saw help someone out once quite extensively. The trouble is that you saw Firepluk and Svatopluk acting together and they have a bit of a trollistic synergy when doing so, which possibly teters on the edge of being what is allowable in Zero-K.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
(A bit of trivia: that post is the second most upvoted post on the forums right after a thug model by CaptainBenz).

Apparently no longer...
+0 / -0

10 years ago
All according to plan.
+1 / -0

10 years ago
Both pluks have been banned a number of times, but as long as they keep their noses clean and don't actually teamkill or troll, we can only do so much to stop them from being arseholes. It is the internet afterall.
+0 / -0
First I don't understand what it is all about bcause pluks said nothing offensive (this time) and seemed to just ignore BGrankNormthegorm (so did other people in the room which were not typing).
Second I feel like BGrankNormthegorm just walked into a joke that they didn't understand and suggesting that it is offensive towards them (according to provided text)
For third I say that pluks are not the most unfriendly players in the community... (they are just most irritating). A lot of it (albait not all I admit) comes from demonizing them into such state (because of irritating factor). Also people tend to forget (or just don't know) of such people like Smoke_Fumus for example.

Ps. Mind you BGrankNormthegorm that people are not obliged to helping you in any way. This is internet after all :\
+1 / -0

10 years ago
What's the issue here? As far as I can tell you got plenty of advice

"[18:55] TLama: not fail :D"
seems like solid advice to me

"[18:56] Svatopluk: u could have also scuttled yourself"
not the best advice but SKrankSvatopluk is also a nub so you can't blame him for having bad advice, at least he's making an effort

I think your expectations might be a little high if you expect random strangers to hold your hand
+1 / -0

10 years ago
PLrankOrfelius: I suppose they were not offensive as such, but suggesting that a new player skuttles themselves or "resigns sooner" is both entirely unhelpful and is having some fun at the expense of that player. While such behavior may not be actively censured that doesn't mean it merits defending.

I say that pluks are not the most unfriendly players in the community... (they are just most irritating).

Who are the most unfriendly players in the community, then? I suppose I can think of a few...

People on the internet are indeed not obliged to help you; they're not even obliged to not make jokes at your expense. However, those who make jokes at the expense of others should not expect that this will have no effect on the opinion others have of them.
+8 / -0
It was this game and we all failed there, so what I've said was right on the spot and not only for BGrankNormthegorm, but for the whole team as well. Then we played few games where he did quite well and were no conflicts whatsoever.
Was it really necessary to start a thread about that? O.o
+0 / -0
Who are the most unfriendly players in the community, then? I suppose I can think of a few...

Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! I know you meant me <3
*shakes violently"
+0 / -0
10 years ago
+1 / -0