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Thoughts on Unlocks

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13 years ago
I've been looking over the unlocks, thinking about what gameplay purpose they serve, and I think it could be best summed up as: Advanced Bells and Whistles.

They're not supposed to be essential, and in theory, as I understand it, a player with fully unlocked technologies and commander modules shouldn't have any advantages over a player with none. And I think that having some factories and units tied into the XP system is counterproductive to that purpose.

Why do the Heavy Tank, Airplane, and Jumpjet factories require unlocking? If it's because they're harder to use effectively, making a player play without them isn't going to teach them how to use them. And when the player unlocks the Heavy Tank factory, why does he have to separately unlock the Panther and Goliath?

It makes some sense that the Athena-built striders require unlocking, as they're only a factor late in the game and even then only on larger maps. But why is the Athena itself an unlockable unit? If the Goliath, Reef, and Krow are unlockable, why not the Sumo? Why is something as crucial to airplane strategies as the Licho bomber unlocked separately from the Airplane Plant?

If we want some things locked up to prevent a new player being confused by complexity, then we need ways to unlock them that don't require the newbie to "earn" the right to use them by spending their hard-won XP. XP-based unlocks should be rewards, not just removing training wheels.

For example, I'm currently working on a Naval Tutorial, that is designed to teach the player the basics of how to use naval units (which are far more confusing than the differences between Airplanes [locked] and Gunships [unlocked]). What if the Shipyard was locked for new players until they had completed the tutorial (it's going to be pretty short, <10 minutes)? Maybe even have it be over-ridable ("Are you sure you want to unlock the Shipyard without completing the Naval Tutorial?")? And similar for anything else where we're trying to avoid confusing complexity: Build a tutorial, so that the player gets the opportunity to learn how to deal with them.

It just seems like XP-based unlocks should be limited to commander upgrades, and the "Heavy Striders". But basic functionality (like the Athena, or factory-built units) shouldn't be linked to it.

+0 / -0

13 years ago
Factory unlocks are meaningfless.. in 10-20 games you get all of them, its just to limit choice for very fresh newbies who are lost in game with too many options.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
They're not meaningless, they're part of the "newbie experience", and unlocking just another factory isn't a very positive experience. And I've had more than 20 multiplayer games, and still haven't unlocked all the factories (because I've been trying to get Commander modules as well). Commander upgrades are fun ways to use those XP, factories and units aren't.

+1 / -0

13 years ago
Any more you could elaborate on what you dislike about unlocking factories?

Are you familiar enough with the units to feel like having them locked away is a waste?

Are the factories not unique enough to be worth unlocking different ones?
+0 / -0
13 years ago

1) If XP is a reward, using it to unlock factories feels like a gyp.

2) If factories are equal, except for their suitability for certain maps or strategies, then locking them up for newbies is depriving them of the ability to be competitive on those maps or to exercise those strategies.

3) If factories are balanced, then having some units from those factories locked means they are gimped until unlocked.

There are 3000-4500 xp worth of units (depending on on where you want to draw the line) that are part of the basic gameplay that are not available to a genuine newbie. That is a minimum of 30 hours of play before the newbie has all of the units available to him, and more likely 60+, and for that time he is gimped, crippled, inadequate. That does not make a welcoming newbie experience.

When you have hundreds of hours of experience in this game, you can't see it the way that a newbie sees it. That's not an attack, simply a statement of fact.

+0 / -0

13 years ago
1) unlocking factories is currently poorly implemented. IMO it would be better to lock everything except for 1 lab and two or three units in multiplayer until players finish a singleplayer campaign. Then we could sort the necessary things from the extra glitter -- xp would be for extra, campaign would be for the necessary units.

2) newbies aren't competitive. period. They can't be, they don't know the units. If they are competitive players, they will learn quickly and unlock the stuff they don't have in a few games time.

3) yes. some of the unit unlocks are dumb, others are for keeping newbies from spamming useless units or units that are harmful to themselves

There are only ~600 (+250 for athena) xp required to get *every single factory* not 4000... units are only a couple hundred a piece on top of that, which raises the bar for useful units to an upper limit of 2000 and I'm being generous there. Getting all the factories takes a handful of games, you could unlock all of them in 5 hours easy. Even farming bots you could do that.

Anyway, I agree current unlocks are not optimal, but you are not helping your point making outrageous claims and buying comm upgrades instead of units/facs.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Okay, I don't want to turn this into a tit-for-tat, but if you draw the line at the Doomsday Machine, it takes 4250 xp to unlock all basic units and factories. Even if you leave out all non-factory buildings, it's over 3000.

+0 / -0

12 years ago
Things like doomsday, DRP, Detriment, etc. will never get built in a serious, "competitive" game. They are for lulz, FFAs, and speedmetal games. Newbies do not need to build them, they are purely extra toys.

all basic units and factories are under 2000xp. Even if you include silly stuff to bump it to 3000, thats what, 6 levels worth of xp? you can get up to level 6 pretty quickly.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I just want to be clear, I think yes, unlocks could definitely use an improvement, but getting all the necessary units is not hard and does not take very long. Commander modules and upgrades are completely superfluous. As are things like Advanced Radar tower, Metal Storage, etc. which have uses in the aforementioned ffa or silly games.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Yes, I'm not talking about the Detriment, Jugglenaut, etc. All factories, plus all factory-built units, over 3000 XP. Useful unlockable buildings (screamer, singularity reactor, annihilator) not including the BB, Behemoth, etc, 1200 more.

That's a daunting barrier for someone who is just starting the game. Yeah, you can cheese it up with springie games against the AI (with it gimped) and make 200-300 XP an hour, but in genuine play 60-100/hour is more typical.

+0 / -0
12 years ago
Let me turn this around: Is there any particular reason why certain factories and units require XP to unlock?

+0 / -0
12 years ago
I might like to note that I have never seen a high rank player build a singularity, screamer or power-using defence structure.

Hell, in most games, they don't even build a HLT!
+0 / -0

12 years ago
The unlocks system is the result of a variety of forces applied by several people. It reaches equilibrium when everyone feels that arguing or changing the current system is pointless.

I think most of the system is unneeded and detrimental so I can't argue for it. But think I know the variety of reasons given.

I think this summarises some of the forces..

Saktoth: "League of Legends" Players should never run out of things to unlock (don't ask me why). He was going to add more silly FFA stuff to unlock but so far has half added 1 unit.

Licho: "Farmville" Players should become addicted to unlocks which keeps them playing.

KingRaptor: "???" I have no idea what KR is trying to do with the system. He seems to do random stuff.

GoogleFrog: "1990s" fewer unlocks and speed. I sway between attempting to logically organise the system and using everyone else's lack of logic to make as few things locked as possible. Also unlocks should occur quickly.

Skasi: He doesn't do much but occasionally he'll lock stuff he doesn't think noobs should have.

I also think players exist that will see a unlockables system and completely disregard a game but noone else seems to think this.

There are a few types of locked units, often they have different reasons:
  • Factories
  • Cheap buildings
  • Random smattering of cheap units
  • Porcy expensive stuff (DDM to Nuke cost)
  • The cheaper mechs (Bantha, Jugg)
  • Super expensive endgame buildings and Mechs

Factories are locked based on Licho's assertion that new players are commonly overwhelmed by choice and don't know what to do. The hard to use factories are supposed to be locked. This aim was destroyed by KingRaptor iirc when he decided completely new players need to be able to play any kind of map in 1v1 from their first game. So now Spiders and Gunships are unlocked even though they are far easier to mess up with than Cloakybots.

The "noob trap" buildings such as Storage, Pylons and Adv Radar are locked. The general idea with this and locked factories is to give people and idea of what to build. Both these things could be replaced with good tutorials.

I don't really know why the random smattering of units such as Scythe and Panther are locked. This was mostly implemented by Saktoth and KingRaptor with the rational that these units are duplicates within their factories. That assertion is clearly false as people use these units. This bit makes the least sense.

Porcy expensive stuff is more reasonably locked as new players often make the most expensive turrets as defence etc... and this probably doesn't affect normal teamgames as a teammate will have the unlock. Although I think the old OP Krow was somewhat due to an expensive Screamer lock so this stuff can potentially break games.

Mechs and Super Expensive Stuff is locked because often the fact that it is locked does not matter. Although when it does matter the game becomes really really broken. In FFA unlocks should definitely be disabled. But the stupidly expensive stuff can be required in a teamgame, it is rare but the game would be ruined if one side had access and one didn't. I had Utukki ragequit a teamgame because we had reached the Bantha point and he didn't have access to them.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Imho, if you really wanted to make the game have less of a learning-curve for newbies but still let a newbie compete, you'd go with an in-game research system. You build research to unlock units. To start you can only build raiders, antiswarmers, beamers, etc. and you build research to unlock more. Research is shared across the team.

It would be a drastic, but it would mean that it's immediately apparent what the starting tactics should be (by forcing players to reasonable starting deployments) and would mean that units that are OP openers (blackdawns) would be a little harder to roll-out with and could be balanced for late-game play.

Of course, it would also seriously limit the openers for more experienced players.

The present unlock system would be moved to comm-upgrades-only. It also wouldn't solve the problem that many entire factories are challenging to start with.

Ultimately, the best solution is a nice tutirial SP campaign.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Yeah when nano coms are gon HLT's becoming rarity. Normally high cost units are built by noobs only, but planes should be unlocked by default, since they are best aa, or at least suppose to be.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Just sayin, it's good that airplane factory is locked, as it's probably the hardest fac to use properly. Newbies should learn to use a land fac or gunships first.
+1 / -0
12 years ago
Fighters are not the best aa there is. Their strenght is that they can cover the whole map but they are not supposed to be better at killing air than aa is.
+1 / -0

12 years ago
In-game research would be the end of flat balance.

It could work out something well, but it would be a monumental turn-around of one of the original design principles. Current system works decently well because it eases newbies into the system without changing the game for veteran players.

AbuseMagnet, don't forget everyone had to work their way through the unlock system from the bottom, even the people with 1000+ hours of experience. Personally I went straight for the factories and various units as my first unlocks, as they are way cheaper than modules anyway. But your feedback is appreciated.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
It wouldn't have to be the end of flat balance (and flat balance is kind of a fraud when it comes to starting Tank Lab) - every lab has raiders and antiswarmers. You just make the artillery and special units researched. The stealth-melees and assaults and crawling stunners in the cloakybot lab could be unlocked through research just like the rest of the labs.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
It wouldn't be flat balance because you would have created teching, just implemented with the research instead of a factory progression like TA or Starcraft.

Even if tanks are not easily viable, they aren't blocked by research requirements.
+0 / -0
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