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Economic victory conditions.

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13 years ago
Another whine topic from VoObs :O

I'd like to ask about eco victory conditions, either we do something wrong or the system is set wrong. By mere looking at the galaxy map you can see our sole clan owns more planets than all (!) the other Factions altogether.
Also we have twice as much influence as other factions COMBINED (!). All our planets are nicely boosted with wormholes, advanced mines etc. which means Loads of IP, taxes, income and everything....Since the start of season we gained several planets daily, so these conditions are almost constant for hundreds of turns now.

I was told by Licho recently, that it counts not only credits - but all structures with their cost. (Assets = credits + price of structures).

Now if you look at economic victory conditions and the progress bar, I wonder how the hell we are not winning already? Who can possibly hold the rest of assets, can ayone tell me? :(
Whole Ascended faction has allegedly only 219.630 in assets, which is less than one QUARTER of victory conditions, which is now set to 50% ? Does that mean we own only 1/8 of all galaxy assets ? This is unbelievable.

Look, if you take only price of our structures - each planet has in fact like 15k in structures, multiplied by 50 planets and add the enormous taxes from IP.... Its really hard to believe we have only 1/8 of assets, 220k / 50 planets = each planet has only 4400 credit structures in average. Really ?
And I didnt even mentioned credits in hard cash we have...

BTW if you think that we bought too much IP or get our structures destroyed - no. I am almost lonely buyer in the clan and spent max 10k on purchases, so no credits going away from clan this way,. Structures get destroyed from time to time, but heck no in zillions of credits. I presume repairs cost us max. 50k since the start of season.

To my surprise, Unaligned Worlds were even in the lead yesterday WTF?... They have less than half (!) planets we own, with poor structures and still they were in the lead. Something must be wrong, can anyone explain this paradox ?

+0 / -0

13 years ago
Presumably Licho knows what is going on... I think he is the only one.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I was wondering too why we didnt got economic victory in the begin. We almost had eco victory but then it miracelousely started to decrease fast.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
It might be counting credits only. I wasn't around for the round start but it might be that an increase in activity of people from other factions has increase the amount of credits in the galaxy, especially if they aren't spending it.

Irdc though, maybe just give them victory so they will shut up and we can move on.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
If you add up all the credits of all Ascended clans, you get to the amount it says in PW. So you'll need to hold 50% of the Credits it seems in current game.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
So not price of structures then? When did this change ?
+0 / -0

13 years ago
maybe the total asset sum is the value when you build on every planet every building and sum that amount of all?
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Assets means structures + credits right?

+0 / -0
13 years ago
I looked at the clan list and if you ad the credits up from all the clans it doesnt even come near 2 million.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
You have $200,000 not $2,00,000. There are a lot of non-clan players who are earning influence and thus credits, now.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
So you are saying those nonclan ppl with no planets have 1 million credits? Thats impossible.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
I think it's credits/(credits+structures).
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Oh my bad, I was wrong about a multiple of 10
+0 / -0
13 years ago
kingraptor that would be impossible it should be
(biggest faction(credits+structures)/total(credits+structures))*100 = ??%
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Added all credits of the clans up and i come out on 647686 credits total. This is all clans including V. Non clanners have almost no credits since they dont have planets and arent very active pw players.
But it says 50% is like 1 million meaning total is somehow 2 million??
+0 / -0
13 years ago
KingRaptor - Yes the progress bar shows probably this
pure liquid $/ galaxy assets (liquid $+structures)

But it should be assets/assets
By assets is meant combined liquid cash and structures. Otherwise it would be impossible to reach eco victory at all, using this logic. Think of A/B where B grows as fast as you grow A, while B composes of two growing factors. So the more credits you are supposed to make the further your goal will reach.
And you cannot increase A without B of course.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Maybe the point of liquid/all is that all assets will eventually hit a peak whereas your credits are unbounded. This system makes a bit of sense for the start of the game...
+0 / -0
13 years ago
10:45] [V]Rick dunno a while ago
[10:45] [V]Rick but somehow structures are counted for total
[10:45] [V]Rick but not for the biggest faction
[10:45] [V]Rick so structures not only reduce your credits
[10:46] [V]Rick the also increase the amount of credits you need to win
[10:46] [V]Rick which explains the ridiculously high total assets
[10:46] [V]ConTrust Yes thats why I consider it broken
[10:46] * PlanetWars Cannot be balanced well at this point
[10:47] [V]ConTrust WHen you built the mining post, did it add to total galaxy assets ?
[10:47] [V]Rick hmm
[10:47] [V]Rick didnt checked
[10:47] [V]Rick can you check it?
[10:47] [V]Rick if it stays the same it counts structures too
[10:47] [V]Rick $1052632 is total now
[10:48] [V]Rick contrust buy something and check it again
[10:48] * PlanetWars Cannot be balanced well at this point
[10:48] * PlanetWars http://zero-k.info/PlanetWars
[10:48] * PlanetWars Pacvet this is competetive PlanetWars campaign server. Join a clan to conquer the galaxy http://zero-k.info/Planetwars/ClanList
[10:48] * PlanetWars http://zero-k.info/PlanetWars
[10:48] * PlanetWars Ivied this is competetive PlanetWars campaign server. Join a clan to conquer the galaxy http://zero-k.info/Planetwars/ClanList
[10:48] [V]Rick $1052032
[10:49] [V]Rick wtf? 600 less???
[10:49] [V]Rick really wierd
[10:49] [V]ConTrust lol wut
[10:49] [V]ConTrust Look
[10:49] [V]Rick you spend 7k
[10:49] [V]Rick and it reduced by 600??!?!?!
[10:49] [V]Rick cant see the logic
[10:49] * PlanetWars Cannot be balanced well at this point

Did a test to see wether structures count for total credits and well its really weird....
+0 / -0
13 years ago
7k = 3500 :)
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Rick wanted to say this:
I tested building Orbital defense platform on one planet. It costs 3500 $ and look what happened.

A/B eco victory A decreased by 3500 (cost deducted from ascended progress confirms that A means ONLY credits) but what is more weird - total sum of galaxy decreased by 600$.

After http://i51.tinypic.com/2irn668.jpg7
Now I really don't understand.
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