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Zero-K 2v2 Tournament 12/6/14

4 posts, 1352 views
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10 years ago
December's first and RUrankParzival's second tourney is to be held this Saturday, at 17:00 UTC, in 2v2 Swiss format.

You can read up on the rules and sign up here.
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10 years ago
Wasn't it just delayed :?
+0 / -0
It should be starting right now, but i see no activity.

Looks like there might be only one tourney in December.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
RUrankParzival basically cancelled it and made a 1v1 tournament for next weekend. I can't really cast that weekend. For reference, I'm also going to be most available on the 20th, which is the best day for the main 2v2 December tournament, as people mostly won't be away with family yet.
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