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Title: MM 1561: 1v1, Rank Giant
Host: Nobody
Game version: Zero-K v1.8.7.2
Engine version: 104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f
Battle ID: 945050
Started: 4 years ago
Duration: 3 minutes
Players: 2
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Competitive
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Team 1
Chance of victory: 60.9%

Team 2
Chance of victory: 39.1%


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This was an interesting one. He took tanks and did an ogre rush with his commander. His commander towered up at my base. I flea scouted his ogre rush very early but then didn't know what to make. I tried a widow + redback, but it didn't work out because he had towers near my fac by the time the widow was ready. I really am scratching my head about what I should have done when I scouted the ogre.
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4 years ago
Here is what I would suggest to change so that it's easier to ward this kind of stuff.

#1 Use your commander to forward expand instead of a con. It makes better use of the built-in radar. In this game your opponent detects your forward defenses (the stardust) and walks right around it.

#2 Your commander can solo defend your first expansion. Your factory needs to be protected by at least a lotus. That way, if your opponent goes straight for your factory and you retreat your commander to defend, you have more firepower at home. If your opponent is really aggressive, he didn't eco so you can afford to lose a forward mex. He probably doesn't have one either, and in fact, does not have one in this game.

I'm not 100% sure what spider unit is best vs ogre. Technically assaults beat riots, and so do skirmishers. Either recluse or maybe hermit? The point however is that if your opponent is going for the throat and your first 200 metal is in a stardust that they just walk around, that 200 metal doesn't help you in any way. If that 200 metal was spent back home on whatever unit/llt/picket, you probably would have deflected the attack.
+1 / -0

4 years ago
infiltrator might be a thing
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4 years ago
You're right, the stardust was a waste. I didn't realize at the time he was going to go straight for my fac.

I guess, when I saw the ogre, I should have stopped building mexes/solars immediately, and just made units. Maybe if I did that I could have gotten enough hermits and recluses to stop it.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
Imo, Stinger.
+1 / -0
and if Keo stops at stinger-range and builds pork in front of you himself?
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4 years ago
I think your commander to match the enemy commander + two recluse would do the job and cost around the same. If he tries to advance into you boil out fleas direct from the fac to tank ogre shots. If he doesn't advance into you then Recluse will push it back
+0 / -0
and if Keo stops at stinger-range and builds pork in front of you himself?

Assuming he sacrificed his economy to rush out the Ogre, settling for a sitzkrieg is a losing proposition for a cheeser.

Expand in other directions while he's sitting there, defending against your turrets with his turrets, or just make an artillery piece.

Consider: even if he did not sacrifice his economy, the Stinger is cheaper than his Ogre. Making the 500m Ogre impotent with a 400m turret is a 100m win for you even discounting tempo, economy, and the fringe benefit of not having your base leveled.
+0 / -0
One perhaps undesired consequence of putting the radar on the commander is that it's much harder to expand without your opponent knowing, especially on small maps.

In this particular case one player built 2 mexes, a solar and wind gen. Then they went straight into ogre and moved across the field.

Unless the first thing you do is sneak a con to the opposite corner of the map, the enemy commander traveling across the map will see your con or your mex for that matter.

I could be wrong, but I interpret the commander having a built-in radar a mechanism to help players deal with raids. In games like these, the radar is as useful to the attacker as it is to the defender.
+1 / -0
I should have made recluses. Single player testing shows that if an ogre runs at 2 recluses on flat ground, the recluses win before the ogre can fire a shot. Although this does depend on the recluses having space to back up, and in this game my fac was in a corner. However, if I canceled the stardust and solars/mexes after spotting the ogre, I would have had plenty of time to get the recluses and move them forward to kill his ogre, and could have also followed up with a widow to kill his comm.
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