Last battles
117 played, 35 watched, 16 missionsB312497 3 on Mininuggets_v3
B312492 1 on Mininuggets_v3
B312404 3 on Mininuggets_v3
B312325 1 on vauban
B312321 1 on vauban
B311805 1 on DunePatrol_wip_v03
B199489 2 on techno lands 3v3
B197979 4 on Chicken_Roast_v1
B197972 4 on Chicken_Roast_v1
B197969 2 on OnyxCauldron1.6
Poll votes
- Do you watch replays? : no, do not know how or which ones are worth watching.
- What do you think about unit micro AI (units on fight keeping distance, jiggling around, AA saving shots etc) : Add more. It saves me from micro-management.
- What operating system are you using? : Windows
- How did you learn about Zero-K? : From magazine/blog article
- What do you think SHOULD BE the base metal extractor sharing ratio? (overdrive still 100% shared) : 5% private, 95% shared - current
First Login: 12 years ago, Last Login: 10 years agoForum karma: +0 / -0
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