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B256404 9 on MiniFolsomDamDeluxeV4-V2 (Multiplayer)

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Post edit history
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5/5/2014 10:41:24 PMRUrankbanana_Ai before revert after revert
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1 [quote]If i want to be a bad boy again i can start to exploit the vindicator and then i can make it go to space. And thats a bad thing...Vindicator droping skuttles from space on singus is VERRY bad! [/quote] 1 [quote]If i want to be a bad boy again i can start to exploit the vindicator and then i can make it go to space. And thats a bad thing...Vindicator droping skuttles from space on singus is VERRY bad! [/quote]
2 U cannot. Isn't lanucnhing gunshits into sapce is imposible now? 2 U cannot. Isn't lanucnhing gunshits into sapce imposible now?
3 \n 3 \n
4 [quote]what did they do to them? [/quote] 4 [quote]what did they do to them? [/quote]
5 The same bug happens with Valkyrie trying take Mace. 5 The same bug happens with Valkyrie trying take Mace.