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Post edit history

B232303 11 on Archers_Valley_v6 (Multiplayer)

To display differences between versions, select one or more edits in the list using checkboxes and click "diff selected"
Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
2/3/2014 9:07:39 AMGBrankKyubey before revert after revert
Before After
1 lol, no stiletos 1 lol, no stiletos
2 hundreds of stiletos 2 hundreds of stiletos
3 thousands of stiletos 3 thousands of stiletos
4 millions of stilletos 4 millions of stilletos
5 \n
6 [img]http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3258/3176397074_94b6f9969e_z.jpg?zz=1[/img]