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Finding a role for the Spiderlight

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11/5/2013 4:29:57 PMGBrank[GBC]1v0ry_k1ng before revert after revert
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1 well. . this would be an alternate ( defensive) composition, with the ( hopefully speedbuffed) hermit making up the offensive composition and the recluse continuing the spiderball build. It would be nice to give spiders a few more options rather than making the same builds every game 1 well. . this would be an alternate ( defensive or low density raiding) composition, with the ( hopefully speedbuffed) hermit making up the offensive composition and the recluse continuing the spiderball build. It would be nice to give spiders a few more options rather than making the same builds every game
2 \n 2 \n
3 I would envisage the unit as having fairly high range if deploy to fire (around 390, tiny bit more than mace before the nerf) so the spherical range would not be such a problem 3 I would envisage the unit as having fairly high range if deploy to fire (around 390, tiny bit more than mace before the nerf) so the spherical range would not be such a problem