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Defender model replacement

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
10/27/2013 2:57:54 PMDErank_LordMuffe_ before revert after revert
10/27/2013 2:57:23 PMDErank_LordMuffe_ before revert after revert
Before After
1 well, I see that this version doesnt get much love. no prob, I will used it in some other way and make a new one. 1 well, I see that this version doesnt get much love. no prob, I will use it in some other way and make a new one.
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3 The only good point of the current defender-model is that its easy distinguishable from other units, thats what this one lacks, I admit that. But other than that, sorry the old one is just ugly. 3 The only good point of the current defender-model is that its easy distinguishable from other units, thats what this one lacks, I admit that. But other than that, sorry the old one is just ugly.
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5 @GoogleFrog: wouldn´t your example mean that the turret would have a big baseplate again? also, it would be to close to the old design which is... imo... ugly. 5 @GoogleFrog: wouldn´t your example mean that the turret would have a big baseplate again? also, it would be to close to the old design which is... imo... ugly.
6 Why can´t the poles poke below the ground? Its water isnt it? Or just because it looks strange? It would add quite some polies to make those poles into telescope poles. 6 Why can´t the poles poke below the ground? Its water isnt it? Or just because it looks strange? It would add quite some polies to make those poles into telescope poles.
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8 I have an idea which should both look flimsy and have the missiles more visible as in the previous version. I will also include something to make it float able, totally forgot that on the current version :) 8 I have an idea which should both look flimsy and have the missiles more visible as in the previous version. I will also include something to make it float able, totally forgot that on the current version :)