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Jumpjet balance

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
9/29/2013 5:27:34 PMGBrank[GBC]1v0ry_k1ng before revert after revert
Before After
1 moderator could just do with being remixed into somthing either more durable or cheaper. 1 moderator could just do with being remixed into somthing either more durable or cheaper.
2 \n 2 \n
3 I agree there is a hole in the Jumpies line-up - kind of like with the spiders line-up - which is why these factories have a distinctive playstyle (they aren't very flexible). 3 I agree there is a hole in the Jumpies line-up - kind of like with the spiders line-up - which is why these factories have a distinctive playstyle (they aren't very flexible).
4 \n 4 \n
5 I would emphasise that the jack is actually a superb unit and my favorite assault unit (even over ravager), but it does need micromanagement and it does not fare well against EMP, which is why is suxxor vs Zeus. 5 I would emphasise that the jack is actually a superb unit and my favorite assault unit (even over ravager), but it does need micromanagement and it does not fare well against EMP, which is why is suxxor vs Zeus.
6 \n 6 \n
7 I agree that a workable skirmish unit or else something else that is effective vs assaults without being an assault would be an ideal addition to the fac, especially if designed to combo well with the moderator ( which to be honest lacks synergy with the rest of the lab currently) . 7 I agree that a workable skirmish unit or else something else that is effective vs assaults without being an assault would be an ideal addition to the fac, especially if designed to combo well with the moderator ( which to be honest lacks synergy with the rest of the lab currently) . Somthing that can only hit slow moving units. .