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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
9/23/2013 6:26:39 AMAUrankAdminSaktoth before revert after revert
Before After
1 Downvotes are just disagreements. They are not personal insults. 1 Downvotes are just disagreements. They are not personal insults.
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3 But if you complain and criticize us when we are trying to fix technical issues, it doesn't 'help us realise there are problems', it just demotivates us, insults us and makes us feel bad. This is not a big company with dedicated tech staff, there will be downtime. 3 But if you complain and criticize us when we are trying to fix technical issues, it doesn't 'help us realise there are problems', it just demotivates us, insults us and makes us feel bad. This is not a big company with dedicated tech staff, there will be downtime.
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5 The ZK devs do a lot of work for free and all we'd like in return is respect and gratitude. Maybe you're not the guy to sit around praising the devs, but other people, who do wish to show their appreciation, will disagree with you and give you a -1 vote if you, as you say, 'whine until they fix it' (Because this doesn't help). 5 The ZK devs do a lot of work for free and all we'd like in return is respect and gratitude. Maybe you're not the guy to sit around praising the devs, but other people, who do wish to show their appreciation, will disagree with you and give you a -1 vote if you, as you say, 'whine until they fix it' (Because this doesn't help).
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7 This is not a personal insult, it is a disagreement with the sentiments you express. 7 They're disagreeing with the sentiments you express, so perhaps you should think hard about how productive it is to be expressing those sentiments in the first place. That is the route to less downvotes.